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new boy on the block

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    new boy on the block

    hi everyone,my first time here, desperate to give up,hope this programe works.
    does kudzu work?:new:

    new boy on the block

    Hello traderged and welcome to MWO,

    This programme doesn't work for everyone, each to his own, but if you are willing to put as much as you can into changing your life, because that, basically is what you have to do, then you will get back tenfold for everything you do put into it...

    Yes, Kudzu does work...I was very sceptical before I tried it, thinking it was one of these new faddy things, but my God, from the start it cut right through the craving and helped me enormously.... I started off taking it four times a day for the first two weeks, then gradually took less as time went on, now after 5 months of being alcohol free I find I don't need to take it anymore, but its there if I need it....

    I wish you well on your journey, its not easy at first, but it does get easier, and you may even enjoy some of it.....

    All the best, Louise x
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      new boy on the block

      Traderged, Great to see you here. As you may have read there are many aspects to this programme. You will also come to read that some folks may use all the aspects and some may use only some. What has helped me the most is the Hypnotic CDS. A bit of money, a bit awkward to use at first, and some find aspects of the recording a bit annoying.... that said... after the first week of listening to them I have not had a drink or a craving. Not everyone will have such results but I am sure they will help for anyone who is able to purchase them and work out the logistics of the listening. I am 59 days without alcohol today and I feel wonderful.

      There is lots of great info in the posts and in the section on research. Best of luck to you!


        new boy on the block


        Desperate to give up is a great place to be in the life of drinking casue you are at a place that this program and these folks at MWO can help you...

        Read the book, and set about to make a plan to change things....ask questions, read the posts...

        Control the Mind


          new boy on the block

          Hi Traderged and welcome, I am fairly new here and have found this site amazing. I have tried to stop drinking without any help but find it very difficult. i am going to buy some kudzu tomorrow to help me. Will let you know how i get on.


            new boy on the block

            Hi, Kudzu didn't work for me large doses of L-Glutamine did. 1500mg 3X's a day. Good Luck


              new boy on the block

              Hi Traderged & Welcome: I have mixed emotions about Kudzu but I am trying Topamax. Hopefully it will kick in soon but I'm pretty new to the whole thing. Read everything you can and keep posting. There is lots to learn and lots of people here who know what you are going through.
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                new boy on the block

                Welcome to MWO Traderged! You have come to a great place for support. Keep reading and posting. Like the others have said, there is lots to learn and you are not alone!


                  new boy on the block

                  Hi Traderged

                  Welcome to MWO!

                  Yet another Scot eh?!
                  Our culture has a lot to answer for!

                  This place is the only thing that has ever worked for any length of time for me (altho still very new here myself - about 6 weeks)
                  Can't help with the answer to your question - as I am just "toughing it out" - the only thing I am taking is copious doses of the support you get on here.

                  The folks on here are literally all heroes!
                  They have all made the very very difficult decision to turn their lives around - and boy are some of the stories on here hard to read!.
                  They all know where you are coming from - they have all been there.
                  There is no judgement - only support - and dare I say it as an emotionally crippled Scot - love here, because we can all empathise with the pain that goes along with our problem!

                  Stick around, read lots and remember - there is ALWAYS someone on here 24/7 to talk to if the going gets tough!

                  Take care mate - you are making the right choice if you are here at all!

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

