I'm sorry Mama! I didn't mean to add more frustration to an already very frustrating situation! :upset: I ~ we've been through so much with our own kids & seem to have made it to the other side ( Gawd we hope ) that maybe I've forgotten. Or at least I'm trying to & often I've learned, still learning to hand things over. Also ours being older, I'm letting them figure it out more now....! I'm getting to old & too tired for it!.... Believe me hubs & I have had our share of arguments about our kids & plenty of other things. :l "If any of this were easy, it wouldn't be hard" Yet, the rewards are going to be worth it, so I've been told!.....
Believe me, I'm not entirely happy with our youngest girls decision! She now wants to go into Health Care Mgmt. Is going to take Spanish, as she knows no matter what she ends up doing, this will boost her career. But she's taking a back seat to bf's goals now. I have very deep personal issues with this, so not happy! I raised her diff too! But, like I said she will be 25 soon & it's not my decision.
So, she texts me this a couple days ago. "What happened, has happened & couldn't have happened any other way" Well, I suppose it just depends on how I look at it & ea situation.
Anyway, I said I was taking a step back, as I'm spending too much time here, but just wanted to say sorry, then I start blabbing.
Take Care :h