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I have'nt started Juicing but i have started eating vegetables...
I should try it though...ThanksI don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Green Eyed Lady, I used to juice all the time and I loved it! I don't know why I got away from it, well yes I do, but that's another story. When I go home tonight I'm going to try to remember to look at my juicing books and see if there's any recipes for detox. I'll let you know. At the very least, it's a very healthy habit to have.
Hello Green Eyed Lady,
I juice about two to three times a week, 2 carrots,1 beet,1/2 cup parsley, & half a lemon,is one of my favorites.
Beet juice is good for your liver, but you may want to to start with just half a beet, organic is the best way to go. Also cabbage juice is really good for cleaning the stomach. If you are new to juicing you might want to start out by diluting the juice with filtered water till your system gets used to it.
A good book to pick up on this subject is "Toxic Relief" by Don Colbert M.D.
He has all kinds of recipes for juicing.
Have fun juicing, and have a great day!!
KitkatsueAF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:
southernbelle47;101656 wrote: Juicer here!
I add Magma to my veggies and fruit juice.
You can get it on line at at a good price.
Happy juicing!
Never heard of it before in the context of juicing - I must go check it out.
xx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Juicing is excellent for detoxing your body. I juice more now that I am conscience of what I am consuming. More like now that I am not drinking. When I started juicing again, I noticed I broke out in a few pimples - which went away after a week. This tells me that it was helping my body rid of the toxins. I love carrot/beet with a bit of lemon grass. Go easy on it tho when you are first starting. You might get the 'craps' if you over do it.
I used to juice all the time and was just thinking that it must help with detox, I know about the beets power on the
ok so I have started juicing again...I remember when I did it before that it really helped reduce my cravings when I added 1/2 beet to my carrots. Thank you all for the input, looks like we all should get back on the daily juicing track. might help eh.
Green Eyed Lady
kitkatsue;101575 wrote: Hello Green Eyed Lady,
I juice about two to three times a week, 2 carrots,1 beet,1/2 cup parsley, & half a lemon,is one of my favorites.
Beet juice is good for your liver, but you may want to to start with just half a beet, organic is the best way to go. Also cabbage juice is really good for cleaning the stomach. If you are new to juicing you might want to start out by diluting the juice with filtered water till your system gets used to it.
A good book to pick up on this subject is "Toxic Relief" by Don Colbert M.D.
He has all kinds of recipes for juicing.
Have fun juicing, and have a great day!!
Pretty juicy thread, I says, ha, ha. I'm sure juices do their good for the liver. There's a great book by Dr. SANDRA CABOT called The Health Liver Book (and also another book by hers called the Liver Detox). Both give good tips (including the use of juices) on how to detox your liver.
I guess, as is the case with so many of us, we just don't have the time for so tedious a diet. We rather pop 'green' pills and multi vitamins and watch our diet.
But, nevertheless, you do make a valid point.:goodjob:Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace: