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fallen already

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    fallen already

    Managed 4 days AF last week and moderated over the weekend, was really proud of myself, felt i was in control, my partner was working away from home last night and i got cocky and now i feel like crap, two empty wine bottles in the kitchen and a glass of wine left on the bedside table. Not sure why i did it, almost seems that if i am left alone i go for the bottle, i don't get lonely so not seeking comfort, don't understand why i did it? Just hoping i can start again and learn not to get to confident, don't like having this hangover after being clear headed for a week.

    fallen already

    Hello dorsetdude,
    No, you haven't fallen... Think about it as a lesson learnt...4 days AF is very good, but, perhaps you needed to be reminded what two bottles of wine can make you feel like the next morning....So, the next time your husband is away from home, or, you feel tempted to overindulge, try as hard as you can to summon up the exact way you are feeling now, at this minute, hungover, crap, disappointed, and that will help to reinforce what it is you are trying to do....

    And don't ever forget what it is you have to do when you fall, yes, thats right, YOU PICK YOURSELF UP AND TRY AGAIN.....

    Take care,

    Love, Louise xxx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      fallen already

      Hi Dorset, you and I joined around the same time. I have managed only one day of AF and a few days of moderating, basically because I've been trying on supps and willpower alone. I got Kudzu yesterday (From local chinese herbalist, couldn;t wait any longer for the MWO stuff to arrive) and you know what, I felt different straight away. Had 2 glasses wine last night but sort for forced myself to... weird.

      Anyway, my point is this. This is HARD until you know how to make it easier. Some people seem to need the whole RJ programme of drugs, hypno etc (I think I'm one of them). Maybe you need more help than you're giving yourself right now.

      4 days AF is great,and beating yourself up over a slip up achieves nothing. pat yourself on the back instead and get on with getting better. Think of you K x


        fallen already

        It's a journey dorsetdude, not an's true of any accomplishment or goal...

        Well done on taking the first steps..regroup, use the tools here and support and move on to the next week...

        You can do it!!!
        Control the Mind


          fallen already

          Hi Kate7173, So glad you were able to get the Kudzu at the Chinese herbalist, also glad to hear it is working for you....Keep it up..

          Louise xx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            fallen already

            Dorset, one of things we need to realize about "moderating" is that when we get some AF days in we cannot expect to go back to drinking our "usual" amounts. It has been a hard lesson for me to learn, I have messed up many times because I think I can drink what I used to on the weekends before I found MWO. Not true. Our tolerance is dropping and we need to take advantage of that if moderation is going to work. Hope you are feeling better!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              fallen already

              Hi Dorsetdude. I agree with everyone else here. It is a lesson learned. Try again. Hangovers are a nasty reminder why we want to keep our alcohol limited or have none at all. Hang in there!!!


                fallen already

                still feel abit ill from last nights binge, have been drinking lots of water, thanks for all the words of wisdom, tonights a new night to start again.
                Kate, where did you get your Kudzo from, was it an independant herbalist?

                Thanks everyone x


                  fallen already

                  Hi dorsetdude, I wrote this for Kate about the Kudzu, have copied and pasted it below for you....

                  Have you tried something called KUDZU...Like me you live in the UK, you must have one of those Chinese herbalist shops somewhere near you... They sell it, and the chinese name for it is GE GEN.. It costs about ?5 for 100 grams and it goes a fair way.. Its the dried root of a plant, when you buy it, it will be in square pieces, each measuring about 4 inches square...Put 3 or 4 pieces into a mug and pour on boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes, remove the Kudzu and drink the liquid, do this about three times a day and you should see your cravings either go away altogether or get very much less, but it does help...promise...

                  Hope it helps,
                  Love, Louise xx
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    fallen already

                    Hi Yeah, let me add to that. I have ordered Kudzu rescue from MWO but am so desperate to curb the booze I was thrilled to read Louise's post... :thanks: so off I trot to the local Chinese herbalist place(just on my high street) , feeling a bit apprehensive.

                    I asked for Ge Gen and the (very kind looking) Dr asked me what it was for. I fessed up and told him everything, and about MWO. Guess what, not only had they heard of it ,and were fully supportive of it, but they already had a customer doing the programme!!!
                    Also, he recommended I try accupuncture and some other herbs mixed with the Kudzu/Ge Gen. He was terrific, said all sorts of really positive stuff like "You know, you mustn't blame yourslef for this. Your sytem is out of balance. Once it rebalances you will not need to drink like you do now."

                    To cut a long story short I had half an hour of accupunture, the same of accupressure,and came home with 7 days worth of herbs (14 different types incl Kudzu). I boil them up for half and hour, strain them and drink once in the morning and once at night. They taste like holy hell but I am seeing this as my penance!

                    The treatments cost ?50 and one week of the herbs was ?25. Not cheap, but hey, if it works...

                    This is day 2: last night a drank much less than I normally would. Today I did my 1st Hypno CD (not RJs but Beverly Hill Hypnosis - ordered through AMAZON in the States on the recomendation of someone on this site.

                    My husband has just come home and I know he will have bought wine... this is hard for me. He drinks every day too but sees nothing wrong with it. My aim for now is to moderate (i.e. not go to bed ****faced). I am waiting on topa,which frnakly I think I may need.

                    Anyway, enough of me and my fascinating existence... wanted to share the info on the chinese herbs. Will post what effect they have.

                    warm wishes to all, Kate


                      fallen already

                      Thanks Kate and Louise, I will check out a herbalist tomorrow, think there is a chinese herbalist nearby. I was thinking about what i could say, but reading your post kate has given me the encouragement to just be honest, may find i come away with more help.
                      Thanks again guys xxx


                        fallen already

                        hi Dorset, yes do be honest, you have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain. really the Doctor was so completely non-judgemental, kind and supportive and LAST NIGHT I DID AF WITH NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER = absolute bloody miracle! (going to post more details later) Thinking of you today, Kate xx


                          fallen already

                          that huge line of text was supposed to be a smiley.... guess the IT skills are not as great as I thought

