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Tail Between the Legs Thread

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    Tail Between the Legs Thread

    Two things we should try to remember:

    1. Moderation is just an illusion and one of alcohol's best tricks; we have all tried it and have succeeded ... but only for a while.. moderation just delays successful sobriety. If you don't agree, I respect that and you are one hell of an amazing human being.

    2. We are FREE the moment after we take our last drink. Those on day one should be celebrating their decision. Find a way to get out of deprivation mode and jump on the victory train. Even on day one, we are one step ahead of the rest. So many alcohol abusers don't even realize they have a problem.

    Just my thoughts lately.:h

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu


      Tail Between the Legs Thread

      Those on day one should be celebrating their decision. Find a way to get out of deprivation mode and jump on the victory train. Even on day one, we are one step ahead of the rest. So many alcohol abusers don't even realize they have a problem.

      awesome, Tipplerette.

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Tail Between the Legs Thread

        You are sounding so strong girl!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Tail Between the Legs Thread

          Morning everyone! Day 2 starting.....and I feel so much better. I cannot work out for the life of me why I do not manage to remember the good (ie the mornings after a wine free day)!!! I did not sleep well last night, but it was such a different not sleeping. I did a lot of thinking, taking stock etc. I got up feeling refreshed and strong, and hope to goodness that the strength carries me thru the day and evening as I know only too well that my relosve will weaken as the day goes on.
          When I drink, I love the evenings, dislike the nights and hate the mornings
          When I don't drink I love the mornings, sleep the nights and dislike the evenings
          Not drinking is still better all round, so why do I keep letting the drinking head win???
          Hi to Daisy, FF, Tipp, Nora and everyone else, and a new hello to almost free.
          Almost Free - i had to find threads that I felt "comfy" on with kind folks that I felt understood me. I used to lurk in other threads to learn, but really only posted in my home threads - now I rarely lurk until some of the nastiness fades away - you wil find places you feel at home...
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Tail Between the Legs Thread

            scottish lass;1402377 wrote: When I drink, I love the evenings, dislike the nights and hate the mornings
            When I don't drink I love the mornings, sleep the nights and dislike the evenings
            Wow, I had to read that about 3 times but it makes perfect sense! Same here! When I was drinking, just the thought that I was going to drink would make me happy. But by 8pm (or earlier!) the buzz was long gone and I was in drunk-mode. I'd probably drive or wander around my neighborhood scantily clad. And it would only go downhill from there. The next morning I'd scramble to piece together the evening. Then I'd spend all day cringing at the random memories that would invade my fuzzy brain. ALL that for a buzz that was only enjoyable for about 30 minutes.
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Tail Between the Legs Thread

              Almost Free...I really, really appreciate your post. I lurk here for atleast a few hours everyday. The times I have posted, I mostly feel overlooked...not even acknowledged....and I know that is me being super sensitive. But, as someone mentioned "strength in numbers" and while I would never wish you to feel the same way, it does help with the sensitivity issue. Okay, not just me. So that means it's not just you. I think the boards get busy and....heck I don't know.

              I was doing really well with the shift in thinking, stringing some AF days together...but right now feel back at square one...which is not being able to get a Day 1 this entire month.


                Tail Between the Legs Thread

                Hi Next!

                Do you have any idea what's been going on that's making it difficult to get back to day 1? Sometimes there's a reason, sometimes it's just that we're alcoholics and don't want to say goodbye to our crutch. I know I was scared to quit. I was mentally and physically sick, but didn't want to let go. That kind of thinking will only make sense to another alcoholic! I was finally able to quit when drinking became harder than not drinking. Just be assured that you are NOT alone, no matter what you're going through. We've all been there, done that and have the bumper sticker to prove it.

                Hang in there, keep does help!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Tail Between the Legs Thread


                  I don't frekin' know!!! If I have some AF days under my belt, they do as others say, get easier and easier. But, when I work myself into a I have almost this entire month...knowing I'm going on vacation,,,going on's just so hard to .... stop.

                  I have told myself...tomorrow! Just wake up, workout, get your butt out off the house...

                  And as much as I tell myself that TOMORROW I'm going to do what my head KNOWS I need to do...I give in. And, it always seems so easy in my head that I can do the new game plan...tomorrow.

                  And, I have spent so many hours here that I know the response will be to just do it now. Ugh...yeah, I agree, good advice....however....with that said...these are the moments I must face....I'm an addict....


                    Tail Between the Legs Thread

                    One more thing....

                    Love this forum because there is so much to be learned from one another.

                    When I hardly had any AF time...just a day here and there...I don't think I appreciated the posts saying that they don't want to go back to "day 1" again.

                    But now I have come to realize that it's a slippery slope. For those whom I can think fondly of, that have had a slight slip, and gotten back...thrilled! I have done the "been good...oops let's get back on track"

           is so much harder when you don't nip it in the bud. Struggling to get one day is not that unfamiliar to me. However, I now I understand, for me atleast, how I don't want to ever get to the point when getting just one little day is such a struggle. I think the farther down the path I allow myself to go, the harder it is to get back home.


                      Tail Between the Legs Thread

                      Feeling pretty dizzy from Next, please's Avatar... Yikes, at least I'm not drunk...

                      Hey Next, welcome and you are right when it comes to the struggle. Once a few A/F days have been accomplished going back to day one is so disheartening. That's why I suggest we try to change our minds and look at day one as FREEDOM. It doesn't work all the time but I try to convince myself of this.

                      Some times I say something I consider important or sad or brilliant and get ignored. Sometimes I write something I consider an idle thought and get many kudos and agreement. People read our posts from where THEY are at the time so it's hard to predict other's responses. Anything we say here is self-therapy and that in itself, is enough to make it worth writing.

                      Stick around and keep posting.

                      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                      ? Lao-Tzu


                        Tail Between the Legs Thread

                        Hehe Tipp, at least the dizzyness is not from AL???? Welcome Next - glad to have company here, I do believe in strength in numbers - everyone has soemthing different to offer and if there is more help, we will find something that works.
                        Day 3 today - and Halloween. I spend Halloween with a friend, we set up the candy outside teh house and sit drinking wine when the kids (and the not so kids) streamby. As I moved out, I have not seen her in a long time (over 6 months), but she wanted to carry on the tradition - so I will join her, and stating my goal now publicly, I will not drink wine...this has been in the back of my brain, so hopefully writing it down will help???
                        Hope everyone else has a safe, happy Halloween??
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          Tail Between the Legs Thread

                          hey scottishlass - last year was my first sober halloween in I don't know how long....and I was just over 30 days then - so i was still white knuckling it....

                          So, this year I've been a little anxious. I also would drink while passing out the candy....well, I'd drink before and after too - :H but last year, it was new, being sober - and I was so determined to make it through - and this year - it seems well, odd - to me. I hardly put up any of my MANY decorations - and I'm just really low key about it. I kind of feel like I have to be in order to not miss the drinking. So.....if it helps at all - think of me tonight...and know you're not alone in feeling a little bit "different" this year....:l

                          And K9 - " I'd probably drive or wander around my neighborhood scantily clad." be careful! You might have a bunch of your neighbors showing up at your door tonight - 6 pack in hand...:H

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Tail Between the Legs Thread

                            Thanks for sharing LoLab - I will think of you and I will join you soberly. I was on another thread where someone suggested hot apple cider, so I have popped a box in my bag of candy ready and prepared.....I was struggling to find a subsitute, but this sounds like it would work!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Tail Between the Legs Thread

                              great idea...and it's going to be cold enough here to make it perfect!

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Tail Between the Legs Thread

                                Hi Lolab - coming to the end of my first sober Halloween in I don't know how long either

                                Special :hallo: for Almost Free & Next Please

                                Hope everyone else enjoying sober Halloween too
                                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


