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**So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

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    **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

    I read all over the MWO site.
    "Well what do I tell my friends?
    'How do I explain that I don't drink anymore?"
    Of course we know this can be a real or (imagined) fear, but to HELP any who suffer this fear, what are your favorite lines?

    Anyway, what are your favorites?

    **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

    My line was pretty simple, hey peeps, I dont drink anymore! Anyone that knew me, knew I was what you would call a "power drinker". Not something I was proud of, but that was who I was.

    Fast forward to an ambulance ride to the ICU because I was drinking all day, and took a whole handful of sleep meds(my rock bottom) where I FINALLY decided that AL was no longer my friend, no, it was indeed my mortal enemy.

    I havent told any of my "real" friends of that incident, but most on here should know about it. I am very proud to have so far been able to stave off the hooch since that Im not ashamed to shout it to the mountain tops that I dont drink anymore. Nor do I care the smallest bit, if anyone knows that I have an AL problem

    Frankly, if any of my friends couldnt or wouldnt understand, I would most certainly have to unfriend them. Thankfully all mine understand, and have been supportive. Ive even gone to bars with them and played some darts, they drank AL and I had the proverbial soda water and lime. Oh, and the bar tab is KICK ASS when you order water all night.
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

      I don't say anything. At parties, I still accept a drink, take a sip, set it down, wander around. No one pays attention. I think my friends like seeing me having real conversations. If someone asks do you want another I'll find my glass and say, "oh, I'm good". It hasn't been a problem
      My concern with telling someone is that they will feel uncomfortable around me if I'm not drinking and I don't want that because most of my friends drink (but don't get drunk)
      When I was drinking I did feel odd if I was chatting it up with someone who was drinking diet coke all night. I wouldn't now, but I did then..

      By the way, it's only been two weeks and I haven't been to a bar (usually don't go to bars, only to friends houses). My friends don't really think I have a problem either, (at least they tell me they don't) though they have seen me a few times pretty buzzed. When I've apologized, they just say, "oh don't worry, we were all drunk!" and I've gotten better in the last year.


        **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

        I told people I was going to go AF for a month to see if I could do it and then I never stopped, now people bring me a coke or other non-al drink instead of a beer.
        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


          **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

          I just tell them that I no longer drink and that I just wanted to quit drinking while I was ahead. Most of the time it does the trick. If that doesn't work, then I just repeat that I don't drink and move on.
          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


            **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

            rehab 101= dismissed all drinking friends frm the time i stopped.Good advice to anyone


              **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

              Depending on who I am talking to :

              1. I am on a diet; or
              2. I have already had my fair share
              I just won't anymore


                **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                I worried about this when I finally decided to try and quit (just this weekend gone). Husband (who was AF for 7 years) suggested any or all of the following depending on the person you're talking to:
                # Trying to lose weight and be healthier
                # Hangovers affect me so badly it's not worth it
                # I had a bit of a detox and felt so good I've kept doing it.

                I can't offer my own experience as have yet to venture out onto my usual "scene" and see how my old drinking buddies treat me. Think I"ll put that one off for a few weeks, but that will be my plan. I'll report back on here if it works

                Keep going everyone, we can do it!
                AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)


                  **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                  Honestly, most of the time, NOBODY CARES!!! The only time that I've found that it is odd is if you are specifically meeting "for a drink." Otherwise:

                  1. In a party situation, everyone is more concerned with themselves/the party/what's going on;
                  2. In a bar, everyone is looking at the hotties;
                  3. In a meal situation, there's always folks who have to get up early tomorrow/are dieting/on medication;
                  4. At any other occasion, why would you automatically be drinking?

                  Seriously... it is only us, the alcoholics/problem drinkers, who think we should always be drinking. If someone asks you why you're not they are either A. rude, B. a fellow alkie or C. both. As I said before, the only time it can be odd is if you have specifically met up "for a drink." If that's the case, then you might need an answer. In that case, then I think the other folks suggestions all work. But seriously, I would just ignore it... Most likely, you are much more self-conscious of it than the other person(s).

                  All to say, if someone asks "You're not drinking?" I've found a very effective, simple answer is a curt "No, not tonight." Tends to shut that down right quick.


                    **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                    1. I cannot imagine putting anyone else's concern before my well-being so I do not have an answer to the question you pose.

                    2. I cannot imagine caring about anyone else's opinion.

                    I guess I am not a people pleaser!

                    I love interaction with others and value the role they play. I just don't get caught up in the minutia.

                    I am what I am and if others don't like it, who gives a flying fuck?


                      **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                      lucky 2.0;1369663 wrote: 1. I cannot imagine putting anyone else's concern before my well-being so I do not have an answer to the question you pose.

                      2. I cannot imagine caring about anyone else's opinion.

                      I guess I am not a people pleaser!

                      I love interaction with others and value the role they play. I just don't get caught up in the minutia.

                      I am what I am and if others don't like it, who gives a flying fuck?
                      Well said mate:H
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                        I think a lot of us worry about this though. I know I have. But I agree for the most part that most people DO NOT CARE. People are way more self absorbed by in large than we typically give them credit for. Therefore, I've found it surprisingly easy to just not draw attention to it and people don't even realize you're not drinking. (Like, I've ordered a big bottle of mineral water and poured it into a wine glass all night.) So you can just skirt the issue if you need to.

                        Otherwise, I've said things like "I'm having a break from drinking" or "I'm on a health kick". A friend suggested to me recently that I say I'm allergic to alcohol - can't really argue with that one, although it could lead to having to explain how it affects you. I have had allergic reactions at times so I guess I could work with that one if I felt the need.

                        As time goes on I hope to just say I've quit and be proud of it! A lot of my friends know I'm not drinking, although they probably think it's temporary and don't realize I hope it's not. Most have been wonderfully supportive and cool about it. A very small few have not. And you know what, without exception those are all people who I strongly suspect have a problem themselves. So keep that in mind too. The more threatened someone seems by it, the more likely it's simply that they have an issue so it's about THEM, not what they think of YOU. The last time someone really hassled me about not drinking? That same night he ended up spending the night in a jail cell for being drunk and disorderly and arguing with a bouncer.


                          **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                          I really struggled with this one. I came up with what ever excuse came to my mind first. I got sick of trying to remember what I had said to who.

                          Now I just say I don't drink. If any one asks why and they do sometimes, I turn it into a joke.

                          I drank so much in the last 25 years of my life that I exceeded my quota.

                          Seriously, no one cares that you don't drink and the ones that do probably have there own issues to deal with.
                          I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                            **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                            Saguaro is right. Most people don't care.

                            You don't say anything, you DON'T have to make up excuses... just say "I'm not drinking" and leave it at that.
                            LillyE has it pretty spot on.


                              **So how do you explain: Im not drinking anymore?**

                              Found this on FB, thought it fitting

                              Attached files [img]/converted_files/1927769=6989-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                              DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER

