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Army Thread Friday 3rd August

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    Army Thread Friday 3rd August

    Goooooooooooooooooooooood morning, Army

    POETS day! Yay!

    What's everyone planning for the weekend? Other than watching olympics, of course. Speaking of which, keep an eye out for Bladerunner with the athletics being on.

    Have a happy Friday, everyone
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Friday 3rd August

    Morning Tips, no definative plans other than my top priority of having an AF weekend. How was the traffic?
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Army Thread Friday 3rd August

      KTAB;1359233 wrote: Morning Tips, no definative plans other than my top priority of having an AF weekend. How was the traffic?
      Morning, Tabbers

      Well, given recent experience, you'll probably disappear into your garden for extended periods. You should get chipped so that Mrs. KTAB can track you down more easily.

      :goodjob: on getting your priorities straight.

      Traffic was a breeze this morning. But only because I left the house at 5.45. Any later than that and you're stuck.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread Friday 3rd August

        Morning Tipps and Ktab. Raining here and more forecast for the day. No definate plans for the weekend but staying af is no1. Got some gardening to catch up on if it doesn't rain all weekend. Household stuff and shopping. There is a festivsal on in Bray which i think ends this weekend so i might go out there sunday evening and catch the music and fireworks. More coffee now hope you all have a good friday. :cupajoe::wavin:


          Army Thread Friday 3rd August

          Garden, swimming and sport on tv sounds about right. P**ing rain again this morning, poor plants dont know what season it is. Leaving early makes a like lot of sense, I had rushing around. Treat yourself to a coffee and danish for being a clever boy :goodjob:
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Army Thread Friday 3rd August

            Just thinking, it must cost you a fortune in fuel with your daily journey if the prices are anything like here, @ approx €1.60 a litre.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Army Thread Friday 3rd August

              Morning Foxy

              The Bray outing sounds good!

              Yeh - our fuel bill is a bit of a shocker, Tabbers. We pay less per litre, but then we also earn in ZAR.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                Hi FF, hope the weather is kind to you on Sunday, how did your cherry tree fair with its haircut?
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                  Hi Tabbers yeah i hope the weather inproves over the weekend. Cherry tree is ok it only flowers part of spring but its get very overgrown when the leaves grow in summer still looks quite full for the middle of a small garden but i guess i'll keep it as i was going to cut it down too much maintanaince in summer. I'll get AA meeting in over the weekend and thats about it so far. I hope you have a good weekend too and get what you need done and relax as well. Tipps its our august bank holiday weekend here but not sure bout UK i'm sure someone will be along soon. Just having brown bread and strwberry jam for brekkie.


                    Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                    Hahaha I had forgotten about the bank holiday, thanks for making my morning a happy one FF. UK have thirds at the end of the month. Ok must away to work now.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                      morning, ktab, foxy and tippers, i'm working this saturday fifteen hour shift again, but least its money, theres a festival on here too foxy, we went yesterday, there was a massive wooden labryinth, terrocotta warriors that lit up at night, a man doing a charlie chaplin type show and at ten pm last night there was a massive moving statue type thing called prometheu's that danced to music and disabled individuals doig acrobats this lady was inside a white bag filled with water she was hanging from a single wire on a crane very very high in the sky and then proceeded to do acrobats to music along with the massive statue and the lady only had one leg, she was very good and it was a great show, kind of put it into perspective what a person can really achieve, then there was individuals with physical and learning disabilities that done air acrobatics too, they were clipped onto a metal frame, that went really high in the sky and they danced on the frame was bloody marvellous, its on all weekend with different things im hoping to catch some more on the weekend
                      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                      Audrey Hepburn


                        Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                        Wow that sounded like a great show pinky and yes its amazing and brave what people can acheive with disabilities etc puts me to shame sometimes i really should do more to get out get fitter and healthier.


                          Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                          Morning Army
                          Zooooooming out this morning.
                          back laters xxx


                            Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                            your right foxy, puts me to shame too, off to work, see ya's later
                            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                            Audrey Hepburn


                              Army Thread Friday 3rd August

                              Mornin campers. Late check in this morn. Soooo tired last few days.
                              Tipps have been taking tiny doses of Bac. Is that why I'm tired?
                              Don't need them for AL but found small dose in eve helps with sleep.

