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September Underoos and Friends

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    September Underoos and Friends

    Good gawd i just gave myself a fright.. was fluffing a doona a bit too robustly an it stuck to the light bulb an BANG! I ran for the hills as i thought it was poison gas etc..
    Thankfully son came to rescue and advised not poison gas type of bulb. Now if it had been in the hallway....
    Didn't realise spring cleaning could be lethal :wow:
    Thought bleaching mouldy walls was toxic enough for one day.
    Happy Spring peeps!


      September Underoos and Friends

      Peeky Boo everybodeee.

      Hiya Ficks and great to see you.

      Time to pick up the books and go absorb some useful stuff today. There's always a little glimmer of excitement about a new day these days.

      I think we should all go out and have a little adventure today Undies.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        September Underoos and Friends

        Morning Bridge and ll to come!

        byebyebridgetjones;1372551 wrote: Eyeballs are OK for now. Like to read outside as well as in, so glare would be an issue. Want access to the most extensive library. Probably built in WiFi would be the go. I think 'e ink' or 'i ink' is my preference for format. Fair bit of storage space.

        Also want another one for my mother who would need audio book function as she's blind, and very simple operation. I would set it up with tactile coded thingos on the buttons in manner of braile so she can self operate.

        Wow. I would love his opinion. I just get a bit bamboozled when I go to buy scary new things.

        Is your eyesight really that bad Missy? What can be done??
        Bridge - Mr B is up in Auckland today, but is going to do some thinking about it. The glare is an issue with the i-pad and one thing that I do find frustrating. The audio stuff is really easy - we got into it to get the boy reading because he was way behind for a number of years. Once he got into audio books, he just really took off and ended up winning a local literature quiz

        And yes, my eye-sight is that bad, but it has been with me all my life so I dont really notice it much! Except at times (like this morning!) when I knock my glasses off their usual resting place in the middle of the night and have to get Mr B to find them for me :H:H I fall into the small proportion of people who cant have laser surgery unfortunately, so I'm a bit stuck with it. I loved having contact lenses when I had them, but my "tear" function doesn't work very well so they ended up being hard to wear for more than about two hours at a time. Ironic really, given that I cry at the drop of a hat!!

        Had a really lovely day yesterday - my foster daughter came to live with me when she was 16 and stayed until she was 22, and now she is 28. She comes from a somewhat mixed up family, but she really has her shit together ..... and she is beautiful, happy and working hard in a good job. She brought her boyfriend down - first time I have met him and he is a really really nice chap who has his feet on the ground and deals incredibly well with her foibles. I came away from the weekend feeling like the part that I played in journey is something that I can be proud of. There was something that happened yesterday, which brought tears to my eyes, and helped me to think in amongst the stuff that I beat myself up for during my drinking years, that I also did some good stuff.

        have a good one undies!
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          September Underoos and Friends

          Miss Behaving;1372766 wrote:

          I came away from the weekend feeling like the part that I played in journey is something that I can be proud of. There was something that happened yesterday, which brought tears to my eyes, and helped me to think in amongst the stuff that I beat myself up for during my drinking years, that I also did some good stuff.
          Morning Jonesy, Missy, and hoons to come,

          Absolutely Missy. You are an exeptional human being. I have no doubt you had, and still have a huge influence on her. Lovely post, thanks.

          'Tis a pearler of a day here, and throughout the country i suspect. Sober, relaxed, free. I'm excited!


          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            September Underoos and Friends

            Morning all
            Lovely post missy xxx
            Middle boy has an interview with the high school today, i just hope he does'nt tell him that his hobby is 24hr xbox :H Im as sure it will go well although he is only in year 5 so he has another year untill he will go there.
            Bit chilly here today although the weekend was lovely xx
            Catch you all later xx:l
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              September Underoos and Friends

              Hello Undies!! Leon is such a handsome little man.

              I love my kindle and am just getting ready to settle down to read now.

              Hope all you Undies are doing well. :l
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                September Underoos and Friends

                arvo all

                I have been so busy over the weekend, did'nt get a chance to pop in...Had all the family here yesterday for fathers day, had lovely barbi,I prepared all the food, the kids cooked, and cleaned up.... have read back a wee bit, so much to comment on.. Tawn I love your plum tree... Nicey congrats on selling your home so quickly, Happy birthday Sunny for Saturday, and Leon pic is so adorable... Bridge I have a Kindle that has wifi. and I love it, you can make the font as small or as big as you want, I read outside sometimes, dont find that it has glare issues... your chutney sounds nice Happy, I have bulbs popping through too, should have nice flowers soon....Misssy how is it going for you with the house selling, and good on ye for making your own curtains, did you enjoy making them ??

                Hi Mr G, Ronnie, Techie, Nora, Fickle, Tips, Corie and anyone I may have missed..

                okay back to work for me...


                  September Underoos and Friends

                  hi everyone,
                  hope all had a good weekend, & isn't it nice to have spring back again!
                  sounds like you all are having fun with gardens, selling houses, making curtains, roasting carrots & beetroot, watching para-olympics, watching "The Hunger Games", playing with new phones, making gorgeous little doilies & the like....etc etc etc.
                  happy belated blokes day to all blokes.
                  happy belated birthday to sunshine, i'm glad you got spoilt.
                  festival prep in full swing, only 2 days to go until mayhem for our little town, but it's a good energy.


                    September Underoos and Friends

                    Hi Corie how are you... hope you had a nice weekend.. you will sure be busy getting the festival organised, and getting the balloons ready, what kind of festival is it, if you don't mind me asking.....

                    Happy I like that you named one of your chooks after me, I bet its the cutiest one you have


                      September Underoos and Friends

                      It's an Agricultural Show, Lilly, showcasing machinery & large toys for farmer blokey types with token efforts of things that might interest women & kiddies.
                      The company I hire to attend the event & make twisted balloon shapes for kiddies is making me the dress. I have NO IDEA what it'll look like!
                      I had a nice weekend, thanks, riding my horse & trying to look B & I. Or maybe D & B. Or maybe all.
                      You must have a lot of patience to make those doilies Lilly - so delicate.


                        September Underoos and Friends

                        Agricultural show sounds interesting Corie, I was brought up on a farm, used to help Mam & Dad,a lot, driving the tractor at harvest time etc.. are you going to post a piccie of your balloon dress, would love to see it..

                        I do have a lot of patience for sewing...something I really enjoy doing...


                          September Underoos and Friends

                          Gosh I am idiot sometimes... this is the day our rubbish bins go out, and hubbie takes them in when he comes home from work, I'm in the sewing room and hears the noise of the bins been wheeled in, okay hubbie is home I thought, so made him a coffee and takes that out the back patio, with 2 tim tams that he always has when he gets home, I'm sitting there waiting for him to come in, then thought he is taking a long time to come from his garage, so decided to have a look, he was'nt even home, it was the guy next door taking his bins in.. Duh Lilly :H


                            September Underoos and Friends

                            Good Afternoon hoons.
                            Can you see how important I look this afternoon????
                            This is the look of acheivement:H
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              September Underoos and Friends

                              I love that look Bridge!


                                September Underoos and Friends

                                Lilly here is your namesake, along with the others...

                                been doing a quick catch up but cant wait for the update on the electronic readers from Mr B. Sunny and I were discussing this the other day so all input is welcome!

                                Off for a little read back then early bed me thinks...

