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antabuse question

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    antabuse question

    Hi everyone

    i have some antabuse in my cupboard from two years ago. i've checked the pack and they are still in date. they were ordered from river pharmacy. do u think thry will be safe to take. abstaining on my own with the trauma my family is experiencing at the moment is just too difficult. i have drank on antabuse in the past but i feel i wouldnt do anything as dangerous as that again.

    Thoughts anyone?:l


    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    antabuse question


    I am sorry you are dealing with so much right now.
    Why don't you play it safe & give your Doc a call? You don't want to accidently hurt yourself right now & add to your family's problems.

    Look after yourself first :l
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      antabuse question

      girly wirly;1377421 wrote: Hi everyone

      i have some antabuse in my cupboard from two years ago. i've checked the pack and they are still in date. they were ordered from river pharmacy. do u think thry will be safe to take. abstaining on my own with the trauma my family is experiencing at the moment is just too difficult. i have drank on antabuse in the past but i feel i wouldnt do anything as dangerous as that again.

      Thoughts anyone?:l


      If the AB is still in date Girly - I would take them to help your willpower not to take a drink ! I found them WONDERFUL - as I am too chicken to even take a drink up to 7 days after taking one.
      YOU MUST NEVER DRINK ON THEM - but I think you know that !


        antabuse question


        I will be honest, I am worried about you taking Antabuse. Are you really READY to stop drinking? You must be 100% committed when you take Antabuse, are you? I am not doubting you, I just fear for your safety. I do NOT want anything bad to happen to you. Please be safe!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          antabuse question

          K9Lover;1377541 wrote: Girly,

          I will be honest, I am worried about you taking Antabuse. Are you really READY to stop drinking? You must be 100% committed when you take Antabuse, are you? I am not doubting you, I just fear for your safety. I do NOT want anything bad to happen to you. Please be safe!

          Hi K9 - you take AB too am I right ?
          Do you have any side effects ? - I can't pinpoint any at all


            antabuse question

            K9Lover;1377541 wrote: Girly,

            I will be honest, I am worried about you taking Antabuse. Are you really READY to stop drinking? You must be 100% committed when you take Antabuse, are you? I am not doubting you, I just fear for your safety. I do NOT want anything bad to happen to you. Please be safe!

            I dont know k9. Im so fed up of feeling ill and guilty but i know the destruction that is happening to my loved ones isnt going to go away anytime soon. Ill continue drinking to blot the pain if i dont physically stop myself wi a/ab. im not in the black place i was last time where i was drinking on antabuse and morphine in the hope i wouldnt wake up the next day, im a much happier and stronger woman now.

            i also know the bottom of my glass wont take my loved ones pain away or change the situation. i love my job and im good at it but i dont want to wait each day for the clou
            D to disappear before i start giving my best each day.

            Need a way out and cant see any other way forward.
            The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



              antabuse question

              Girly :l

              I hear ya, I know you're tired of the cycle. Believe me, I was there too. It finally became harder to drink than to not drink. Antabuse has truly saved my I am a big advocate of taking it, when you're ready. To answer Satz question...I have NO side effects on reactions to anything, except alcohol, of course!

              Let us know what you decide Girly, I WILL be checking on you!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                antabuse question

                K9Lover;1377566 wrote: Girly :l

                Let us know what you decide Girly, I WILL be checking on you!

                The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                  antabuse question

                  Here I am...checking on you! I don't think you've started AB, right? I read in another thread that you've cut back your drinking, great job! What's the plan now?
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    antabuse question

                    me too ok??
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      antabuse question

                      mama bear;1379809 wrote: me too ok??
                      Im ok honey. posting on the other thread because they are similar. hope you are well too xx
                      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                        antabuse question

                        HEY GIRLY

                        I, like K9, have no discernible side effects from the AB. I cut a bunch of 250s in half and put them in a little case and take them. They are VERY effecticve. I you take 125mg you will suffer BAD effects from alcohol even after 5 days. So anyway now I am taking it more often.

                        Take care!


                          antabuse question

                          I agree with k9...make sure you are serious. The first time I took worked great. Doc would only give me 30 days worth, but it got me on track. The second time a friend of mine gave me hers. I found myself pissed that I took it....waited days for it to get out of my system....and drank. I had some flushing of the face.....but, nothing to stop me from drinking. The hangover the next day was crippling. AB can be a lifesaver for some and a torture chamber for others. Make sure you are ready.

                          Regardless, if you are may not need them. The first time around I was ready....but, I still spent hours pissed that I took them....and happy that I did.

