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Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

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    Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

    Morning guys, dropped mrs pinky off at work and came home done some intense cardio, woken me up a bit, thank god i was knackered
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn


      Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

      Good morning Expat, Tiptronic, Satz, KTAB, Firefox, Anon, Mario, StirlyG, Molly, JackieC, Lovely morning here in the UK. Well, though to Day 4 with as much resolve as when I started but I am a little scared that I won't maintain it, but for now, just here and now. For time being will also log on round about betwitching hour when I get home to give myself a mission. Interesting post by RJ. It has been apparent for some years that the site is a little out of date, but really, does this matter? I think it's amazing that RJ has continued to stay committed because as she says, she's moved on. All I know is that the day I inadvertently came across this site, was the day that I felt I'd some support and wasn't alone - even when I don't log on, I browse. I hope with all my heart that she continues to support this site but that's a huge commitment to ask from anyone. Anyhow, good morning all and thank you for your support as I edge nearer to my first short term goal. Px
      Short term goal 7 days AF


        Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

        Thanks Molly
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

          mollyka;1373344 wrote: Great job Patricia! And don't forget - in the early days - it need only be about the hour you're in - don't pick up the first drink. It may seem scary or hard and I know I used to think 'I cannot do this for the rest of my life' - you won't - but for the first week or so the alcohol is still screaming for you, but if you don't feed it - day by day it just gets easier - truly. Yes you prolly will need to change some stuff in your life further down the line - but AT THIS STAGE - you don't have to DO anything --- just don't drink - and don't think ahead - ya know what they say -- tomorrow never comes
          Morning Pinky - how's you - asides being knackered? I'm beginning to wake up now. Rang my healthcare company - and managed to get my cover down from 311 yoyo's a month to 184 -- bloody hell - that's some difference
          Skye won't budge - but they're bringing in a broadband package in a month or so and he tells me they'll have good introductory offers so will wait for that.
          Right gonna get brekkie - then think about the washing machine:upset:
          Feckin' Brekkie at 10 am ------ :shocked:
          Only messing - you need to take a day & DO FECKIN NOTHING Molls !
          Feck cooking , feck cleaning, feck the lot !
          Just 1 feckin day for yourself !!!!!:l
          Did I say FECK !!!


            Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

            im with satzy, feck it all
            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
            Audrey Hepburn


              Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

              So who'll that be, then Molls. I'll bet it was a right gobby mare.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                littlepinkcat;1373356 wrote: im with satzy, feck it all
                Afternoon Army. Yeppers-talking out our problems does help.:l
                Sadly, I can not say feck all today. But I may take a teeny weeny nana nap (maybe 20-30 minutes-will set alarm). Ate way too much salmon pasta with cream sauce for lunch.
                Still have the hoovering to do and collect the little one for his speech therapy this afternoon. "Back to school" and the old routine , it is! At least the weather is warm and lovely. I've got all the windows open.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                  It was yummy Molly! :H But I feel like I've put on about 5 pounds just getting up from the table. I do love cream sauces, chips, cheese...all the wrong things. :upset: Haven't gained any weight yet though! But I could probably use Pinky's abdo blaster program thingy soon if I continue like this! :H
                  Off for a very quick nana nap/meditation before I attack the rest of my "chores".
                  Where ya going for lunch with the ex-roomie?
                  bacinabit x


                    Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                    OK now I have yous here I need advice. DD wants 3 of us to go to OZ at Christmas :
                    – in short –I don’t know what to do . This has all been so up in the air for so long we haven’t really thought about it fully.
                    This wiil be up to Mr Satz as it is HIS pot of money. I do not have it myself at this time and would take a long time to save it.
                    If I was to be asked : I would prefer to help young Satz to get here for Christmas or in Spring / early Summer and then possibly we all go next year when he is settled. (DD 'says' he won't accept any more money from us but it doesn’t MATTER that we helped him already – that’s what family is for )
                    The cons at Christmas are :
                    • Large outlay of money so soon after house stuff – and the pot is almost dry – well too dry to spend 8K.
                    • Leaving my mother at Christmas with my sis - she likes to come to ours
                    • I have no holidays left in work so have to take at my own expense
                    • I won’t be happy ‘till young satz is at that desk in new job and up & running and then he can enjoy our visit.

                    So that’s it. My preference is to have him home here and we can help with that – we want to – ‘cos to my mind we could get him here 10 times for what it would cost us to go.
                    But DD is putting us on a guilt trip and 'working' on Dad cos :
                    • She has the holidays,
                    • She's been saving the plane fare
                    • Young Satz will be off for 10 days at Christmas to hangout
                    I've told her to go and we will go next year. What do yous think ?
                    What would you do?


                      Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                      Thanks Molls - yep my head & heart are telling me that it's too soon. Need to plan it more.
                      Yep let DD go !

                      He's been gone 2 years but - hey - he LOVES it over there and it's not an ordeal for him to stay there.
                      He has said he'll be home in early Summer - so yes I think we should wait 'till then.

                      Ah feck it - then I say - sure let's throw caution to the wind - life is short - let's go !!!

                      Everyone is being too polite - he doesn't want to take any more money - he says it would be great for us to go and "totally understands" if we can't afford it but !

                      Me head is melted so it is !!! :upset:
                      I'll ask the universe to give me a sign


                        Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                        morning all
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                          My brain

                          Thought I'd just log on before I go home - went to Newbie's first and read something like why can't I get past day 4/5 - instantly my brain though YES YES YES - it would be okay to falter at day 4 - I am not going to but What the h*ll am I thinking - just beginning to feel a little balanced and hey ho . . . . brain in freefall - will defo log on this evening. Sorry, I just had to tell someone - my body doesn't feel completely normal yet but my brain is willing to ignore this . . . . . . . Px
                          Short term goal 7 days AF


                            Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                            keep with it, the first week is the worst....
                            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                              Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                              Thank you - I will definitely log on this evening . . . . . Px
                              Short term goal 7 days AF


                                Army Thread Tuesday 4 September

                                patricia;1373448 wrote: Thank you - I will definitely log on this evening . . . . . Px
                                please do, I am going out (yay) but there'll be people around

                                set yourself a treat for your 7 day goal... I had so many treats it was worth staying sober just for them!!!!
                                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

