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The Best Thing About Drinking ...

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    The Best Thing About Drinking ...

    is waking up at 3:00 a.m. with the clear decision that I have to stop. It's the only time of the day when I know with a certainty that only by not drinking, will I fulfill my promise and potential as a human being. At 3:00 a.m. I am awake, shaky, dehydrated and alone.

    Hubby had me convinced that sharing a bottle of red wine most evenings was a well deserved, relaxing way to end the work day. Of course, I was open to the suggestion. Last night I suggested we open the second bottle and we did. We only had one glass each of the second bottle but it was enough to cause the 3:00 a.m. wakefulness and for this I am thankful.

    We had sex which was quite good although I don't recall the details but remember commenting on how wonderful it was afterwards so it must have been. How sad. It takes very little alcohol for me to black out details.

    Re-read the last few chapters of Jason Vale's book this morning. I have had two A/F periods in the past year both lasting a few weeks. The only thing that got me back to my half bottle a night habit (more on weekends) is a momentary "what the hell" moment. Those are so unpredictable and usually preceeded by stressful situations.

    So, once again, I hope to stop living in the shadow of all I can be. I pray that I stay wise to the fact that all it takes is one drink to slowly begin the slide to the 3:00 a.m. internal discussions.

    I am not a huge drinker. It doesn't matter. I cannot cope with drinking emotionally. I don't want to waste another precious moment thinking about drinking unless it's part of my journey of weaning myself off these thoughts.

    So, I thank the universe for those 3:00 a.m. wake-up calls and want this morning's to be the last one. This morning's WILL be the last one. I cannot moderate simply because I have been moderating my whole drinking life and still am not happy with myself.

    Whether one is a three bottle of wine a night drinker or a half a bottle of wine a night drinker, it's all about how it affects one emotionally that determines one's need and urgency to quit.

    I feel that life is passing me by and I am not going to let alcohol rob any more of my life force and vitality.

    That's it.

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu

    The Best Thing About Drinking ...

    Hiya Tipperette,

    I totally agree that it is all about the emotional effects on us.. And from my own experience and those of others on this board.. the effects are depressingly negative and predictable..
    I too am on the AF road yet again but I think this time happily so
    Take care


      The Best Thing About Drinking ...

      Hey Tipps, ditto to the emotional effect - wreaks havoc and totally destroys my peace of mind. I also fear the passage of time - what a waste spending it under the influence.

      Nice to see you Patrice
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        The Best Thing About Drinking ...

        Hi Tipps,

        I do NOT miss the 3:00am panic attacks...I had those every morning. It was enough to get me to quit drinking. The emotional havoc was more than I wanted to live with. You can do this. You know what to do. Stick close to us...we'll help!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          The Best Thing About Drinking ...


          AlcoHELL steals time..

          I used to wake up in the middle of the night, pounding heart wondering why I am destroying myself and how long before my organs just give in etc, but I would repeat this process over and over for years and years.

          Now nearly 8 months sober and I can say that this has all gone, I love night time now and I even love waking up sober even more , life really is changing for me, it really is a journey of self discovery.

          I never thought I could stop drinking , the thought was absurd.

          Now I feel its the greatest gift I have ever given myself.

          I wish you all the best.
          Sober since 13th January 2012


            The Best Thing About Drinking ...

            Nice post 199. Thanks
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              The Best Thing About Drinking ...

              199days;1367680 wrote:

              I LOVE it, so much so that it's going to be my new favorite way to refer to my past relationship with AL!

              Congrats on your sober time, 199!

              :goodjob: Tipper on getting your resolve back on track!
              AF since 3/16/09
              NF since 3/20/07


                The Best Thing About Drinking ...

                Hi Tip,
                I am sorry that your recent desire to NOT DRINK changed.

                I am grateful that my husband enjoys his mug of evening wine by himself. He doesn't have an alcohol problem, but I do. He understands that.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  The Best Thing About Drinking ...

                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    The Best Thing About Drinking ...

                    Did not drink last night. Except for the green tea which was lovely. No 3:00 a.m. conversations and a good night's rest. AlcoHELL !! Fantastic.

                    Weekend at the lake coming up. Should be hot and sunny. Looking forward to a sober weekend. I've had lots of sober weekends this summer and feel great about that but ultimately want a permanent sober me.

                    Day two and hoping that what 'they' say is true ... that every quit makes you stronger and closer to the last one.

                    Won't be on this forum until Monday as we have no access to the internet there. Happy weekend my friends!!

                    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                    ? Lao-Tzu


                      The Best Thing About Drinking ...

                      Sorry I missed you Tipplerette,

                      Sad to read your not feeling well & that the Monster Alcohol grabbed you once again into it's clutches. It's a sneaky fecker!... It's grabbed me, danced with me, teased me, spit me out, swung me around, beat me up, until I was so dizzy I couldn't remember which way I was headed, in or out. Then told me one wouldn't hurt & would make me feel wonderful!... Then one turns into another. Your right it's not always about the amount, its about the behavior & what it does to us, & how it makes us feel. Then repeat...... It's so utterly exhausting!...

                      I know I've had a gazillion starts ~ stops! I was beatin down into weakness so many times, that this is what ultimately has made me strong. I just hope others don't have to take this route. There are better paths to enlightenment!... I'm thankful today, that I've surrendered!

                      I believe you will find your way out!... I do hope your hubs will support you, not enable you to much!... I look back now & mine enabled me too much!... But, then the poor guy didn't know any better. They need help too!...

                      Hope you Mom is doing better!... Very happy to see your drinking green tea today!... You are coming to terms with sober wknds are better than drunk ones. Time to kukaro at the Lake & perhaps journal a bit, reflect, relax, rejuvenate.

                      Take Good Gentle Care, :h

                      Wildflowers :l


                        The Best Thing About Drinking ...

                        Hi my Tip!

                        I have so missed you and have been meaning to pm you as I know you were struggling with your mom big time... :eeks:

                        I'm so sorry you aret having a hard time again. But you are a beautiful work I progress!! You laid a good foundation before your mom went into the hospital. You had a good plan. I have no doubt this is just a blip on the journey,

                        Love and hugs my friend,
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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