I just wanted to come back and post some good news and share with anyone who is struggling that recovery is possible when you do the right things. I joined MWO in 2008, the first time I tried to go long-term sober. I managed it for a while, and you were all here to listen to my howls about how I couldn't stay sober, and to pick up the pieces when it all fell apart. I had one long, extended relapse for about a year and a half, which left me bemused, bewildered and determined to do it properly.
Long story short, I have achieved my aim. I have found recovery. The first time around, I was sober but not recovered - the difference is immense! My recovery has got stronger and stronger by the day.
I now work in the field as a Recovery Coach, I write articles for the Huffington Post about addiction recovery, I've done speeches about ending stigma towards addicts - and I have just published my first book The Recovery Formula: An Addict's Guide to getting Clean & Sober Forever. Tis on Amazon. The book was the result of wanting to document the fundamentals of recovery that I missed the first time around, in the hopes that I can save someone else all the painful trial and error I went through to eventually achieve proper recovery. It's the book I wish I'd had at the start of my journey.
I have come back to hopefully encourage anyone who is struggling that we CAN recover and go on to turn our lives around 360!, and to thank you all :l for your support in those bad old days - and also to see if anyone is still around from before - I'd love to hear how you're all doing too. Recovery is not necessarily an easy path, it took me some time to get it - but I'm so glad I did and I can now share my experiences to help other people.
Lots of love to you my MWOers - you were my bedrock, and I couldn't have done it without you. :l
K x (aka Beth Burgess