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hi again...

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    hi again...

    well here i am again. BUT its not so bad. i fell off the perverbial wagon about 3 months ago. I certainly did not get to the point i have been many times. You know the falling down, saying stupid things, embarassing myself... However i look back and I liked me much better when i was sober for 5 months.

    When i was sober i missed drinking, now that i am drinking i miss being sober... LOL... isn't that a nice change?

    so here i am again, no shame or embarasssment this time... just back to day 1 and thats ok because at least I am here.

    AF since Sept 2013...

    hi again...

    :welcome: Back. So glad you didn't fall to hard, or to far & that your not beating your self up! That you realize being sober is a better way to live!


      hi again...

      well done Caper. What did you learn this time around??? Anything that may help others??
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        hi again...

        Welcome back Casper. Good to be sober, and good to want to be, because if we really want to do something we can achieve it. Do you have a plan ?


          hi again...

          what did i learn? i learned (again) i CANNOT moderate. but really I learned drinking doesn't solve anything.. it makes anxiety go away but only temporaily. I remember being sober and waking up in the mornings feel great... and i miss that. i remember doing OTHER things.. like walks and cleaning and not always thinking about when my next drink will me...

          but mostly i learned that I like feeling FREE.. and drinking is like being wrapped in heavy chains and draging them everywhere. it gets exhausting..
          AF since Sept 2013...

