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Mini update

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    Mini update

    Guitarrista;1359601 wrote: G'day y'all,

    It's nice to be back after a recent couple of weeks off.

    All good here, and moving forward through daily action towards my goals.

    The main reason for this post is to say that sometimes we can get a little disheartened by certain perceptions we get here on the boards, and in my case, that was a perceived lack of support. But this perception was not true. There is Lot's of support here, and sometimes we have to ask for it. I am one of those very independent folk who thinks he can or should do everything on his own. Well, it's okay to ask for support. You will find support here somewhere eventually, and you will find a great thread you feel comfortable with, maybe drop in and out of the various excellent threads, or start your own.

    My point is, stopping drinking and staying stopped, is difficult to do alone. It can be done, but i encourage everyone to seek out the support and camaraderie here, and use it. And seek out support in your '3D' day to day real life too.

    Taking daily action is essential, and soon becomes a fun, effortless part of our lives, building a strong foundation for a sober life.

    Take care, and strive for happiness. Yes you. :welcome:


    Aah great post Mr G Its so easy to get complacent,Reading words in answer to our posts here shows people are listening and do care, sure you cant beat it.Was going to give ya hug here but we will just settle for a handshake Glad your back.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Mini update

      Ah thanks Mario, and thanks for taking the time to write everyone.

      I feel heartened and honoured by your posts and offers of support. I'm okay here, and doing fine. It was just an earlier observation i made of myself at one point.

      Better get my big girl pants on.......

      Hope everyone's having a great weekend! :h

      (and for Mario.....:l)

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Mini update

        I have felt like that in the past and backed off, deleted posts and stayed away from this site. This time I am really putting myself out there - I really tend to keep to myself when going through rough spots. I find this site is really helping me and others, you in particular have been a tremendous support and inspiration to many.

        Have a great weekend!
        new beginnings July 16, 2012


          Mini update

          Mr G,

          I often feel uncertain or hesitant when posting as I'm very new here. It's hard to know what to write or if others mind you joining in. This thread made me feel so much more comfortable about joining in and posting. I have often written posts and deleted them as I felt unsure . Thank you for making me realize it isn't just me that feels this way at times.

          Thank you! Beffy


            Mini update

            Mr G!!!

            Every second person on MWO says they love you and that they are your number fan. IT IS NOT TRUE.....

            I AM............!!!

            Just love you so much I want to squeeze you 'til your eyes bulge!!!!

            It is great to have you completely back!

            It IS a wonderful feeling when you're joining in on life, at all sorts of levels. Being a drunk just doesn't allow life to be what it can be if we make the effort, not just at quitting AL, but at all the things we want to experience. You only get out of things, what you put in.... Crap in, crap out!!

            Lots of good stuff going your way from ME.:h:l

            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
            Mother Theresa


              Mini update

              Beffy2001;1360327 wrote: Mr G,

              I often feel uncertain or hesitant when posting as I'm very new here. It's hard to know what to write or if others mind you joining in. This thread made me feel so much more comfortable about joining in and posting. I have often written posts and deleted them as I felt unsure . Thank you for making me realize it isn't just me that feels this way at times.

              Thank you! Beffy
              Hiya Beffy.

              Thanks for your post. I just want to give you a warm and big welcome to MWO! :welcome:

              It's an amazing place with lot's of useful info, strategy idea's, and inspiration.

              Best wishes on your journey, and if you get stuck, just sing out ok?

              Ah Noicey. Hugs back at ya!........

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Mini update

                Gster, so glad you are back full time. Always here if you need.

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  Mini update

                  Oh G, this made me a bit sad to read - that you felt unsupported. I think, as others have said, that if that has been the case it's because people see you as being so strong and positive that it probably just doesn't occur to them that you need support. That is a compliment to you but shouldn't be an issue when you do need a little of all that you give here given back to you.

                  So please, please do reach out when you do and I know you'd have oodles of support in no time!

                  How're you going? I have got the impression from some of your posts that maybe you had come back here after a bit of a slide back into the booze pit but I didn't want to make assumptions in asking since you weren't clear? I hope if that is the case you are picking yourself back up AND getting all the support you need both here and IRL. :l

                  Support gladly offered here anytime. :h


                    Mini update

                    Thank you Mr G!! You have made me feel so welcome and it's great to know the support is there.

                    Day 3 for me!!

                    Good luck to you also and thanks again for the support.



                      Mini update

                      Great stuff Beffy.

                      Congratulations on 3 days alcohol free (AF). We're usually over the worst by now, so hope you are ready to rock! Keep it going.

                      Hi Lilly.

                      No sliding around here, all going good. Don't be sad, I was just reflecting on recent reflections. Thanks for your kind words mate. Hope you're well.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Mini update

                        I am ready to rock! I look forward to a healthy AF life.

                        Thanks Mr G you are wonderful.


                          Mini update

                          Beffy, I don't know whether you've discovered our toolbox thread yet, but it's an essential read.


                          Take care. G-bloke.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Mini update

                            Guitarista;1360602 wrote: Hi Lilly.

                            No sliding around here, all going good. Don't be sad, I was just reflecting on recent reflections. Thanks for your kind words mate. Hope you're well.
                            Ah very happy to hear that. Hope the question itself wasn't insulting but something you'd said about 'getting back to business' made me wonder if that's what you meant. Happy to hear it G and happy to hear you sounding like your usual positive self. Keep it going... (But don't always feel you *have* to be strong and positive here if that's not how you're feeling - you know?)

                            I am doing well. Having past 30 days, which was such a huge goal for so long, has left me drifting a little and realizing I need to lock in some new goals to stop me from getting complacent.

                            Onward and upward comrades...

                            L x


                              Mini update

                              Hi Guitarista,

                              Nice to seeing you here regularly and you are also feeling supported by others now !
                              Never give up to being a leader here ...
                              A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                              2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                              Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                              2013 : So many ups and down !!

                              2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.

