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Minimum price per Unit of alcohol met with resistance!

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    Minimum price per Unit of alcohol met with resistance!

    Hi All,

    The British government proposed a minimum price of 50p per unit of alcohol in the UK. This would push up the price of vodka from around ?9 per bottle to ?13. The research suggested that this would save 50,000 pensioners a decade from an early grave and apparently more elderly are admitted to hospital due to alcohol related problems than 16-24 YO, which was a big surprise to me. Due to low pensions, loneliness and poor health care among the elderly, drinking has widely spread among that group.

    The article itself wasn’t that astounding to me as the responses I read from the readers. 100s of people commented on how this is cruelty to the pensioners and how people should be able to drink as much as they like in their golden years. I didn’t see a single positive comment; everyone was outraged and defended a person’s right to get drunk. Sure a person should have the freedom to choose. But alcohol affects the rest of the society also in both monetary and social costs. NHS is already stretched to the limit and alcohol related problems cost the UK tax payer billions of pounds. What I am trying to point out is not that this article is special it’s the reaction of the common people who think that it’s alright to get drunk/to be an alcoholic. Not a single person wrote in to say that we need to look into the well being of the elderly or use the money raised from this tax to invest into better elderly care. No wonder we are met with such fierce resistance from our fellow men and women when we tell them that we don’t drink, never will, never regret the decision to stop.

    Minimum price for alcohol 'will save 50,000 pensioners' - Telegraph

    Just a thought

    ALLAN K.
    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit

    Minimum price per Unit of alcohol met with resistance!

    Hello Allan, Thanks for your interesting post. The Australian government recently has had debate over the same thing.We are awash with cheap booze and its everywhere. The gov't is very concerned about the increase in violence, road trauma and all the other shit that goes with AL. I noticed recently when we were travelling Aus and i am no spring chicken ,the amount of AL being consumed by the elderly is huge! It will be interesting to see the attitude of this generation if the gov't goes ahead with its plan to legislate massive price increases for booze. There talking about jurking the price for a cheap bottle of wine now say $ 2.00 up to $ 10! Can't imagine the outcry! But, as you say, its all wrong. The cost to this nation for al related illness must be enormous. The attitude to this national epidemic is all out of whack!! What really concerns me is the attitude of our young to AL. I can see in the future, an enormous increase in 30/40 yo full blown alcoholics!! My kids included,some of which are allready drinking far to much. I have had a wonderful af weekend! Thanks again Allan and keep up the good seem to be doing really well.


      Minimum price per Unit of alcohol met with resistance!

      Allan, If you want to pm me anytime please do. Spent some time with my wife and daughter in the uk about 10 year ago Had an amazing time


        Minimum price per Unit of alcohol met with resistance!

        Boozer, thank you for your comments. Every new generation wants to be different from the one before, they rebel and fight us on everything. This is totally normal. However, is there such a thing as too much freedom when it comes to personal choices? Alcohol is the first recorded drug that appeared in our civilization. Egyptian pharaohs would even have a harvest festival once a year where they would supply unlimited booze and made sure everyone got wasted. I am just worried that in a culture where we perceive the role of government as some unwanted dictator we have completely lost the plot. Everyone in life needs advice, guidance and support. I believe this is what the role of the gov is. Look at some of the best countries sorted by quality of life, Norway, Sweden, Denmark... their government provides unparallel safety nets. Care programmes for the elderly, great accessible, healthcare and social security. They have the best life-work balance. And one of the highest prices for alcohol on the planet.

        Alcohol is very price inelastic. It means that people perceive it as a necessity, same as tobacco, milk, bread... so for every 10% increase in the price, the demand will fall by less than 10%. So raising prices is a good start to pay for all the associated problems with AL. However, we need to look at the root cause of the binge drinking and alcohol abuse. If a nation is happy, cared for, has goo mental health, great social programmes then why on earth would anyone want to drink to escape reality. My parents don’t want to admit it but they had it easy. 9-5 jobs, great pensions, affordable homes. When my dad started his career as a policeman out of high school he got himself a flat in London. Now he is retired he receives a huge pension which increases at least with the rate of inflation sometimes higher. I on the other hand finished one of the best Unis in London. Worked like a dog, had to sign an agreement on unlimited working hours with every employer, don’t even know the concept of 9-5. Work lunches are gone, I get big frowns when I come back from a full hour lunch, and everyone just chews their food at their desk. Constant flow of emails and calls, before, during and after work. Occasional weekends at work. (BTW weekends and after work time is not paid for) None of my employers contributed to my pension...At the end of the day I come back to my rented flat, which I pay way more than half of my income and can’t afford to buy a place on my own.

        So the times are more stressful, the family life as it once was has gone. And what I really don’t get is that with all this computing power and all these technologies, why is that people are working harder and longer hours than ever before. Think of an accountant, using a type writer and a pen 30 years ago. Was he as productive as his equivalent today? No way! So instead of working less we work more. makes no sense. With the widespread availability of the Internet and social media, human life contact has diminished. Study after study showed that personal human interactions and friendships are vital to a good mental state. So I really get the alcoholism in our culture. It is a way out, it helps us power down our engine. But we desperately need help and assistance and this can only come from the government. We need affordable housing, better life work balance, and better structure in place for young families..... Sorry for rambling on ..... Just want technology and the gov to improve our lives rather than make it worse.

        ALLAN K.
        AF since 1st Sep 2012
        NF since 1st Sep 2012

        If you want to feel better visit


          Minimum price per Unit of alcohol met with resistance!

          AlcoHELL.... The masses are brainwashed and conditioned to this drug.

          Being sober is just so rebellious.
          Sober since 13th January 2012


            Minimum price per Unit of alcohol met with resistance!

            199days;1375770 wrote: AlcoHELL.... The masses are brainwashed and conditioned to this drug.

            Being sober is just so rebellious
            199, cant agree more, very good point!
            AF since 1st Sep 2012
            NF since 1st Sep 2012

            If you want to feel better visit

