Looking at only the negatives can discourage us right into relapse, if only were doing so badly we reason why continue with recovery ?
Instead, Lets try concentrating on the good things we did , no matter how small, Did we make someone smile? Did we lighten someones burden with a kind word? Did we give give a word of hope to a friend ? Did we avoid a problem ? Did we squelch an angry response ? Did we forgive an enemy eat a well balanced meal, Make amends to someone we had harmed in the past,Tell the truth instead of making an excuse ?
As small as they are, these are the real indicators of our progress in recovery, They are valid good deeds we can be proud of.
When we review our day tonight we can give ourselves the pat on the back we deserve. We have earned it.
Be gentle with your self,Recognise the good things in your life :good job: