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One Step at a Time - August 2012

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    One Step at a Time - August 2012

    if you are thinking you are having a bad day....
    I am waiting on 911 to come pick up a psychotic resident...
    poor guy
    he was in the psych ward for 30 days (schizophrenia) and they deemed him stable and just dropped him off in the parking lot
    makes one want to drink......seriously...but I won't
    I really want to cry for him
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      One Step at a Time - August 2012

      Poor soul, I know how you feel Mama, probably helpless.


        One Step at a Time - August 2012

        Paula- it is just so sad and I am furious with the "establishment"
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          One Step at a Time - August 2012

          If your establishment is as good as ours with psyche patients god help them. because over here the poor souls are treated with care in the community, which usually means abandoned on the streets.


            One Step at a Time - August 2012

            that about sums it out
            heading home
            I love and appreciate every one of you
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              One Step at a Time - August 2012

              Just watched Russell Brand (recovering alcoholic/drug addict) on a documentary about addiction and the changes that take place in the brain in people who are addicts as opposed to non addicts. We addicts certainly seem to have different chemical reactions in our brains.


                One Step at a Time - August 2012

                Hiya Paula... I was having a wee look around the boards. I was just wondering... did they mention if the change in brain chemistry came as a result of the addiction, or are addicts that way inclined from the get-go? I've been batting this question back and fore since I joined MWO.

                One thing I know for sure is that any use of an addictive substance will mess up your brain chemistry after a certain amount of time... there are no two ways about that. I'm just wondering if some people are programmed to be addicts.

                All the research they've done into this and that... it is piss poor what they've done towards addiction!


                  One Step at a Time - August 2012

                  Hi Zen, it seems that the brains in addicts show the change in chemistry, where non addicts stays normal. I suppose that is where the first drink comes into effect.


                    One Step at a Time - August 2012

                    home and flopping
                    peace out and loves you all
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - August 2012

                      Hope you got your ptoblem sorted Mama. Gone midnight here I'm off to bed, good night.


                        One Step at a Time - August 2012

                        Hiya Mama.... you orf to Netflix tonight? :l Did you see they have new Breaking Bad episodes?

                        Paula... that would mean we're programmed from inception. Not much of a surprise really, as I hang out with normies and can see the glaring difference between us all.

                        I'm really going out on a limb now... but I reckon that us lot, at this age, after a lifetime of experiences that are coloured by addiction... we have somehow come up with an adaption mechanism to allow us to deal with it all. It's still not a level playing field... and never was... but it's hopeful that the human spirit and one's body can shape-shift enough to make one's life do-able. :l


                          One Step at a Time - August 2012

                          I just read back... that's not a nice experience Mama... ( I hope he'll be OK...


                            One Step at a Time - August 2012

                            :l:l:l You've had a rough week at work Mama! It's almost over...hang in there and remember I loves ya! :flower:
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              One Step at a Time - August 2012

                              Mama - so very sorry. This has been one of those weeks for you. :l You have been so strong thru all of this. What a great job and look how far you have come. :l

                              Paula/Zen - yes, I would have to agree that there is something different. In looking back, I do have an addictive personality. I was able to get over the other things easier than this alcohol though.

                              K9 - do you have an easy crochet pattern for scarves? I'm still working on my afghan but was thinking about something different for the next project. I used to make some bookmarks but I lost that pattern. Those were really pretty.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                One Step at a Time - August 2012

                                Dixon - Thanks for your comments. You are right that if a new person just read one page of our thread then they might not see the talking about the topic 'One Step at a Time'. But, I think that if they read several of our posts, that they would see that we are talking about being Alcohol Free. That we are giving each other support. That we are taking it One Step at a Time. Yesterday we were discussing a new book by Kimberley. We were also discussing tips on keeping an AF Calendar so we could see all the success.
                                I really hope that we never make a new person feel that we are not serious about our recovery. We definitely are serious about it and we will support and encourage everyone.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

