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September Underoos and Friends

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    September Underoos and Friends

    Evening all
    We keep getting power cuts here at the mo which means my internet keeps going down, such a pain but at least i dont have to cook!
    Its been a lovely hot day here today, hubbie has been busy knocking our old garage down
    Well early night for me as i have an early start xxx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      September Underoos and Friends

      Wow im last to go to bed and the first one up
      Wakey wakey you lot
      My boys are trying out today for Super Squad we will be there for about 3 - 5 hours i just hope they do really well. Then we have to wait about 2 weeks to find out if they got in. So positive thoughts guys xx
      At least it will be a nice day and i get get my legs out in the sun.
      Hope you all have a great day xx
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        September Underoos and Friends

        Morning Ronnie and all to come. Good luck for your boys today Ronnie and watch those legs, if there anything like mine its like blinding light when you flash 'em.

        Having a lovely morning, been serenaded and all sorts of stuff, including handwritten cards with one that said, "Hope you have a lovely day, thanks would be appreciated as we have gone to a lot of effort" wtf anyway...leaving room for a monster lunch if all the reviews on my restaurant of choice are correct...


          September Underoos and Friends

          tawnyfrog;1375367 wrote: Cheeses twice ... you don't buy it, you make it, using stuff you'd have in the larder.

          Din-dins looks great!
          Nuoc Cham - I was thinking of a chilli paste...what is it? something manas? must google...


            September Underoos and Friends

            Happy Birthday, Happs!!!!!!!!!!


              September Underoos and Friends

              Hope you have a great birthday Happs xxx
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                September Underoos and Friends

                Thanks lovelies, its a purple shoe day I reckon...


                  September Underoos and Friends

                  Happy Birthday Happs!!!!

                  Enjoy the purple shoe day.....

                  Sporadic lectric and internet downage is causing a few dramas here as well Ronns.

                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    September Underoos and Friends

                    Happy birthday HAppy - hope you and your shoes have enjoyed them!!

                    Hope the try-outs went well for your boys Ronnie!

                    Just back from the weekend - during which we barely moved off our respective couches and beds. Big storms here - thunder, lightening, torrential rain etc etc I ended up driving up (my sister turned up unexpectedly - that is the second time she has done that this year grumble grumble) and it was really scary ....... a couple of times I just pulled over to the side of the road because I couldn't see the road markings. Very glad to be back home again now.
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      September Underoos and Friends

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM IRELAND HAPPS !!


                        September Underoos and Friends

                        Happy birfday Happsy..... hope you're having a good one.
                        Hi to all, welcome to Mollyka & satz & Cindi & techie - a man of many talents certainly with his new hobby of crocheting....
                        I've just got back from Perth, dropping to give you all an update over past few days.
                        Yes Tawns, i have many photos of the balloon dress, which I will post asap.
                        For now :
                        Tues pre Field Days was hectic, I enjoyed however being a go-fer & dogsbody.....guests of singer & friends who were exhibitors arrived Tues night, big spag bog filled us all up, orf to beddies early.
                        Wed - 1st day of Field days. Always busiest day of the 2, all of my entertainment acts had arrived ok except the fucking clown woman who is too slack to get there early. To my dissappointment, my dress wasn't ready but would be for next day. Did all B & I things, then watched my circus act people put on an AMAZING display of balance, acrobatics & humour, with fire juggling despite the 40 km/hr winds! Poor buggars!!!
                        The Wed night performance was FRICKIN AWESOME - fiore juggling, fire eating, fire whips, hoops of fire, & these 2 amazing young people just powered on thru the light rain & gusty breezes without complaint. Truly worth every cent we paid them & a perfect prelude to a FANTASTIC fireworks & double wow.
                        Thurs : of course dawned calmer & clearer than prev day. The circus peeps we only booked for the Wed, but then I put on MY BALLOON dress & became rather a talking point. it was fabulous, taken them 2 days to make, very intricate. I found it rather breezy to say the least, AND THEN I got to partake in the FASHION PARADE!!!!! Eeeeeekkk!!!
                        Needless to say I had some blowouts during the day, the the cheeky St Johns crew made me up a sign saying "no pricks allowed", thankfully it was at the end of the day so didn't offend too many people.
                        Right, I will download photos now & try to post some....


                          September Underoos and Friends

                          Happy Birthday, Saucy
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            September Underoos and Friends

                            And of course a :wavin: to all the other Undies
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              September Underoos and Friends

                              hi tips!!


                                September Underoos and Friends

                                Wow, Beags, awesome dress! I was about to tell you all about my lunch with my new slinky black dress - called the condom dress for reason being that putting it on is like putting on a condom....BUT....mate....that is the BEST! what type of balloons did they use???

