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    I have been AL free for almost four months...not consecutively....but only a few drinks here and there.
    I am anxious b/c I take xanax and klonopin for anxiety and my doseage is slowly increasing.
    I felt like I was about to crawl out of my skin today and took "bites" out of .25 mg of xanax to help. I take .5 mg of klonopin at bedtime
    I DO NOT want to trade one addiction for another!
    I am curious about anyone else's experience with benzos....
    I need them for now, but should I try to taper off them slowly? Or should I try later?
    The internet terrifies me about withdrawal...
    anyone else dealing with this? Thanks
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


    Hey Mama, I only took benzos before dental procedures to remove my anxiety. I can tell you from my own experience, I knew I could definitely get addicted to those. I also took AD's for a long time and to get off them was absolute hell. Never again will I rely on brain altering meds, I have found calms forte and 5 HTP to be huge helps when I need them.

    I don't want to tell you to get off them if you need them, just be very careful with the increasing doses. From what I have read about benzos, they can be horrible to wean off them.

    Have you talked to your doctor about this? My doctor knows about my alcohol addiction and she has always been super helpful about meds and addiction issues.

    Great job on quitting the alcohol! Now just be very careful about the meds...but I know you already know this.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.



      Hi Mama :h

      Happy Fourth ! :wow2: Sorry couldn't the fireworks smilley

      I took Xanax years ago and frankly it made me ,feel as though all my anxiety, all my agitation energy was being pushed down into my stomach, my lower body if you will. I hated it but i kept taking it hoping that would stop. It didnt. Xanax was sort of the popular drug du jour at the time so I thought there must be something wrong with me for having this reaction because it seemed to be so helpful for the population at large.

      But I talked to other people over time and they had similar reactions. So needless to say I am not a fan of Xanax for myself. Remember that I am also BiPolar and so I take the drug Lamictal which oddly enough is similar to Topamax....

      I have had a lot of success with this. I wish I had the courage or strength to steer clear of AL when I was diagnosed in 2005 and started the Lamictol but alas...

      That is my short history with Xanax. I hope it was helpful. :h

      Many hugs my friend,

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest



        Hello M B, : Benzodiazepines: How They Work & How to Withdraw, Prof C H Ashton DM, FRCP, 2002



          Hi Mama Bear,

          I've taken Ativan for about three years off and on. I have a standing RX. I do public speaking and have a fear of flying so the two go hand and hand. I've also had a number of career moves that were anxiety producing so there was yet another reason. When I was really panic stricken a few years ago, out of the blue, I'd be driving and have to pull over. I would think that I was going to pass out or lose control behind the wheel with my children - I was afraid I would get in an accident with them! Thats when I knew I needed help because they needed to get to school!

          I feel ativan is about the kindest, most benign drug I've ever encountered. This is my personal experience. I have only used it when needed and when I needed it, it came through. I have heard that some Dr's have a concern about addiction but I don't really understand it because when I've taken it, I've only taken what I've needed. I've never experienced a "high" from the drug. If I've taken a bit more than usual, I usually just need a nap. That's it. Lately life has been so peaceful I've stopped taking it altogether but I will never give up my RX because I think it is a Godsend. I've had panic attacks in airplanes and before speaking engagements and ativan allows me to live my life and fulfill my purpose.

          I would suggest you ask your Dr about ativan. It's a calming drug that has never gotten me in trouble and in small doses can be a real lifesaver. Best to you Mama Bear.



            MB-- first, don't freak! Sitting there worrying that you have developed an addiction to benzos will only make you more anxious! Then what will you do? Seek to make the anxiety go away by.... Hopefully not more benzos or drinking?? See what I'm saying? Worrying is not going to help it! Now-- I have some experience with this-- I was prescribed benzos for panic attacks and anxiety years ago and though I took them exactly as prescribed i did develop a type of dependence to them or what I would call a learned helplessness-- if i did not have them or did not take the dose I would feel anxious and think-- see that must mean I really need them! I did a dumb thing. I quit them after 3 years -- cold turkey. I was not taking a big dose but I had taken some amount on and off for that long. I was darn lucky. Physically I was okay but mentally I was a wreck. I should have tapered over a long time period. In his autobiography Stven Tyler from Aerosmith said his withdrawal from Xanax was worse than heroin. Of course I am sure he was abusing it and you are not. I was taki g klonopin , occasionally Xanax for a panic attack ( that was rare) and sometimes restoril ( temazapam) for sleep on and off over 3 years. So as you can see those are a good mix of benzos to be exposed to -- and I was able to get off them. I really wish I had known more about benzos before I ever took them as I would not take them again but that is just me, I do think they have a high potential for addiction and dependence even if used as prescribed . For the poster who had a good experience with Ativan, that is great-- I have not taken it and I am glad you have had a good experience with it-- I just don't think I could go down that road again.

            Good luck MB-- whatever you do though -- don't fret-- just gather the info and maybe talk to your doc and by the way-- exercise and calms forte did eventually help me too. The exercise really helped a ton with the anxiety -- I have lost 40 lbs since April and that helps!



              get some valerian root and high strength b 12, you'll be fine

              kick big pharma in the balls



                Hi, MB.

                I had taken Paxil --10 mg, I think--for about five months and then decided I didn't want to continue. Weaned myself off slowly over a few weeks and had almost no withdrawal symptome--except for a whooshing feeling in my head when I woke up. La has always recommended Amoryn, and I switched over to that and it seems to do the trick. Of course, I can say that my anxiety was a direct result of my drinking. Yours doesn't seem to be, but you might want to ask your doc about getting off the benzos and going to Amoryn. Think you have to wait a week. The same company also makes Seredyn, which seems to be a fast acting help for panic and anxiety.
                Good luck! I always look forward to your posts!
                "One day at a time."



                  I have been AL free for almost four months...not consecutively....but only a few drinks here and there.

                  Real sorry I dont understand this ? Are you Drinking Or Not drinking ?

                  Al free a million times better than drinking here and there.

                  Good luck !
                  Sober since 13th January 2012



                    thanks all...and Raven...I am NOT drinking.....I have had three evenings of drinks in 4 months....I used to drink a 12 pack of beer every night
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem



                      It is SOOOOOOO good to hear from you and congrats on the 40 lb weight loss!!!!
                      Please come join us in the "One Step at a Time" thread.......everyone is welcome to post there, btw. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem



                        thanks benzo...good stuff.
                        But Ashton wants to substitute xanax for valium??
                        I have an appt with my doc on the 27th, btw
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem



                          Hi Mama

                          Great on 4 months of basically AF.. !!You are a clever woman so you will get off the benzo's in good time...
                          Take care



                            thanks Patrice!
                            I appreciate the vote of confidence!!
                            Take care and be well, ok?
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem



                              199days;1376572 wrote: I have been AL free for almost four months...not consecutively....but only a few drinks here and there.

                              Real sorry I dont understand this ? Are you Drinking Or Not drinking ?

                              Al free a million times better than drinking here and there.

                              Good luck !
                              Oh for goodness sake - what part of a few drinks here & there do you not get ?
                              We are all not living saints !!!! and everyone takes this journey to AF at their own pace.
                              Mama Bear you are DOING GREAT !!!

