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What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

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    What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

    Hey everyone:

    I've been thinking about how many AF days I have because technically I tried to come to a full stop on May 20th and then I slipped and and 1 drink on June 6th & 2 on June 16th. So I reset the clock back at Day one on June 17th but I keep wondering about the days I racked up before than.

    They nearly add up to a month. So do I have two months or three months 'sober' ??

    I think the first week after the 20th was rough and I did good and then the week after the 17th wasn't too bad so my Day one feels more like it should be May 20th rather than June 17th.
    I know this is my personal journey and only I can decide my days but I do like having some..parameters and so even though I promised myself I wouldn't get obsessed with the counting and now here I am!

    Any one weighing in on this probably silly question is greatly appreciated.

    Hugs and hope everyone is enjoying a sweet, AF eveining,

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest

    What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

    Kradle - different people look at in different ways. In my opinion, you should not discount that other month. It wasn't working for me counting my days. But, now I have a calendar where I'm marking the days. And I see so many days that are full of the happy face stickers. I work hard to keep the sad faces off my calendar.
    So, I say that you need to count all your sober time. Maybe it wasn't all in a row but they were AF days. :goodjob:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

      Hi Kradle and Nora,

      I personally do what you do, it also doesn't work for me counting days in a row but to look holistically at the total picture over time... I can't go back to day one after i have a slip, I just put it down to a bad day and the next will be better (AF wise)
      You are doing super well good for you girl


        What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

        Agreed with others..........whatever it takes for "you" to stay AF that is all that matters. I guess consecutive days AF, or just days not consecutive AF are both a good thing.

        Keep it up and you'll have so many AF days the little blip wont even be an issue :goodjob:
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

          This is one of the reasons I dislike counting, though of course I still do it! :nutso:

          It puts too much emphasis on a single number.

          Anyway, if it were me, I would count the month - you were sober for all practical purposes during that time. Did those drinks cause you to go off track from your goal? If not, then maybe they shouldn't factor in your count.

          Or, if you need something more black and white, calculate the % of AF days since your May Day 1. As time goes on, if there are no more non-AF days the % will slowly near 100.
          AF since 6JUN2012


            What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

            If I'm talking about it I normally will tell people almost 2 years, or a couple of years etc. But for my own record I kept the exact day count I'm at 609 now I think, and 791 since I started before the my slip. I think you should use whatever empowers you to be proud of being sober.

            The start of my journey to sobriety was 791 days ago, I have been completely sober for 609 days in a row. I really don't count anymore, but I found a calculator where I can just punch in the dates and it gives me a count. The length of time no longer matters to me because I know I'm done.


              What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

              In my opinion, you should do whatever it works %,days,months,calendar, etc.. that must help you to achieve your sobriety and increase your will power to be sober or you would be more proud of your counting.

              In my case , I prefer Superscrew !!
              Though we get relapse, AF days are AF and they are helpful to be proud of our attempts .They are our strength so counting matters .Likewise counting of Alcoholic days with number of relapses would be great to get a progress glimpse .
              May I suggest a way I like,
              Starting day :
              Total AF days:
              Number of relapses:
              Total Al days:
              or in either way.
              You could put it as your signature here !
              A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

              2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

              Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

              2013 : So many ups and down !!

              2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

                All AF days count, it is increasing the number of AF days that matters. Otherwise it is too discouraging for those who need to start over a few times before they "get it right".
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

                  dixon;1366844 wrote:
                  In my case , I prefer Superscrew !!
                  Childish I know, but :H
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

                    Like I said in one of my first posts, "Only my wife calls me Super screw!"


                      What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

                      I'ge been thinking about this more. Maybe a better idea is to count all days if the af stretches are increasing. If the number of drinking days is increasing, go back to day one and only count consecutive days. Otherwise you may be fooling yourself.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

                        For me it has to be consecutive days and simple, If or when someone asks when I last had a drink I tell them My last drink was 13th jan 2009,That's it nothing in between, If I had a drink after that date then that be me last drink taken.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          What exactly is Day one or how many AF Days do I Have?

                          I'm with Mario on this one. For me personally, either I'm 100% committed to living AF and walking the walk or I'm not. It has to be that black and white for me with no shades of grey because I know that if I allow myself to slip once, what's to say I won't allow myself to do it again and again or that I'll even be able to come back from a slip. It's really a matter of living (not drinking) and dying (drinking) for me because I know that the next drink I take could be the one that leads me down the path to my death. Slips are just too risky for me to even contemplate, let alone allow myself to take.

                          I'm almost 3.5 years sober, but if I slipped tomorrow, I'd be back on Day 1. Knowing that I have that rule for myself is actually one of my deterrents, and I will not allow myself to bend the rules I set for myself anymore when it comes to my drinking. I used to change the rules all the time around my drinking when I was stuck in my addiction and that's what kept me stuck there. When I celebrate my 3.5 year milestone, it won't be with a few slips here and there.
                          AF since 3/16/09
                          NF since 3/20/07

