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Some Strange Things Happening

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    Some Strange Things Happening

    Hi Everyone:

    Just wanted to draw on your wisdom and experience once again :h

    I'm almost 4 months with a slip or 2 and in the last few weeks I am starving and eating everything in sight I did in the beginning.

    I also feel disconnected, tired, want to be alone ALOT - just come here and read, watch Voyager or sleep. I don't want to talk to people. I can chant, do my Buddhist practice but my chatty Kathy self is going into stasis.

    I'm excersising. Drinking lots of water....taking my supps...

    I am way irritable. Woke up the other night with big anxiety for really no reason. Almost feels like I'm hungover...headaches in the morning but that might just be eye strain from this iPad

    The bottom line is lately all I want to do is isolate and eat. Obviously the is NOT a good idea... Is this PAWS? it's lasting for weeks and the PAWS article says its only a few days at a time and then it gets better. This is staying the same...

    Anyway, any ideas? Am I pretty much on schedule ? If so I really need a new times table because this sucks...

    I think I need yoga...:upset:

    Love and hugs,
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest

    Some Strange Things Happening

    Hi Kradle,

    There are all sorts of emotional/mental/hormonal shifts that can cause the feelings you described. I think I've been there & done them all

    The only way to know is to talk to your Doc, perhaps have your hormone levels checked - I did
    I have been on HRT for years which helps but I've also added a good herbal mood stabilizer called Amoryn. Makes a huge difference

    Wishing you the best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Some Strange Things Happening

      Hi Kradle,

      I read your post earlier and thought I had nothing to help and now I remember on my quit last year I also became very introverted for a good while, like weeks.

      And the headache thing.... I never get headaches but on about week 8 I had a headache that went on for 5-6 days, not terrible but just enough to make me really irritable.

      But with the isolating thing.... Why don't you just go with the flow. Do what you must for the family then go be alone. It will pass but maybe this is just your psyche NEEDING to be alone.

      Fun loving Kradle isn't dead but recovering Kradle needs a break. Don't fight it or you will overdo it psychologically, get stressed and you know where that will lead, don't you.

      Love yourself and take a break.

      Big hugs



        Some Strange Things Happening

        Agreed with others, your body is undergoing some major repair at this point. Everyone recovers different and has different side effects, but clearly not drinking is better for you than drinking.

        Im certainly no doctor, and not an expert on depression, but, the whole isolating thing sounds a bit like depression.

        Wifey was like that up and down for a while(she's not an alcohlic, but she has clinical depression) like Lav, went on some mood stabilizers and we saw some very real positive changes.

        Hang in there.....its worth the fight! Hope things return to normal for you very soon
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          Some Strange Things Happening

          Kradle123;1377397 wrote: Hi Everyone:

          Just wanted to draw on your wisdom and experience once again :h

          I'm almost 4 months with a slip or 2 and in the last few weeks I am starving and eating everything in sight I did in the beginning.

          I also feel disconnected, tired, want to be alone ALOT - just come here and read, watch Voyager or sleep. I don't want to talk to people. I can chant, do my Buddhist practice but my chatty Kathy self is going into stasis.

          I'm excersising. Drinking lots of water....taking my supps...

          I am way irritable. Woke up the other night with big anxiety for really no reason. Almost feels like I'm hungover...headaches in the morning but that might just be eye strain from this iPad

          The bottom line is lately all I want to do is isolate and eat. Obviously the is NOT a good idea... Is this PAWS? it's lasting for weeks and the PAWS article says its only a few days at a time and then it gets better. This is staying the same...

          Anyway, any ideas? Am I pretty much on schedule ? If so I really need a new times table because this sucks...

          I think I need yoga...:upset:

          Love and hugs,
          Hello Kradle. I'm going through some of that as well. I made a post under the purging thread about it. It sounds like you are in depression. If I remember correctly, you mentioned you were bipolar, so you are probably in the depression part of your cycle. I know this AF journey has thrown me into one I haven't had like this in a long time. If it doesn't clear up soon, I'll have to revisit my doctor and hopefully try a different medication. The one I've been on has been helpful from these really deep depressive episodes, but in my third week, it came at me like hell in a race car. Maybe a chat with the doctor for you would be a good idea? I'm thinking that since my chemistry is changing again, my medication may not be working properly now. I have clinical depression.

          Lav, I'll look into the Amoryn, but I'm on Lexapro, so not sure about mixing it in. I used to take Paxil until it stopped working and went on Lexapro. I hope my Lexapro hasn't lost its effectiveness going AF. God help me if it has.

          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Some Strange Things Happening

            Hi Kradle,

            I don't feel depressed, but lately I like to be alone A LOT! I've been turning down social invitations too. I think everything comes and goes in waves, I just try to ride out whatever I'm feeling at the time. Ultimately I need to do what's best for ME and my sobriety, so if that means I stay home ALL weekend and do nothing but read a book and watch TV, then so be it! Don't worry, you'll get your groove back soon!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Some Strange Things Happening

              Hi Kradle,

              I experienced PAWs. Check out the following article and see if anything resonates with you. It really helped me to understand that it was going to take time for my body to heal and to keep my expectations in check.

              PAWS ? Digital Dharma

              As mentioned in the article, many of us suffer from hypoglycemia which can mimic "dry drunk" symptoms. Here's another good resource. I found the recommendations in both articles very helpful.

              Identifying & correcting the biochemical disruption of hypoglycemia and alcoholism

              The other important consideration is now that you're off AL, do adjustments need to be made to any of the medications you're taking.

              Best wishes. It does get better.

              AF since 3/16/09
              NF since 3/20/07


                Some Strange Things Happening

                Kradle...I remember last summer being that way for me. I had always enjoyed gardening and loved nothing better than to plant in the spring and go out and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Last summer, however...I got a case of the 'Is THAT all there is??' Like that gloomy song by Peggy somebody. I didn't go out, didn't want to do much, just sat around and tired to make sure I stayed sober and out of temptation. I remember Lola going thru it, is a phase and will pass! This summer, I feel confident in my AF self...I know who I am and feel on top of my game....not as if I'm about to fail, because I know I'm going to succeed! You are gaining your confidence and getting your head together..this is NORMAL!! Do I wish it didn't happen...yes, but looking back on it now it was something that had to be done in order to gain acceptance. In the stages of grief, remember that depression comes just before the final stage, and that's acceptance!! Stay the course and you will feel just as good as you ever did WITH a buzz! You will find that chatty personality and social bee that AL brought just takes some time. You have come so far....and you are doing GREAT!! Hugs, B
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Some Strange Things Happening

                  Well once again you guys are all Johnny on the spot!

                  I know you're right Lav I need to get my butt to the Doc. I'm not on insurance at the moment...but no excuses... And I will ask my meds Counselor about the Amoryn.

                  Slay it really is stunning how I actually forget about my Bi-polar... I hadn't even factored that in. I'm going to pay close attention to my ups and downs.:thanks:

                  Kuya- so my headaches are 2-3 days mostly in the morning. But if you were feeling them as well, I'll monitor them...won't get that worried

                  Hi K9 and congrats on smoke free week three!! Well, okay I agree. Maybe just time to embrace wanting to be alone and just read or watch TV. With my addict personality of course I just want to do, do , do... So funny as it sounds thanks for giving me permission to just stay in my girl cave and watch Star Trek :l

                  Sober thanks for the links. I'm going to book mark them. Think I've seen the first one but not the second. :h

                  Nels my love you're riight and I forget this too that I'm in repair mode. It's so hard to keep in my mind because of course there's no band aid involved. No Nepsporin or bactiine...

                  I do feel better today though this morning was drag my ass city....still eating cream . Good job it's still 80 degrees here. Feel less guilty

                  Love you guys,
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    Some Strange Things Happening

                    I do feel better today though this morning was drag my ass city....still eating cream . Good job it's still 80 degrees here. Feel less guilty

                    Don't wanna be a nag but watch the diet, ice cream is a big sugar hit and that can be bad as it mimics alcohol and leads to hypoglycemia , then irritability and poor mood. Eat real food.




                      Some Strange Things Happening

                      kuya;1377709 wrote: Don't wanna be a nag but watch the diet, ice cream is a big sugar hit and that can be bad as it mimics alcohol and leads to hypoglycemia , then irritability and poor mood. Eat real food.


                      I heard that any good amount of sweets lift the mood ?
                      Do we have any good literature about it ?
                      A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                      2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                      Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                      2013 : So many ups and down !!

                      2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                        Some Strange Things Happening

                        Kradle123;1377397 wrote: Hi Everyone:

                        Just wanted to draw on your wisdom and experience once again :h

                        I'm almost 4 months with a slip or 2 and in the last few weeks I am starving and eating everything in sight I did in the beginning.

                        I also feel disconnected, tired, want to be alone ALOT - just come here and read, watch Voyager or sleep. I don't want to talk to people. I can chant, do my Buddhist practice but my chatty Kathy self is going into stasis.

                        I'm excersising. Drinking lots of water....taking my supps...

                        I am way irritable. Woke up the other night with big anxiety for really no reason. Almost feels like I'm hungover...headaches in the morning but that might just be eye strain from this iPad

                        The bottom line is lately all I want to do is isolate and eat. Obviously the is NOT a good idea... Is this PAWS? it's lasting for weeks and the PAWS article says its only a few days at a time and then it gets better. This is staying the same...

                        Anyway, any ideas? Am I pretty much on schedule ? If so I really need a new times table because this sucks...

                        I think I need yoga...:upset:

                        Love and hugs,
                        Ditto Kradle !!
                        But learning how to cope with ??
                        I hope its because of transitional period.
                        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                        2013 : So many ups and down !!

                        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                          Some Strange Things Happening

                          dixon;1377721 wrote: I heard that any good amount of sweets lift the mood ?
                          Do we have any good literature about it ?
                          In the early DAYS sugar hits help but longer term they are really bad. Last year when I quit for 9 weeks I quickly got into a habit of eating chocolate as my nightly reward. Soon I was neglecting my diet, not eating proper meals them BAM I craved alcohol again!

                          It is very important to drop sugar hits , they screw up your sugar balance, same with caffeine, really limit these.

