issues - son in Iraq, as many of you know. We had a great two weeks when he was home on leave in Jan.
but now he's back there and get this ---he's been assigned to ride around in his humvee and blow up dead dogs. The Iraqis think it's cute to stuff dead dogs full of IEDs. This is unconscionable.
I'm trying to help my mother who is in severe decline from Parkinson's disease but she is bullheaded and stubborn and not taking any of our (my sister's and my) suggestions about things that could help her and make her situation better. We just keep rescuing her from awful situations (emergency room involved).
Then there's my job - teaching in America! Don't you know that we're (teachers) the problem in education today!! No one wants to face that we have a cultural crisis so everything is put on our backs.
I went into this profession only wanting to connect and impart my love and passion for history. I'm ready to call it quits. Guess I'm having one of those existential crisis - where is the world headed sort of thing and especially - where is the U.S. going. Thinking seriously of heading to Canada.
The only place I know to turn is here. Nothing is making sense to me anymore. Is it because I drink too much wine? Is it because I care too much? Is it because this society is so damned fucked up? Somehow I have to find something, somewhere that will turn my life around. I see veteran teachers who are awesome throwing in the towel. I see our society in agony over the decisions of our leaders. Where is this all going to end? I wish that I was a simpleton who could skip through life. I've missed being here but had so many things to deal with in the interim. Thank heavens for this place. Em