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what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

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    what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

    genuinely interested

    if anyone has any snippets of wisdom i would be pleased to hear them...thanks in advance x
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

    what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

    HowStuffWorks "How Alcoholism Works"
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

      I think the only difference I could come up with would be, that maybe the heavy drinker doesnt feel the need to continue drinking after just one drink, but continues anyway.

      I guess my definition of an Alcoholic, is one that after having started drinking, gets the desire to continue. I dont think its a quantity thing. In my opinion an alcoholic can have only have two drinks a night.

      Whereas a heavy drinker "could" actually stop, and doesnt have that drive to keep the AL flowing. I think you can be a light drinker and an alcoholic, or a heavy drinker and not an alcoholic. But it all really comes down to labels and semantics anyway

      Just my two cents, probably worth what ya paid for it lol, but that is a GREAT question
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

        I think it depends on who you ask, ask 10 people and you'll probably get 10 different answers. I think there are so many variables among people and how they drink that even pigeon-holing people into two groups probably isn't even that accurate. Me personally, I don't find labels all that helpful because it still doesn't solve your drinking and I think it can make you see yourself in a negative way sometimes rather than focusing on what your issues are and what you need to be doing about it.


          what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

          Wish there was a like button here. "like" to you all
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

            from the book "Drinking, A Love Story" by Caroline Knapp:
            Enough? That is a foreign word to an alcoholic, absolutely unknown. There is never enough, no such thing. Your's always after that insurance, always mindufl of it, always so relieved to drink that first drink and feel the warming buzz in the back of your head, always to intent on mainintaining the feeling, reinforcing the buzz, adding to it, not losing it. A woman I know named Liz calls alcoholism "the disease of more," a referenece to the greediness so many of us tend to feel around liquor, the grabbiness, the sense of impending deprivation and the certaintly that we'll never have enough. More is always better to an alcoholic; more is necessary. Why have two drinnks if you can have three? Threee if you can have four? Why stop?
            I just won't anymore


              what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

              A heavy drinker could be an alcoholic in denial or it could be just someone or drinks heavily when they do drink. And an alcoholic is someone who has a problem with their drinking.
              I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

              Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

              Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                You cross the line when drinking stops being a choice. It is the prison we lock ourselves in. We take the key and throw it very far away. While locked in our self created prison we are sad and unhappy and we seem to make sure that everyone around us is equally unhappy. When all of this happens you are no longer a heavy drinker.
                I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                  what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                  I really don't see any difference...just a different wrapper. When AL becomes a problem...same ending.
                  A rose is a rose is a rose.....B
                  PS...Jenn, I gotta get that book, that sums up exactly the cycle I was in. One is too many and the next one is never enough. Very well summed up! Thank you!!
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                    alcoholic = reality according to experience of the life ruined

                    heavy drinker = phrase made up by booze companies probably so one can live buying their products with a clear conscience until they die


                      what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                      I know it doesn't really matter for me. When I started drinking heavily 10 years ago I was probably just a heavy drinker. Don't know when I became an alcoholic, I just know I did. Now I can't even have 1 drink because the compulsion to drink is there. I thank God I know this now because my mind still tries to get me to think I could have a couple of drinks if I wanted to but then reality takes over. The moments are far and few between, but my mind still does try to romanticize drinking. I just can never go there again.

                      Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I started drinking (when I was about 35) and do this all over again so I could change before it got to late, but then I think I would not be the person I am today. Adversity makes us stronger. I learned a lesson not all alcoholics learn. Today I am grateful for that. I cant look back, I can only deal with today and be thankful I am alive, healthy and sober.

                      Good to see you back from vacation, hope you had a great time. And have fun with the new kitties, they are adorable!
                      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                        what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                        All I know is I am both!!!

                        I suppose it is nicer to consider yourself a problem drinker as opposed to an addict. But I think they are just one and the same. One sounds better... that's about the only difference I reckon...


                          what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                          mollyka;1371703 wrote: Mmmm - imo I'm living with the difference between the two. My husband and I always drank together - all our lives - a fork came in the road a few years back - he continued drinking 'heavily' and I realised I had to quit - it became something that I had to deal with. Last December I quit drinking and since then I'm living a 'programme' - I love it tbh - but it's quite a bit of work. AA meetings, Aftercare, life-changes that stop me isolating - addressing true honesty in my life - and on and on and on. My husband quit drinking to support me. I work my programme - and he...........just forgot he ever drank
                          How awesome is your hubbs? Kudos to Joe... He sounds like a lovely fellah and he obviously loves his wife...


                            what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                            I agree with Scottishman.
                            Read Alan Carrs book, or Jason Vales 'kick the drink"
                            It will open your eyes to all the rubbish thats promoted by various rehab groups, most doctors as well as stupid internet sites that answer questions.

                            You will be glad you did.

                            peace and may you have success in your search for the truth.



                              what's the difference between an alcoholic and a heavy drinker

                              The difference is, I am a problem drinker, however, I know when I should not get behind the wheel of an automobile, no matter how much I drink I do know that. I learned the hard way, and I don't have to be arrested twice. I also know, now, that I can abstain between periods of drinking. I also have found that I can stop when I start to feel intoxicated. I know that I always hated losing control, and now that I've become more aware, I do not want to continue when I realize I've reached the point where I can "feel" it.

                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath

