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One Step at a Time - August 2012

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    One Step at a Time - August 2012

    Well - I'm a step behind. I forgot to start a new thread for August. :H:H

    So here we are.....this is the place to come to give & get support. We are taking it One Step a Time.

    Thank you all for the support and encouragement that you give me. I know that when I pull away from this forum, I do not do as well. So, this is the place that I will come to for the knowledge and advice and support that will help me remember that I don't require alcohol to live a wonderful life.

    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15

    One Step at a Time - August 2012

    Just bumping this one up above the old July thread. :H

    Good night all :h
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      One Step at a Time - August 2012

      Hi Nora,

      I know, where did July go? It just went so fast.

      Spent all day & evening with the kids Mon. Then I bought the kids breakfast this am & cried a river in the parking lot! :upset: I feel like I'm the baby. Then came home & worked in the yard most the day!. I sat & stared at nothing to, I was looking at the flowers, but it was like I was looking thru them. :upset: We already have been texting a bunch. Must stop talking about this or I will cry again! She's my Baby Bear :h

      I will clean.... clean tom. I seem to be so slow these days. I don't want the "depression monster", eating me. I usually feel pretty good in my head, it's my body. Well, hmmn that is part of my body to, so what is going on? Maybe they are disconnected. Maybe they aren't even related. Oh good I want a new body. Maybe I can order one on the Internet, you seem to be able to get anything on e-bay now. LMAO

      "Mama, I gotta get some of that Kaboom and put it under my butt." That made me smile Sunbeam When you feel better maybe we can talk about deck water fountains?

      Thinking of you & hope one day before you know it, your sadness will be filled with cherished memories of your dear friend. Of course the same for Paula. Oh my, prayers going up now.... :l

      RC, Have been missing you around this place girl! Hope your doing good, or OK.

      Waving hi to everyone else. I can't member what else was said. hahaha.... Must laugh! I do luv to laugh!... Esp at myself. :H


        One Step at a Time - August 2012

        Oh Wild...I fell so bad bad, but happy for you in a strage way. It's a ritual of life you are living. I am glad you are so close and that will make her homecomings all the more precious.
        RC had to move in with a friend and I am not sure what she is doing these days. Anytime you need a laugh...come find me. I am the class clown!!
        Trying to wake up and get a move on
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          One Step at a Time - August 2012

          mama bear;1361522 wrote:
          RC had to move in with a friend and I am not sure what she is doing these days.
          Wondering where you got that information from Mama? I am still living in my home. It's not easy and it may not be the case in the future but living sober and learning is what's keeping me here.
          Thanks for the kind words Wildflower and Nora. I miss being here but honestly the time has come for me to move on. I may pop in on occasion but it can easily suck up way too much time and energy and detract from my purpose.
          Be all that you were meant to be friends and thanks for all the support you've given me. RC:h
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            One Step at a Time - August 2012

            Morning Steppers! Glad that everyone is finding the August thread.

            Wildflowers - I just can't imagine how sad that is for you. I'm lucky in that my son has always lived locally. So, I still see him at the very least once a week. (And talk to him almost every day)

            Mama - how are you doing? Enjoying your book? I'm still trying to finish that Dean Koontz book. He is one of my favorite authors but I haven't been able to get into this book.

            RC - I understand. You have so much going on in your life. I do hope that you will still stop by & say hello when you can. Do you still have my e-mail? I think about you often and wish you much happiness. :l:l

            Ok - back to work!! Have a fantastic day everyone.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time - August 2012

              dunno RC...sorry for the misinformation and I wish you well sweetie!!
              Nora - I am loving the book.
              Back to work for me too
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                One Step at a Time - August 2012

                Gee Whiz! I'm having a teary day for some reason. Nothing wrong just teary. :upset:
                The other day I stood up at work and had a bad pain in my calf. Thought that I just had a cramp. But, my leg is still sore a couple days later. I'll get up & try to walk and just have intense pain. What's up with that?????
                Oh well - enough complaining........back to work again.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  One Step at a Time - August 2012

                  are you blue honey???
                  I have days like that...
                  make sure you aren't dehydrated and eat some bananas...if the pain doesn't go away....get to the doc!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - August 2012

                    I am soooooo sleepY!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - August 2012

                      Hi everyone, I'm so glad to be back. We took my sisters ashes to the sea, where she loved to spend her time. It was very emotional, all the family was there, very sad but brought lots of good memories. Hope everyone is ok. Glad your ok RC, and I wish you well. Nora, you should see your doctor if your calf is still painful, maybe it's just cramp but do get checked. Thanks for your prayers Wild, it's lovely to know that you think of me. Mama, Ihave been so sleepy recently, I think it's because of the painkillers I have to take, I only take them once or twice a day at the most. The past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions, but thankfully I have not had the slightest desire to drink, which for me is amazing.


                        One Step at a Time - August 2012

                        Hi friends,
                        Paula, I'm glad your trip went well, and i hope your family is finding peace.

                        Rc, it is good to hear from you. At some point most do need to move on.

                        Wildflowers, I'm happy to talk about patio fountains. To produce maximum sound, the water should enter multiple containers. I got a solar fountain once, but it turned off every time the sun went behind a cloud, not acceptable to me.

                        Mama and Nora, I keep thinking about things I did with my friend, but I guess I got a little more done today. I keep drinking more coffee than usual.

                        Hubby and I booked an Alaska cruise for next summer. That certainly is a spirit booster.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          One Step at a Time - August 2012

                          a cruise sounds lovely!! I know you are sad about your friend.
                          Welcome back home to us Paula. Your sister's ceremony sounds sweet, and I am glad you are not drinking.
                          I am eating Wendy's and flopping. I could have slept at my desk today, I swear.
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            One Step at a Time - August 2012

                            Welcome home, Paula. I'm so happy that it was able to bring some good memories too. :l Good for you for not even wanting to drink. I'm sure that this has been a very emotional time and you have done great.

                            I'm off to bed. Just spent the past 6 hours at Urgent Care and then ER. But, I'm fine. Didn't show any signs of blood clots. The Dr said that it is just muscle strain (don't know why that would suddenly appear from one minute to the next). They also took some blood work that i'll get the results tomorrow.

                            Anyway - thinking of you all. :h:h:h

                            (I'm really glad that I have you all - you mean so much to me)
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              One Step at a Time - August 2012

                              Paula ~ I to am so glad your finding peace & not drinking! That you have family, providing comfort for each other!

                              Sunbeam ~ thank you for the tips on water fountains we recently saw some at a family get together out of state & it was so busy I didn't think to ask. Your cruise next summer will be exciting! Wishing you peace!

                              RC ~ I get what your saying!....... Take good care hun!

                              Mama ~ I think all your zoom ~ zoomin has pooped ya out a bit! You work so hard!!!.... Maybe hubs or the boys will give you an extra hand, maybe a neck rub. I hope you slept like a little lamb & feel all zippy again soon!

                              Yes I do know what you mean, a part of me is happy that Baby Bear is on her way, as it's time for Mama to focus on herself, & she wants that to! Still I'd rather have her closer, but she gets to choose now! Yanno

                              Nora ~ I'm very happy you went to Urgent Care!... Scary! I'm very relieved your OK!!!...I don't know where I was when you had your endo & colonoscopy? Could have been when I had my relapse back in early May. I hope all checked out good. I had my endo & was fine, but now that I'm 50, time for the other end, e~gads. No.... no.... I don't want to!.... That drug they gave me to put me under caused me horrible cravings, I know if hubs wasn't with me I would have drank! I read about it & it causes euphoria.

                              Staying up a bit until the kids check in at their stop point for the night. So far so good, been praying for their safety! Think woman's US volleyball just won the gold.

