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Need help

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    Need help

    I have been a member for several years now but this is my first post. I am a 42 year old mother of 2 small girls and also a professional. I have been drinking everyday for almost 13 years (except when I was pregnant) and have decided that I need to stop. In the past several months, a combination of setbacks in my personal life and an increase in stress at work led me to start drinking all day - alcohol became a crutch. Sometimes I would begin at 5am! I would arrange meetings and my work schedule so that I could nip home for some booze or sometimes even take a flask to work in my car. The poison of my choice is wine. I am ashamed to say my children have observed me drink directly from the bottle on several occasions ? how pathetic is that? I would pass out every evening and not be there for my family - in fact, once my 4 year old thought I was dead. I also had a serious fall when inebriated and had to be rushed to the ER for stitches. These and several other incidents have convinced me that I need to STOP. I want to be there for my family and watch my children grow up. I am amazed that I could hold down a challenging job and have success in my career while nursing my secret bad habit.

    There is a lot of alcohol in my life. My husband drinks a few beers every evening but is definitely not dependent on it. When he drinks, I want to drink too. Growing up, my family was very accepting of alcohol. My parents, grandparents etc. would also drink everyday but in moderation. Family parties were awash with heavy alcohol consumption. One of my uncles died of alcoholism.

    I have chosen to quit cold turkey without any medications. I have done this before and it worked ? I was sober for a few days or weeks until falling off the wagon. Yesterday was my first day sober after a few months. My withdrawal symptoms were pretty bad but I persevered through it using the urge surfer to resist cravings. In fact, my DT?s were so intense, I could not even type. Fortunately, I am a lot better today. I do not want to see a doctor as I am ashamed and do not want my guilty secret to be known or officially recorded.

    Any guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks for all the help on this site.

    Need help

    :welcome: mommyKW,

    Huge step you've made today by reaching out for help. You'll find many of us here who have walked in your shoes at one time or another.

    I used to be a 24 hour drinker and needed a medical detox more times than I'd care to mention.

    I'm not going to overload you with information at the moment, just wanted to say my hellos and welcomes and give you the link to the tool box. Just click on the link.

    Glad you found us and looking forward to getting to know you.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Need help

      Mommy - Glad that you have started to post. I truly believe that is a HUGE step in the right direction. I would suggest sticking close to this site & reading and posting A LOT. It helps because you spend time on here instead of learn a meet some great people.
      I'm sure that you've read the Toolbox, etc. But, if not, be sure to read that. I don't have the link right now but can get it for you.
      Great job in getting thru Day 1. :goodjob: On to Day 2.
      There are some great threads on here with lots of support. Try to find one where you are comfortable and jump right in. It does help. There is Newbies Nest. Would love to have you join us at One Step at a Time.
      Take care & we are going to get thru this. :l
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Need help

        x post - JC.

        And JC is a LOVE and has lots of good advise & support. :l
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Need help

          I just wanted to wish you luck. Other than the children, your post could be mine almost. All the best! Many people have beat this addiction and you can too.


            Need help

            Thank you JC, NoraC and lucky for your kind words of encouragement and advice. I will reread them whenever I feel the urge. Made it through day 2 yesterday and 30 days AF is my goal. It's also comforting to know that I am not alone :-)


              Need help

              mommyKW - just wanted to tell you GREAT JOB on making it thru day 2. Those first few days can be especially hard. :goodjob:

              I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend. I just went on a picnic with my hubby. Something that I wouldn't have done if I was drinking.
              So - try to think of positives for your day. That's one of my positives.

              Take care!!!:h
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Need help

                Thanks NoraC. Glad you had fun. Barely made it through day 3. Had strong urges while making dinner as I generally have a glass of wine with it... whew! Urge surfed through it. I will join the Newbies group you suggested.

                Desperados, hang in there. I'm sure you'll find the strength somewhere to crawl out, tough as it is. The community on this site is a great help!


                  Need help

                  Great job! Urge surfing really works and I've met some great people on here doing it.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Need help

                    Help! I've been AF for almost 6 days now and have never felt better. However, I have a party to go to this weekend at which alcohol is served aplenty and everyone drinks. In the past I've always imbibed and the pressure is on. I want to abstain. Advice, anyone?


                      Need help

                      mommyKW;1364043 wrote: Help! I've been AF for almost 6 days now and have never felt better. However, I have a party to go to this weekend at which alcohol is served aplenty and everyone drinks. In the past I've always imbibed and the pressure is on. I want to abstain. Advice, anyone?
                      Hi Mommy,

                      A suggestion might be either don't go until you feel safer and you feel you have firmer footing in your sobriety, or arrive late, and leave early with your own transport, i.e. have an 'exit plan'. True friends/family who really care about you will respect your decision not to attend, or leave early, if that's your choice.

                      Great going on your AF time. Keep it going. :goodjob:


                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Need help

                        Hi MKW,

                        Your story is very similar to mine. I don't have time right now to write out how I handled my first party, but maybe reading my story will give you some insight.



                          Need help

                          MommyKW; if this party is something that you are already looking at as a problem then maybe staying away is the thing to do........there are countless excuses for not attending; sick children, last minute emergency, flat tyre, double-booked or a good ole dose of diarrhoea!!!!
                          If you make the decision that you should go, then look forward to it and get your nails and hair done, new outfit and drive. You will be so proud to get home looking as good as when you left (which I am sure the rest of the party won't!).
                          I like going out sober and have started to realise the drinkers think you are drinking too, so that is an excuse to act a little goofier than you would normally and have a bit of fun.
                          Choose carefully which direction you take but make sure it is the one that will take you home sober...that's what is most important to you right now.
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Need help

                            Well done on day 6. Very early days to be going to a boozy party. It will take a lot of courage to abstain, do you need to go ? if you do you will need a plan. I went to a wedding very early in sobriety and told everyone I was on strong antibiotic, that would make me ill if I drank, you can always invent an illness/infection. Best of luck. Remember if you do drink it may take a long time to get back on track


                              Need help

                              Sorry x post Daisy, but similar reasoning.

