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Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

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    Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

    Recluse;1371119 wrote: I think it's great, as long as you feel ready for the responsibility. It's not so easy when there's only one of you to undertake walking duties though. And the walking might help you shift a few of those surplus pounds!

    And another cat too! Blimey. It's good to see you moving on. :l
    When my friend got the puppy it dawned on me that I've been stagnating since Sean passed. I honestly haven't dealt with loosing all of the cats, let alone him, and I needed to let it go now and move on. It was a freak occurrence losing them all like that... but it's life and life is good at kicking one in the gonads (as Tipp's brother does NOT know and as Jackie Claire will testify to!!!) :H

    I've always supported animal rights... and I can offer a good home to another couple... so that's what I should do... n'est pas? It'll be a shock for Dougie though... lol...


      Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

      Oh... and the breeder thing... I've always had rescues but now I'm scared shitless of taking in an animal that is going to pass away too soon due to genetics. I do feel bad that I'm going the breeder route but I can't bear the heartache of loosing them before their time...


        Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

        Zenstyle;1371126 wrote: Oh... and the breeder thing... I've always had rescues but now I'm scared shitless of taking in an animal that is going to pass away too soon due to genetics. I do feel bad that I'm going the breeder route but I can't bear the heartache of loosing them before their time...
        Yeah...losing an animal sucks. I was thinking about poor old holly only an hour ago and it's around 16 months since I lost her.


          Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

          Recluse;1371128 wrote: Yeah...losing an animal sucks. I was thinking about poor old holly only an hour ago and it's around 16 months since I lost her.
          Awww yes... I remember that. It really is horrible. I wish they lived as long as us...


            Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

            Sorry had to go pay the milkman. Which took a while as I haven't got any cash in the house.

            Oh then had to watch a one legged cyclist ride very very fast at the velodrome. Feeling very humbled at the moment.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

              :hallo: again

              We're knee-deep in shit talk again, I see

              Mrs. T had the following to say about my brother: "He'll learn that Karma is a bitch."
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                JackieClaire;1371135 wrote: Sorry had to go pay the milkman. Which took a while as I haven't got any cash in the house.

                Oh then had to watch a one legged cyclist ride very very fast at the velodrome. Feeling very humbled at the moment.
                They are pretty amazing. Saw the armless swimmers earlier.
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                  Spoilt for choice on TV over here.

                  Usain Bolt and athletics on one channel, Paralympics on another ooh and goody gumdrops football on a yet another.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                    Hello Troopers!!

                    I think it's been a while since there have been so many posts on the Army threads. Chatty bunch you are today!!

                    Zenners - good news about the doggie. Love the name. I wish our pets could live longer, too. Especially after Freddie's recent cancer surgery, it brought home to me even more that he can't have too many more years with us. His liver has problems and his hearing seems to come and go. And he's got small cataracts on both eyes. However, his appetite has increased and he still likes to play chase around the parking area under our building. So that's a plus.

                    Jackie - I didn't realize that dogs had middle names. Does that mean that I have to think up one for Freddo?

                    Pingu - welcome back!! Glad to hear that you had a great holiday. I saw the pics of the kittens on Farcebook. They are adorable. I love kittens. But don't tell Satz!!:H:H

                    Tipster - what the others said X2 about your brother. I had something similar happen during my MIL's last few months. She had had a couple of strokes and was suffering from dementia as well. Mr. Stirly stopped going to see her as often as he used to because he couldn't bear to see her in that condition but his brother and family stopped going to see her altogether. She was in a nursing home. It wasn't like they had to care for her their own home. They just should have visited once in a while, but they didn't and it was they who insisted she go to the nursing home she did because it was literally a 2-minute drive from their house while it was a 10-minute drive from ours. I have a younger sister who reminds me of your brother. Mrs. T is right - one day they'll learn that Karma is a bitch!!

                    Mario - sorry that you had to go through that - hope you're feeling less drained tomorrow.

                    :wavin: to Foxy, Reccie, LPC, and anyone else that I might not have mentioned. And to MamaBear and Rags although I bet she's sleeping right now. And to Mollers although I bet she's still out with Jilly and Joe. Hope I haven't forgotten anyone...

                    Good to see you back, Girly. Hope they don't get us mixed up. Hope you find a way to get some relief from the shakes. A couple of days AF and they should be gone.
                    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                      Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                      Hiya Stirls! )

                      Jackie... what IS your middle name?


                        Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                        It's Claire.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                          Hewwo Stirls.

                          All our dogs have had middle names.

                          The cross Rottweiller/Alsation was called Troy Pod

                          And Bess's is Boots.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                            Regarding the shakes... someone made a good point... was it Mollers? Think it was. Three days AF and the shakes will be gone and the show will be back on the road... It's much worse with nicotine quite frankly... that was a beyotch! So... looking on the bright side of addiction... it is awful to come off AL but it is do-able...


                              Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                              JackieClaire;1371157 wrote: It's Claire.



                              It was literally staring us in the face
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Barmy army thread thurs 30 aug

                                JackieClaire;1371157 wrote: It's Claire.

