Thought I would start a thread to share funny, embarrassing, ironic or just plain entertaining personal stories..... These can be about yourself, a friend, a family member or even something you read, watched or saw online.... Can also be a a tale from on or off the wagon

Here's one of mine:
When my son was about 4 or 5 his grandpa took him with to run some errands... As they were walking into Target my son let a toot and my Dad said "What do you say Ed?" my Son responded "I don't know grandpa", "well you say excuse me Ed, when you let a fart you say excuse me" "ok grandpa excuse me" later while waiting in the zig zag line of a fast food joint, for their usual frosty, Ed was fooling around and lost his bearings in the line and wound up grabbing what he thought was my dads hand.... But instead was the hand of stranger.... A grouchy strange man who pulled his hand away and gave Ed and my dad a dirty look.... So my Dad said "Come her Ed, now what do you say? As he gestures toward the grouchy man" Ed says "I don't know Grandpa" my dad replies with "well, you say excuse me Ed" my son in a loud protest says "but I didn't fart Grandpa I SWEAR!!!!!"
Hope u enjoyed..... Have a great evening!!!!!