On a better note 6th day of sups and cd's for me 3rd day topa and 2nd day AF. Freeing really good tonight. Thanks Tom:thanks:
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co worker belly shoot twice
co worker belly shoot twice
Sunday night a co worker of mine was at a bar when a very drunk young man picked a fight with him. Bar tender made them take it out side. Young drunk guy went to his car got a gun shoot my coworker twice in the belly. Then with smoking gun in hand calls 911. He goes to jail. Co worker is going to live.
On a better note 6th day of sups and cd's for me 3rd day topa and 2nd day AF. Freeing really good tonight. Thanks Tom:thanks:Tags: None
co worker belly shoot twice
Dangerous enough to live in a culture where people are on the loose on motorbikes, grin .. imagine 6 million in one city on the road, no helmet, no driving license, maaaaaaaaaaaaaadPaddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace:
co worker belly shoot twice
Hello Tom,
Glad that you're doing well.
Your story about your co-worker made me think. Many times, I have heard about local people being severely injured, beaten up and quite often killed, usually in or around bars but sometimes in their own homes. These events are so common here that they rarely make the news any more. I only get to hear about them by word-of-mouth. My son has been attacked three times while on night out with his friends. On the worst occasion, three guys chased him into a dead-end and started hitting him with their belts. He just curled up in a ball and waited until it was finished. He came home with vivid buckle marks all over his back. I am so scared for him. He says that he isn't going to let people dictate where he is, or isn't allowed to go. I always try to impress on him the importance of being careful whenever he goes out, but he knows the way things work better than I do nowadays. ( He's 21 next week). I have never liked going to bars. I'm a big, tall man and I was often the target of people looking to show off. I'm not a fighter, but I can look after myself. Eventually, I decided not to bother with bars any more, not worth the hassle. In my day, the worse you got was a good kicking....now the bastards want to kick you to death, or stab you.
You're better off out of it.
Thanks for letting me ramble........