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G'day from Australia. My first post here

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    G'day from Australia. My first post here

    This looks like an amazing support group. I am so glad I've finally found you guys

    I've been concerned about how much I've been drinking for a long time. I'm 37 and started drinking nightly (eg 6 or 7 nights a week) about 8 years ago. Alcoholism runs in my family so I've always been acutely aware that I am susceptible to the disease.

    About 18 months ago, I joined AA which I followed for about 6 weeks, but decided to stop going and try to just moderate my drinking.

    I actually enjoy alcohol - but never seem to stop at just 2 glasses with dinner. The whole bottle (and sometimes the 2nd bottle) of wine are always empty the next day. It gets me down and I want to change this.

    This morning I called a rehab centre in Sydney and had a chat with a woman there, who suggested my dependency is psychological and not a physical one, which I believe to be the case for me.

    It just seems so hard! My fiance and I talked about it a few weeks ago and he mentioned that he has been becoming concerned... understandably.

    The thing is, is that we do enjoy alcohol with socialising and as a part of my/our lifestyle, but I just need to stop getting drunk at nights, for the sake of it.

    My younger son is 8 and last Monday he had the day off school because I was too hungover to get him there on time This is not good and is obviously a sign that I need to change my ways.

    I will log into this site daily from now on and hope to make some friends for mutual support in changing my ways.

    I have justs started running a few times a week, which I know is really good for helping reduce my anxiety and therefore drink less.

    Thanks for reading a bit about me, and I look forward to jumping back online tomorrow

    Tonight we are going out for dinner to celebrate my fiances birthday, so I'm going to be the designated driver, and will absolutely FORCE myself to only have 2 glasses of wine. Wish me luck!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    G'day from Australia. My first post here


    Welcome. I'm recently back to visiting this site regularly. I find it to be very insightful and inspirational. It helps to keep me focused to listen to such positive folks share their stories and wisdom.

    I have the same issue with not knowing when to stop. One or two glasses of wine would be plenty, but lack of control keeps me from doing the smart thing. What I have been able to do successfully so far is to drink much less often. That's a beginning to the ultimate goal...I hope.

    I really like this program because of the "moderation" option. I look forward to the day when I have a handle on it, and I can just have a glass or two of wine and enjoy the evening. What a wonderful guilt, hangover, etc...

    There are a lot of people here who are wonderful support. Even if you don't reply often, it's really beneficial just to log on and read through the threads.

    Good luck!!



      G'day from Australia. My first post here

      Welcome Doo Doo!

      Great to have another Aussie on board! There are quite a few of us here and a few weeks back I organised an "ANZAC CHAT" where some of us caught up with each other on a Friday night. (I really should do that again!).

      This is a fabulous resource and I love popping in here every day to read and say Hi to my 'friends'.

      Try checking the Moderation forum, they may be able to offer some great words of wisdom!
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        G'day from Australia. My first post here

        Hello DooDoo.
        It's nice to have you with us.
        I came here about four months ago and have turned a 4/5 bottle of vodka a week habit, into a 1 bottle a month. I am aiming to quit totally, and I believe I shall, but I have made such an improvement to my lfe.
        The people here are great and can relate to just about anything that you could mention. There is a world of information and support, which comes from people just like us.
        A great place......all the better for having you in it.
        Good luck.


          G'day from Australia. My first post here

          Hello Doo Doo! Welcome - I'm a newbie too. I am just sick of the fuzzy head and the whole lot that goes with it. I'm in Australia too, I'm looking forward to the ANZAC chat on Fri at 5pm EST. I found this site through the 4 corners programme and I'm logging in a few times a day, it's great. Hang in there, welcome & keep smiling.
          :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
          Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


            G'day from Australia. My first post here

            Doo Doo, I am also new...although I feel old....kidding!
            I am glad people join daily, it justy shows that we are not alone hey! Our times are very different, as I have not met any South Africans on this site yet. I was just thinking if our grog has a higher alcohol level?
            I think I relate to you, cause my alcoholic disease is also psychological, and in my genes quite extremely, but let us change that, we don't have to b ethe sheep...



              G'day from Australia. My first post here

              and welcome Doo Doo,

              Glad you found us, you will soon find out just how supportive and helpful this site is....The thing we all have is the option for choice... You have now come to a fork in the road and as you look ahead into the distance you have a choice.... Do you stay on the old familiar path where you don't really want to be but you feel safe because you know where you are going, or, do you stride out down a path that seems daunting, scary and unknown, but, at the same time its exciting because it could lead you to a whole new way of life and, eventually to a place where you really want to be....
              Its your choice, but, go on, have the courage to choose the new path.....

              I wish you well, love from Louise xxx

              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                G'day from Australia. My first post here

                Hi DooDoo:welcome: :new: too.

                your story = my story. I relate totally. I'm 39 with kids roughly the same age as yours and my drinking habits sound the same. you have come to the right place. download or buy the book - it will tell you all you need to know. the programme and this site seem a bit complicated at first, but invest your time and it will get clear so quickly. I joined about 2 weeks ago and I am now starting to really reap the benefits. The people here are wonderful.

                have faith in yourself - you will be fine. catch you later, K x


                  G'day from Australia. My first post here

                  Julie, thanks I will check out the Mod section for tips. I really want to try this mod option, as opposed to complete abstinence and I feel that the daily support via this forum could help be a key for me. Total abstinence is just so... hard (socially)!

                  Flip & Tahlula... a chat session would be awesome! I have ordered the Ge Gen/Kudzu, and have also downloaded the pdf version of the book which I've printed out and will start reading tomorrow. If you know of any sites in Australia that ship the Kudzu, please pass on the info. It sounds like it will take a while to get to little Australia It sounds like it's having good results from other members.

                  Popeye, I absolutely take my hat off to you! I can see you're a daily poster, which is great and you've made incredible progress... a total inspiration to me! I've read some of your other posts to other members and I think you give more than you give yourself credit for. From 4/5 bottles a week to 1 a month... *hug*

                  Melanie, I don't know if the alcohol content is higher in SA... it could well be. I have a friend in Australia who is South African and he used to have an issue with alcohol... but I am thinking, regardless of the alcohol content, if you/we feel that we have a problem, then we have a problem, regardless of quantities/strength consumed. I think this is the biggest thing I picked up during my time going to AA. ie don't compare myself to others and just go with my gut instinct. I feel taht it's so easy for me to fall into the trap of thinking"Oh I'm not that bad, so I don't have a problem". I need to fully get past this way of thinking.

                  Irishlady... you are amazing! I printed out your swimming story and showed it to my fiance. You have obviously come a long way and haven't lost sight of the continued battle. I really hope that I am as much of a member as this group in 5 months from now, as what you contribute today.

                  Kate... thanks! The thing with setting my own son back, as a result of my drinking just tortures me the most. He has setbacks with school to start with, so my drinking contributing to his non attendance at school kills me more than anything. I can't let this happen anymore. I remember how great I felt after abstaining from alcohol for 6 weeks during AA time. I just hope that I can get it together and drink responsibly (during the week at the very least!). I really appreciate your post here and also your other posts to other members. You know, at the moment, my attitude is that I want to be able to get drunk with friends every few weeks... just not during the week anymore. I need to get back to a sensible drinking pattern. I am not sure how this will all pan out but I suppose I just have to see how I go and try to be strong.

                  So, I've spent a few good hours here at this site, after having dinner out with my family. I haven't abstained tonight. My fiance's post dinner offer tonight of a G&T was too hard to refuse but I think tomorrow will be another day that I can tackle and hopefully with better success, and when I'm ready, will try and tackle 2 or 3 AFD's in a row with the support of you wonderful people and my fiance.

                  I have read over previous pages from other newbies, who haven't seemed to post again past the first few days/weeks... I hope that the new members are achieving nice days and they are continuing to at least read here. I am sad to see the cries for help but no follow ups.

                  I have achieved so much in my life so far, in a sporting (triathlon) and business capacity that if anyone who knows me (apart from my closest friends) would be shocked beyond words that I've joined a forum like this.

                  I'm a member of a parenting and own a website. Usually online, I'm free as a bird with my identity but here, for now, the anonymity is working for me.

                  Thanks to all who have replied to my cry for support. My fiance, bless his heart, doesn't understand the daily struggles (guilt and feeling of failure) that I face. I try to talk as honestly as I can with him but I know he doesn't fully get it. He can stop at 2 drinks... I can't.

                  Warmest regards to you guys
                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    G'day from Australia. My first post here

                    Hello DooDoo,

                    Welcome! I am like you as i am sure many of the others are too. And my husband can stop at 2! Lucky him. When we are out, I am drinking my first glass and thinking about the 10th! That's not right. I would love to get to the stage where i can just have a few or get drunk with friends, then not drink during the week ( i also have a young son who has missed school due to my habit) But unfortunately when i have one drink, I can't stop. So my only way forward is to not drink at all and so far i'm on day 14. How long this will last i don't know because I'm too scared to go out to a pub as i don't trust myself! Best to stay in for a while i suppose.

                    You sound very level headed so my advice to you would be to keep talking to your fiance and to keep talking to the members here as you will really get the support you need if you really listen and be open to it.

                    Good luck and remember that we are here for a good time, not a long time.



                      G'day from Australia. My first post here

                      Hi DooDoo,


                      I totally relate to everything you said - i'm the type of drinker you are - all ties up with anxiety and depression - and I have done the same school thing with my 8 year old daughter.

                      Great to have another aussie on board.


                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        G'day from Australia. My first post here

                        Welcome DooDoo!

                        So glad you found MWO and all the great folks here that can be an inspiration, and guide to you on this new a new life.

                        Best wishes to you here, come often and share and ask questions.

                        Happy that you are here!
                        Control the Mind


                          G'day from Australia. My first post here

                          Weldome DooDoo,

                          I can relate to your drinking and to your "success" in the outside world. I'm an exec and no one would suspect that I am drinking like I do and that I'm here either. What a lie we lead! I'm a great Mom, when sober, great exec, love to entertain, gourmet cook and love the social part of drinking. I'd hope I could moderate but frankly I'm not sure I can. I'm a relative newbie here -- I've done the book, the CDs religiously, exercise, the supps, topa at 100 mg, now for two weeks -- and I've been AF for 18 days -- a world record for me. Was drinking at least a bottle of wine on a good day -- two bottles or more on a better day! For about two years. With blackouts where I don't remember anything of the night before.

                          So there is hope - there is support here and there are choices to be made.

                          Best of luck to you -- welcome -- join us on the journey!


                            G'day from Australia. My first post here

                            Hiya Doo Doo,
                            I'm in the Sydney area also. I've been "hanging"around here for about a year or so. Still fighting the demon. You sound very strong. I have very good weeks and some not so good weeks.
                            Explore and enjoy MWO. It sounds like you want it to happen, and that is more than half of the battle.
                            Best wishes in your jouney.


                              G'day from Australia. My first post here

                              Hiya DooDoo..

                              Love the name by the way..

                              Just wanted to pop my head in and say hello...This place is fantastic...And thats only because of the great people we have here. Some wise ol owls here.
                              You sound very polite and honest...I know you are going to fit in very well..

                              Best of luck and hope to see you around the boards..

                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

