There is a lot of alcohol in my life. My husband drinks a few beers every evening but is definitely not dependent on it. When he drinks, I want to drink too. Growing up, my family was very accepting of alcohol. My parents, grandparents etc. would also drink everyday but in moderation. Family parties were awash with heavy alcohol consumption. One of my uncles died of alcoholism.
I have chosen to quit cold turkey without any medications. I have done this before and it worked ? I was sober for a few days or weeks until falling off the wagon. Yesterday was my first day sober after a few months. My withdrawal symptoms were pretty bad but I persevered through it using the urge surfer to resist cravings. In fact, my DT?s were so intense, I could not even type. Fortunately, I am a lot better today. I do not want to see a doctor as I am ashamed and do not want my guilty secret to be known or officially recorded.
Any guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks for all the help on this site.