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Tail Between the Legs Thread

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    Tail Between the Legs Thread

    Thank you for your post, Windy. I see your positive spirit showing through, that is important. Believe in your success, that will make it happen.

    I drank moderately for over three years, now I am just sick and tired of the struggle. I would love to be AF for life, one week at a time. I don't have much trouble with days, it is weeks that are hard. I've achieved 10 af weeks since I started posting again, so I am making good progress.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Tail Between the Legs Thread

      Sunbeam, thanks for your words and I have to say I am impressed with your progress and I hope you continue to be successful. You should be very proud of yourself. I am just going one day at a time for now with an end goal of a life without alcohol being so important or even existing in my life as much as it does today. I have always felt, for me, that I needed to accept myself before I could get better, so right now that's what I need to work on. I have had some success with moderation too, but overall feel better when I am not drinking any thing. Successful moderation is a loosely held term for me. Also, I now do not feel like I am the person I want to be knowing how much better I can feel being completely abstinent. It just seems that any amount of alcohol anymore is just not good for me since I became post menopausal. Most of the reason I would like to stay AF. TMI....Anyway...I have been following your story and I know you have been here a long time and are really working hard and I respect that immensely. I too have been around this site far too long, but I decided I need to be here and post more to get some support. So thanks for that.

      Coming back time after time to reevaluate and share is a GOOD thing. When you stop posting because you may feel ashamed or embarrassed that is truly too bad. I want to get to a guilt free zone and I think this thread is very important. One of the better ones in a long time. We all have our goals change from time to time, but they should not be seen as failures, but as a direction going a different way and a time to reevaluate. That is the way I view this journey any way (for me). I continue to get better, but it is a long road.

      One more note I do not feel like I have my tail between my legs I feel proud that I am able to reflect on my journey and I continue to grow from all of my failures and all of my successes.


        Tail Between the Legs Thread

        It is good to connect with you Windy, I haven't seen your posts. I think sometimes we have to put our tail between our legs before we can hold our head up. We can do both here.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          Tail Between the Legs Thread

          Sunbeam;1380307 wrote: I think sometimes we have to put our tail between our legs before we can hold our head up. We can do both here.
          I totally agree. I just am tired of beating myself up for this all the time, which I tend to do. I just don't want to do that to myself anymore and that is why I am here today.


            Tail Between the Legs Thread

            Thank you for this thread !!

            I fell off the wagon yesterday on my 3rd day AF !

            Felt too ashamed to post so just lurked !!!!

            I failed to plan so I lost the battle - and I may lose many battles but eventually I will win the war !!!

            Thanks fur creating a safe space to come to xxx
            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


              Tail Between the Legs Thread

              Quest, never worry... each and every time I slipped I was able to analyze where, why and what I could have changed. Then, the next time, I would change something or add a new strategy. It is ongoing but it is a learning process. Do not get disheartened. I was at my class the other night and the teacher pointed out that people who tend to be depressed live in the past, people who wreck themselves with worry live in the future and those that are happiest live in the 'now'. Interesting...
              The important thing is to keep believing, which I believe you are doing just by the fact that you are still posting so good for you!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Tail Between the Legs Thread

                :welcome: Quest. Saw your post on a different thread and am so glad you found this one. Whether you post here, there or on the Newsbies Nest as suggested,we'll find you 'cause we're all in this together. Sometimes we just need some TLC. PPQ


                  Tail Between the Legs Thread

                  Thankyou so much guys xxx
                  Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                    Tail Between the Legs Thread

                    daisy45;1380512 wrote: ...I was at my class the other night and the teacher pointed out that people who tend to be depressed live in the past, people who wreck themselves with worry live in the future and those that are happiest live in the 'now'. ...
                    Thanks for reminding me Daisy what my old friend Wild-Bill used to say about having one foot in yesterday, the other foot in tomorrow, and pissing all over today. :thanks:

                    Note to self: Stand and deliver! :bat


                      Tail Between the Legs Thread

                      daisy45;1380512 wrote: People who tend to be depressed live in the past, people who wreck themselves with worry live in the future and those that are happiest live in the 'now'.
                      That is a quote worth keeping. I am cutting and pasting this one to put on the little plaques I am painting for my kids. Thanks, Daisy!

                      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                      ? Lao-Tzu


                        Tail Between the Legs Thread

                        actually Tipplerette - I quite like HD/Wild Bill's version for a plaque! :H

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Tail Between the Legs Thread

                          lolab;1381048 wrote: actually Tipplerette - I quite like HD/Wild Bill's version for a plaque! :H
                          Make that 2 votes for HD/Wild Bill...........:H PPQ


                            Tail Between the Legs Thread

                            Quote it for me word for word please?

                            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                            ? Lao-Tzu


                              Tail Between the Legs Thread

                              Tipplerette;1381051 wrote: Quote it for me word for word please?
                              Here you go.....

                              Thanks for reminding me Daisy what my old friend Wild-Bill used to say about having one foot in yesterday, the other foot in tomorrow, and pissing all over today.


                                Tail Between the Legs Thread

                                You're very welcome - I like Wild Bill's version too!!!
                                IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

