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Always stick around with something bad !

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    Always stick around with something bad !


    Dixon-I am not exactly sure what you're asking, but firstly, congratulations on your AF time!!:goodjob: As far as thinking all the time, yes, I would say so. I own a business and work lots of hours, so I always have to be on top of my game. When my drinking was at its worst...I was sad A LOT, but fortunately I had, and still have a demanding career so I had to concentrate. I think it was probably my lifesaver and my downfall in a way. For some time, the hours, traveling and stress was a catalyst to propel my drinking into the danger zones, and yet, if I had not had a career where I had to be onsite with clients every day, I might have drunken myself to death.

    Supercrew, like you, I hated Sundays for the same reason, but fortunately, it was only about a 3 year stretch, and fortunately, not EVERY Sunday. But I was always thinking about Monday, how I dreaded flying out on Sunday afternoon and what a drag it would be to fly into a new city or country....or how I didn't like the clients I would be with on Monday, blah blah blah. Yup, I used it as an excuse to drink, to numb what I THOUGHT would be a horrible day. Like you, Mondays did not turn out to be that bad. I have always known I could control my thoughts....but when I started drinking alone (in the end of my 3.5 daily drinking career), any happy thoughts would be turned into negative ones, and I would start contemplating on wrongs that had been done to me in the past....people I had hurt, etc.

    Paula-thank you for the recommendation on the book. I will order it from Amazon right now. My very best friend so needs to read it. And it's a great read for never know when depression may try to bite you in the butt.

    Nancy-I love your view that thoughts are not reality. Thank you for your wisdom.

    Dixon-I'm glad you've found meditation. I love at MWO as my meditation and prayer as a lifesaver for me.


      Always stick around with something bad !

      dixon;1366450 wrote: Superscrew,

      Its all right now .Thanks for great sharing.
      One more question, have you practiced NLP yourself or with a professional ?.I am trying myself now. Though I have known this technique from the very beginning and made several attempts but never got success because of AL's intervention.
      I did take a course a one on one course from an expert Dix about 14 months ago. I paid alot for the training, but it has paid for itself. It really open my eyes to the possibilites. Initially I wasn't interested in the NLP aspect of the teaching I was there to learn hypnosis, but I found NLP to be the thing that has changed my outlook the most. Since then I have read and studied it regularly.


        Always stick around with something bad !

        dixon;1366430 wrote: Cashy,

        Of course very complicated to manage it.It is such a device which could lead the world , in contrary destroys a singles life.
        Really hard to manage for some people like us .
        I have bipolar type 1 , have had since I was 25, and i don't for one minute think that I "think myself into depression" or mania for that matter. I have an illness, it shows up on scans, telling me I can think my way out of it with positive thinking with something like cognitive behavioral therapy is like telling a diabetic that they can think their way out of their disease. Therapy and self knowledge help a great deal but the " pull your own socks up" stuff doesn't work for clinical depression or a bipolar diagnosis.
        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          Always stick around with something bad !

          Are you asking dixon what we do when we get sober and how do we keep our minds active & focused ?

          Abstinence is good, but abstinence along does not get the alcoholic out of the woods. Recovery is not just limited to not drinking. Its about the rebuilding of one’s life and learning new skills and habits. People who have honestly done recovery know it is about a return to wholeness. People are changed from problem drinkers/alcoholics to recovering problem drinkers/alcoholics, No matter the addiction, no matter the human condition, just because one is not directly engaged in an activity does not exempt them from potential danger. What is needed to prevent relapse is a change of lifestyle and a commitment to healthy activity. The solution is not to fight the feeling but to change your life,This means focusing on the positive things that give you more health,vitality and enjoyment for the things you choose to do, and developing a positive plan of action is the first all important step.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Always stick around with something bad !

            "recovery means just not quitting the Al but changing habit and life style".
            Great information I got from you here.I will repeat it again and again and make a plan of action keeping this in mind.
            I have got a method to make action plan in NLP techniques.
            Have you got any or we could make ourself with intensive researches.
            A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

            2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

            Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

            2013 : So many ups and down !!

            2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


              Always stick around with something bad !

              Supercrew;1366174 wrote:
              For the longest time, in fact for as far back as I can remember, I have always hated Sundays, the reason being is the weekend was ending and I hated thinking about Monday. I ruined every beautiful Sunday my entire adult life because I stressed out about Monday. Y.
              this is a very timely post for me, SC. I already have been stressing about the school year with 2 weeks of Summer Vacation left. I can see myself wrecking the 2 weeks because, frankly, I find the academic year very restrictive and stressful. I must be the only parent in the world that doesn't want their kids to go back to school. I find the freedom of creating my children's own schedule is wonderful and I do miss them when their gone.

              I could not homeschool them however as ey have great friends in school (well except Matt, who I admit I am relieved to get a break from...) and they are very social.

              Still, I wil be VERY mindful of these 2 weeks and making the best of them.

              Also to CASH. I also have BP one and I don't think the book ref. was for people like us. Most of those self-help books I think are for people who are just stressed thru their physical environment not their physiological environment.
              As an aside, my Buddhist practice helps me focus my mind but it also allows me to make better choices regarding meds, counselors and understanding my illness. Even finding a book which can provide insight for me to help me move along in getting healthier. Or if finding NLP !

              This thread is really wonderful, Dixon because the mind games, the mind hurdles I face are most definitely a HUGE part of my problems and my solutions.

              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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