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Just checking in too!

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    Just checking in too!

    Hi Folks,

    Just a note coz, I managed to get a minute on an internet connection on my travels.

    Still buzzing around the far east working too hard and wanting to get home after nearly 3 weeks away.
    Can not believe how good I feel - I was dreading this trip before I started, but it has been very easy to stay being good.
    Maybe because I am away from the usual cues and triggers around me at home?

    I have now to report 2 glasses of wine in the last 3 weeks and my mods are beginning to look like abs with the occasional blip.

    I guess the real test will actually begin when I get home to my normal surroundings in a few days time.

    Hope everyone is achieving what you all wish for.

    Take care and be gentle with yourselves.
    Talk to you all more when I get home.


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

    Just checking in too!

    Hi Satori,
    Thanks for the postcard, sounds as if you are having a wonderful holiday.. If you are aware of the triggers at home then you are well armed to defeat them...

    Also, you sound as if you have been pretty successful so far, two glasses of wine in three weeks, I used to have two glasses of wine in half an hour...

    Good luck for your continuing success Satori,

    Love, Louise xxx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      Just checking in too!

      two glasses ? two bottles !!

      good job Satori, take care when you get home.


        Just checking in too!

        irishlady;100780 wrote: Hi Satori,
        Thanks for the postcard, sounds as if you are having a wonderful holiday..
        Hi Irish,


        Snapshot of last part of my Holiday -

        In Kuala Lumpur office 6am Wednesday - work all day - back to hotel 6pm
        Have meal/pack/ shower.
        11:30pm, drive 45 minutes to airport for 2am flight - fly 7 hours to Dubai - wait around airport for 3 hours - fly another 7.5 hours to London, wait around airport for 3.5 hours, and finally fly another hour to get home!

        36 hours without sleep is your kind of holiday???

        Good to be back home tho'
        Best thing is still on far east time - so up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning - getting loads done - wait till about 5pm tho', story might be different!

        I think part of the answer to staying off the alcohol for the trip was that I deliberately chose to have wine when I was in a situation where one was expected to drink.
        If I had chosen beer - I may not have been able to report a success story!

        It is weird how the alcohol cravings work away at you tho'.
        Always these little thoughts popping in to my head after "drink o' clock" (TM Popeye ).
        "I'm sure just a couple of beers would be OK - I have been fine for ages"
        "No one back home / on MWO will ever know if I had a couple of beers tonight"
        "I think I will have some beer with my meal tonight - that would be OK wouldn't it"
        And so on

        Cravings are not so insistent / physical now - it used to be more like a Juggernaut driving through my whole body at first, with strong physical symptoms.
        But cravings are more "sneaky" nowadays, like some little devil sitting there on your shoulder waitiing for the time to sneak another suggestion in to your brain.

        If nothing else it is interesting watching the process - watching these little thoughts pop into my head.
        It is getting easier to see these thoughts come - recognising them for what they are - just thoughts - and going "oh there's another one!" being able to let them go without acting on them and feeling good that I made another right choice.

        I also worry that it must have to go t*ts up at some point tho' and I am scared that if it does, I will just want to slide into the old ways. Coz let's face it - it does take constant effore and vigilance to keep on the path.

        Take care

        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          Just checking in too!

          Hey Satori, welcome back! Reading about your business trip exhausted me - LOL! You did remarkably well with your drinking. Many look at getting away as an excuse to drink. I would anyway if I weren't this far along. You sound good. Keep up the good work!


            Just checking in too!

            Welcome home!
            I've actually filed off the serial number for "drink o'clock". But I have thanked Popeye for it.
            Speaking of not drinking, triggers etc. I went to Sydney to the ballet tonight and had dinner before the show. And didn't have any alcohol ! Drinks and dinner at a restaurant have always gone hand in hand for me. But the program and my attitude are working. Far better than I thought. But mustn't get too cocky, as I 've read the threads where people come to grief after a month or so. I'm now experiencing the sneaky thoughts so know where your'e coming from.
            Anyway, a big webhug for you.
            Raggsy aka Banksia integrifolia.


              Just checking in too!

              Nice to hear from you Satori. A success story like yours is always a good read, and a great way to start the day. Keep up the good work!
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                Just checking in too!

                Hey Satori, :welcome: Back!
                The band has really been missing ya! Great job on not drinking (hardly at all) while travelling. I don't think I've ever been in a plane without a Bloody Mary ... I thought it was required...Ha!
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

