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Army Thread 12th September

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    Army Thread 12th September

    Grand Molls. In leaba myself. What had you awake all night? That young fella?


      Army Thread 12th September

      You'll sleep like a log tonight. I won't keep you jabbering. Sleep well Mrs:l


        Army Thread 12th September

        Hi everyone,

        Hang in there Reccie and Tabbers. You can break the shackles of booze. I came back here, left, came back, left, now back again, and have made an idiot of meself on more than one occassion lashing out at folks on the undies thread at times. Whislt some may've 'written me off', many folks remain supportive and understanding. My point is we don't have to do this alone, nor should we. I hope you 2 blokes stick around and don't isolate yourselves. Yapping is good, and rather than get depressed, i try to soak up all the positive and inspiring info and get inspiration and strength from people from all over the world in hellish situations taking back their lives. For me, the key seems to be in my thinking. This time around, i am focusing on 2 areas.

        Gratitude thinking instead of deprivation thinking. Constantly telling myself what i am gaining. I know what i'm missing out on. A decent into hell that is fun for acouple of hours, but history shows me that this very soon turns into a groundhog day of emptiness, and it becomes a very boring limbo.

        The other area i focus on is self care, and self respect. Loving myself. Appreciating who i am, and who i can become. Good food, fresh air, exercise, and a constant stream of positive self talk. I focus on waht i am getting, and that is a clear mind, clear skin, and unbridled freedom to be anything, and do anything.

        Just some thoughts. When i reach 1 year AF again, i'll know it's been a good strategy. lol.

        Take care of yourselves fella's, and go for it. G.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Army Thread 12th September

          I've done the whitening Mollers. Honestly... I reckon set your alarm early and put them on for two hours in the morning. I'm not sure the whitening works past a couple of hours...

          I hope it's the gumshields that are bothering you and not sensitivity... Mine get so bloomin sensitive. I'm coming up to doing mine again... ugh...

          See yiz on the morrow... sleep tight!



            Army Thread 12th September

            Woops... ya snuck in there while I was on the (lovely new!) phone Mr G! xxx


              Army Thread 12th September

              Yeah... it can really make the gums sensitive. I use Sensodyne for toothpaste when I do the whitening. And "desensitizing gel" to rub on the gums. 2 hours max if you're sensitive like moi methinks... xxx

              No... you'll not catch me buying an iPhone... even if I COULD afford one which I can't! LOL Waste of cash... no offense intended (None taken Zen)... Good! ;o) I got a cheapo 4G phone which has everything I need... an LG Motion, hot spot friendly... that will do for a year. It has the new 4.0 platform...

              OK... off to roast some beef...

              Dare I turn the light out again... nah, better leave it!


                Army Thread 12th September

                Go to feckin bed!!! (I made a prime rib!!!) LOL... that's mean of me! Hee hee...

                Me own bloomin mouth is waterin in anticipation.... This is a treat for a mate coming over...

                OK... think...... I..... can....................... *CLICK!*


                  Army Thread 12th September

