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Army Thread Friday 24th August

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    Army Thread Friday 24th August

    Morning army woke up to rain. Not much planned for the weekend either and also broke. Tipps enjoy your meal out groupons sounds good tho i never used them yet. Think i need more sleep so back to bed for another few hours. Be back later.


      Army Thread Friday 24th August

      mario;1368200 wrote: See ya expat, LPC have to leg it to, laters and have a great happy sober day all.
      Hi everyone just arriving at our northernmost port. The boat stops about 3 times during the night to unload. So it is nice to get of the boat and have a little wander around pretty little villages.
      Off for a run today hoping to run to the Russian border just to say I did it:goodjob:


        Army Thread Friday 24th August

        good job mrs A on the planned running...... i ahve done one set of insane cardio fat loss, 2 more sets to go..........
        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
        Audrey Hepburn


          Army Thread Friday 24th August

          Guess I'll join the skint party!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Army Thread Friday 24th August

            Hello reggie how is it going? Very quiet here these days


              Army Thread Friday 24th August

              Yooo Hoooo!!! *echo echo echo*

              Very quiet in the barracks...

              I stuffed my knee up at the gym yesterday and I'm not happy about that! It's hard enough sticking to a work-out schedule without old age interfering with the game plan!

              I'm trying to decide whether I should prepare for a potential hurricane coming our way. It's called Isaac and I'm not that concerned but everyone else I know here is so I'm starting to doubt my mental health! I'm thinking I'm going to do basics like get petrol for the generator and batteries etc. but I'm not going to stock up on canned goods and stuff like that. It's going to be a bun fight in the shops I bet... people love to panic!

              I heard from Jackie earlier... they're obviously having a good time as they're staying an extra day... she'll be back Saturday.

              And on that note, off for a session with the heat pad. Then I guess I'll pull out the genny and see if it starts. Bloody hurricanes.


                Army Thread Friday 24th August

                :hallo: Army

                We'll be heading out to dinner shortly. I'm having a cup of coffee in the meantime - feeling a bit tired after the week.

                Enjoy your day / evening and see yas laters

                Zennie: MB invited you over to her house on yesterday's thread. She said she'll put you up for the duration of Isaac. Or was that put up with you? I get confused
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Friday 24th August

                  Hiya zen, tips and zennie just lookin at the sun glinting on the Barents sea. How lucky am I? Better not hit an iceberg!


                    Army Thread Friday 24th August

                    Lordy, lordy but the barracks are quiet these days. I wonder if a certain Ms. JC being on holingdays has something to do with it? Hmmm...

                    Younger son and girlfriend just left a few minutes ago after coming over to have a late lunch with us. They are leaving early in the morning to go to a friend's home on Mount Pilio or Pelion as it is written in English. We've gone there a few times for a weekend and I absolutely love the place. The older houses have a distinct architectural style and many of them have been converted to rented rooms - this is the place we always stay at....

                    This is a typical room there.....

                    and the best part of it is that within an hour's drive at most from the uppermost village on the mountain are beaches that look like this...

                    Great combination - mountain villages and fantastic beaches. Now does anyone still wonder why I love this country so much?

                    Hope you're all having a lovely evening.

                    Mrs. A - I am just the slightest bit (hugely) envious of your trip. Sounds like you're having a fabulous time.

                    Hope that damn hurricane steers clear of Florida and wears itself out at sea, Zennie and MB. I've never experienced something like that and really don't want to. Hope you are both safe and sound.

                    :wavin: to any who might be :sofa:....
                    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                      Army Thread Friday 24th August

                      Well it seems that the barracks are completely deserted so I'm off to walk my dear Freddoccinno and then to bed. Wishing all of you...

                      Tomorrowz, Troopers.........inkele:
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Army Thread Friday 24th August

                        :hallo: again

                        Dinner was very good. Not great, but nice enough. I had mussels in a creamy white wine sauce , crispy duck with a citrusy glaze and creme brulee for dessert. The youngest cub's Lindt chocolate torte was excellent - she was generous enough to give me 2 bites.

                        I'm now off to relax in bed with a new book. I'll have a bit of a lurk in between to see if anyone shows up, but failing that I'll see you on the morrow.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Friday 24th August

                          Almost forgot: Mrs. A - ditto what Stirly said. I hope you're taking pictures

                          Stirly: that area looks fantastic. I must put Greece on my bucket list. If only flights from Saffaland weren't so expensive :upset:
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread Friday 24th August

                            Change in plan. Going to watch The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel with Mrs. T. We both enjoyed the book.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009

