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Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

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    Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

    :waving: right back atcha!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

      HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MR TIPPSinkele::kudos::threesome:


        Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

        satz123;1367190 wrote:
        HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MR TIPPSinkele::kudos::threesome:
        Thank you Satzuma :l

        It still sometimes feels unreal that I've made it this far. It was a huge help that Mrs. T doesn't drink at all - made it much easier to have an AF house. Plus friends who didn't put pressure on me to "have just one". More importantly, though - to have this place where I could spill my guts and face up to my alcoholism.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

          And how am I celebrating? By staying at home with the cubs while Mrs. T is off having a sushi dinner with a friend :upset:

          I guess it'll have to be enough that she trusts me to be alone with them... Silver linings and all that...
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

            tiptronic_ct;1367197 wrote: Thank you Satzuma :l

            It still sometimes feels unreal that I've made it this far. It was a huge help that Mrs. T doesn't drink at all - made it much easier to have an AF house. Plus friends who didn't put pressure on me to "have just one". More importantly, though - to have this place where I could spill my guts and face up to my alcoholism.
            God yes Tipps - having partner that doesn't drink is deffo a plus. They don't tolerate sessions in pubs etc drinking way into the night - because frankly it is BORING.
            Mr Satz on the other hand LOVES pubs and Irish social gatherings :upset:
            I don't go to pubs now but if there is a wedding or something - it will get trying - I know ......


              Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

              OK - I must away and go home........................ catch yiz later on the Shagginphone.

              ps Mollerooney : I have the funds coming soon to buy that lappy. YAY


                Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

                Laters, Satzy. Our dinner is also just about ready. I popped a butterflied chicken into the oven. Smells good. The proof is in the eating, though.

                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

                  Hello Troopers!!

                  Anyone in the barracks? I haven't been around the past few days and have no idea what's been going on. Someone please fill me in if I've missed something important. I didn't even realize that today is the day Jackie was leaving for holidays until I talked to her earlier in the day. Spoke with her again about an hour ago and they've arrived okay and it's hot in the part of Scotland they're in. Better than last time - they near froze their butts off.

                  Hope all is well with all of you - off to see if Panda-man has been showing Piglet a good time. I imagine so but can't wait to see the pictures...
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

                    Well it looks like no one is about so I'm off to walk the dogger and then some TV before bed. Wishing you all a lovely evening. Tomorrowz.....
                    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                      Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

                      mollyka;1367245 wrote: Ye gods, you lot are boring:H
                      See ye laters xx
                      Just leaving the lofoten islands. A beer was ?12 . We have Bavarians on board and they all had a couple of pints!
                      Your day sounded brilliant Molly
                      Nighty night Army. Off to my cabin for a kip before we enter Trollfiord! Supposed to be fabulous.

                      Drunk mrsa would never have appreciated this trip. How lucky am I to have discovered sobriety before it was too late:new:


                        Army Thread Tuesday 21st August

                        mollyka;1367234 wrote: OOooohhh Stirls --- just missed ya!!!! Great to see you!
                        Just a quick dip in, the 'kids' have gone to the pub and I'm goin to AA in half an hour and then meeting them in the pub -- just hope none of the members see me leavin the AA gaff and straight to the Harvest Bar:H ah well - my conscience is clear
                        Great you is getting the lappie Benjy - jaysus we'll never see the end of you! And yes, I agree a non-drinking partner makes life so bloody easy it's unbelieveable - I truly didn't think it would make any difference when Joe stopped drinking - but it's lovely - same wave length all the time!
                        Hope you all have a luverly evening - I'm headed into town tomorrow with Nelly - she's organised me a birthday treat which apparently I'm 'gonna hate' --- oh gawd:upset:
                        Jazus great friends you have Molls. A birthday present you'll hate
                        I'll be the wan in BT tomorrow with me voucher tearing me hair out 'cos I can't find a pashmina to go with the dress for this feckin' wedding on Friday:upset:

