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hello life

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    hello life

    at last i managed to break the cycle and survive the night without a drink,it was a long restless and wet with sweat night, but because of the support and encouragment i have received from you all, it made the task so much easier,i know that its just one night ,but its the first i can remember for what seems a lifetime,it is also the first time i can remember the later part of last night,thank you all so any new people,i have only been a member for a few days but have watched the site for a couple of weeks,i have not yet taken any supps or listened to any cds, but have been motivated by seeing countless people winning this battle,i can honestly say that this site with all its support is like spinich to popeye,it just fills you with the strength and optimism needed .:thanks:

    hello life

    Hi there traderged

    bloody well done. there is no way on god's green earth I coud have done that- I am weedy - need all thr props I can get. That said, don't make it harder than it has to be. I have just started on the kudzu and hypno and blimey, what a difference... (also now the topa altho too early to tell.) My point is : you take paracetamol for a headache, so take something to hyelp you with this. You sound SO determined and strong, but this programme is tried and tested, so hope on board and help yourself.

    Wishing you every strencgth and success, kate x


      hello life

      I could not agree more. Now keep that optimism going and please give me some!!!


        hello life

        Hi Traderged,

        Sounds like we had a similar beginning as I too got so inspired by this lot that I stopped 2 days ago without anything - though I had already ordered the tapes and the kudzo - I think I'm pretty strong, but I'm finally serious about this so I'm ready to take whatever help I need to keep going - so we're here, but if that's not enough, go for gold and use as many tools as you need! Look forward to seeing you around.
        All the best, Arial
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          hello life

          Well done on your first evening of AF Traderged! Keep up the good work. Don't be afraid of using supplements if you need to. I am on day 62 and was thinking to myself I might go and purchase some Kudzu.... I have read so many good things about this product. Even if it tastes like crap, I think any tool I can incorporate into my regime is worth it to beat this.

          Keep us posted!


            hello life

            For anyone that wants to buy the kudzu there is a HUGE difference in the one you can buy on this website versus the ones in the health food store. And I think I found it to be the same price, if not cheaper because you get more mg per capsule. Just a thought!!!

            Congrats on all of the AF days!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              hello life

              Lusch is right. The kudzu on this site is formulated specifically based on the amounts of kudzu used in a scientific study wherein alcohol cravings were suggested to be reduced by its use. A lot of the kudzu you buy in stores dont contain enough of the kudzu to make a real difference. I always have to have the last word. HA!
              I love you Luschy Lusciolous. (Hey, I created a new nickname!)
              Over 4 months AF :h


                hello life

                I was impressed with you using such a big complicated word such as "wherein" so I will let you get the last word in. And I love you too!!!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  hello life

                  Well done trader.
                  Keep it up.


                    hello life

                    Hey Trader... I know how you feel. I just had my first AF last night along with you Stick with it and let's see if we can make it 2 consecutive AF's together

                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      hello life

                      You guys are doing GREAT!!! The first few days are the roughest so hang with it -- I did it without the tools -- just because they hadn't gotten here yet, but once they came, it sure got easier. The kudzu doesn't "taste" because it's just a capsule. I am 19 days AF now and didn't think I could do it either! Use any or all of the tools - they are working for me so far at least!!! We are so glad you are here! One day, night at a time. We are here for you!


                        hello life


                        Wow good for you! I know that first night was hard, but you did survive and now you are on your way..:goodjob:

                        Great start


                          hello life

                          trader and others, I know i am banging on about this in every single thread, but the Kudzu has been like a magic spell for me. I am evangelical... (better word than wherein?) For anyone still wondering whether to give it a go, I BEG you to order some from the MWO website. It's not expensive, and the difference it makes is phenomenal. I feel like I have been given the key to a new life.


                          (3 days AF with no effort due to hypno and kuzdu and this site, after years of 1 - 2 bottles of wine plus otherjunk every goddam night, sleeplessness, self-hatred and depression...)

                          PS: you think you can buy shares in Kudzu?!


                            hello life

                            Well done mate!

                            You just took the hardest steps - the first ones - taking the decision to sort things out - coming on here, and NOT taking that first drink yesterday.
                            You also now know it can be done!!!

                            The first while is the toughest - but believe me it IS worth the effort.
                            I honestly feel like I just got a whole new life over the last few weeks!
                            I am doing it without any meds / supplements but if you find they help - then go for it.
                            Use ANYTHING YOU CAN to beat this thing.
                            But DO NOT give up! It is SO worth the effort!

                            You sound like you have what it takes to do this - so good luck

                            Take care

                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

