However, the day before yesterday I went to a Chinese Herbalist to get Kudzu. (The longer version of this visit is on DorsetDudes "Fallen already" Thread so I won't bore you all twice.) and they were WONDERFULthere - had accupuncture and got a whole lot of herbs incl Kudzu. Felt the difference almost immediately.
Then yesterday my hypno CD arrived. Had the vile herbal drink a.m. then p.m. as instructed and also listened to CD twice. Husband came home with wine and in a vile mood. We had a row (or rather he shouted at me for being the cause of all problems in his life - probably partly true, but he is unsuccessfuly coming off anti-depressants and is a pretty foul person to be around for now - another story...!) I remained calm, read the paper in the kitchen next to an opened bottle of New World red - my drug of choice - kept looking at it and had absolutely no desire to have a drink.
I can not tell you what a miracle that is. I have never,at least in the last few years, been able to look at (and smell) a bottle of wine and think, honestly, "no thanks, I don't want one." There was no willpower involved, just no desire to drink... It felt as natural and easy and sinking the whole bottle would have been 2 nights previously.
Went upstairs with a cup of camomile tea leaving husband snoring in front of the football on the sofa, watched a Merchants Ivory movie in bed, took a couple of herbal sleeping tablets (valerian, gentian, hops) and slept like a baby.
I won't get cocky and I don't expect this to be easy for ever, but God bless MWO and all who sail in her! :l
A happy Kate x
PS: The Hypno CD I have is not the RJ one, but "Beverly Hills Hypnosis. Staying Sober Though Hypnosis by Trevor H. Scott." I had it shipped from the US via Amazon.Com. I have not tried the RJ Hypno CDs. This is only one 30 minute CD but even with shipping it is much cheaper, and seems to be working, so far,*crosses fingers* for me.