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Tail Between the Legs Thread

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    Tail Between the Legs Thread

    how was Halloween??? I didn't even have time to think of drinking. Plus I had to run a kid home after trick or treating....I loved seeing all the little ones...and carrying on about their costumes. After I told one little girl that she was the prettiest princess I'd seen all night - she didn't want to leave my porch - just wanted to stand there and be cute.

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Tail Between the Legs Thread

      Halloween was a success for me as working on Friday and Sat plans as they have tripped me up last few weeks....
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        Tail Between the Legs Thread

        Lo and Scotish Lass-
        It's really encouraging to hear of stories where "we" associate AL with events and people and are able to not only get through them...but truly enjoy them. I think that's a big issue for will I get through this event that AL has been such a big part of...and still enjoy it? What...turkey dinner w/o a day of drinking? The big Christmas party? The concert?

        Yet, I soak up the stories where those that conquer not only exceed, but bring back hope to the village


          Tail Between the Legs Thread



          Yes, how annoying. I picked the avatar because it had a rainbow theme. Rainbows remind me of my grandmother. I have a loving family, but when I think of truly unconditional love...I think of my Gammy. She used to take my face in her two hands and give it a million kisses, which I would pretend to be slightly annoyed with...but love every second. I think of her often and know she is with me. And...I know she still loves me unconditionally. Is proud of me. But also cries for me.

          The screen name is something I say a lot when I'm ready to move on...whatever it may be. "Next?"

          The "please" just came as a plea to God in this particular case. I was just going to be "Next". But, at the last moment knew in this case it wouldn't be so I added the "please".

          There were 2 rainbow avatars to choose from. I hope to change to the beautiful, peaceful one once I feel it. Right now I am on that crazy loop.


            Tail Between the Legs Thread

            What a beautiful story, Next, about your Gammy. I feel that way when my dog licks my face in the morning before the sun comes up. I tell my hubs how annoying it is, but I love it. It feels good to be loved, if even by a dog! B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Tail Between the Legs Thread

              Another thread that I appreciated that seems to have lost momentum - check to see if it needs to be left alone or if we will keep going - I do hope all who visit here are doing well and making steps forward no matter how big or small it is the forward direction that counts!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Tail Between the Legs Thread

                Thanks for bumping this thread. It's always good to have on the front page for the lurkers. I am trying to come to MWO and post encouragement more often. I am trying to get a little more focussed on helping others as I have been there, done that and can relate especially to what NOT to do...

                I am dealing with heart palpitations whenever I drink (menopause I believe) so this has kept me on the straight and narrow for a few days.

                Hope everyone is feeling good about themselves lately and if not, here's the place to post.

                Take care everyone.

                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                ? Lao-Tzu


                  Tail Between the Legs Thread

                  Hi Tipplerette....hows the papitations?easing off? IMO this is a good thread, well worth hanging on to...posted about it I said before the only thing that doesnt sit right with me is the name.....but well done keep it going:goodjob:
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Tail Between the Legs Thread

                    So glad we will keep this going - glad to see you too Tipp. That stage of life is frustrating, but I did find all symptoms much worse when I was drinking - I only get hot flashes after a night of wine now, so another good reason to give up - heart racing many excellent reasons not to drink, why the heck to we keep on doing it???
                    I am feeling good about myself recently and still gonna post here:H:H
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Tail Between the Legs Thread

                      Hi all - I had a tough night last night, but managed to hang on. This morning I still felt vulnerable - it is a three day weekend and we all know that is a good excuse, pardon me - a bad excuse to overdo it. K9 has good advice about moving furniture and creating new habits. Well, I have a new one, by accident! There is a strike at my favourite grocery store, and I chose not to cross the picket line, so went to a new store - and I did not even enter the alcohol aisle - in my old store, it is so routine, I now have to tell myself to get out, but in this one I did not even go it and I did not realise it until I got out of the store - it was a huge relief and so much easier!!
                      Hope all are hanging in on the weekend.....
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Tail Between the Legs Thread

                        SL - Sorry you're having one of those weekends. :l How great that you see it for what it is and trying to be proactive. :goodjob: Congrats on finding a new grocery store and missing the alcohol aisle. I know what you mean about that. I walk into my local store and my cart turns in that direction automatically. :H
                        Have a great weekend! You are doing great!!!!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Tail Between the Legs Thread

                          Hello Everyone, I am back!!! Tried to moderate my drinking but I am now back to 2 bottles of wine a day. I am very sick, don't no if I can continue with MWO. I need help ! I am so tired of this roller coaster ride I am so scared I shall die soon if I continue on this downward spiral. Thanks everyone, just need help!!! xxx


                            Tail Between the Legs Thread

                            Boozer you cant continue WITHOUT MWO.If mod does'nt work for you try AF ,lots of people here are/were where you are now and there is plenty of help .take it and hang in there
                            AF since october 8th 2012:new

                            How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                              Tail Between the Legs Thread

                              Boozer - so sorry. It seems that our journeys go this way and we have to learn the hard way - it is so tough, please do not give up. One day hopefully it will work for all of us that are trying. I am sure many of us - i know I do - entertain the possibility that we can be moderate drinkers and no matter how many tales we read of those who go before us, we have to try it out ourselves. I tried in January this year after a good (though small) AF period and it has taken me till now to seem to be able to get back in gear - I am only at 2 weeks, and I still have the niggle in my head that there is a different way for me...
                              Stay with us and keep on trying, you will get there :l
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Tail Between the Legs Thread

                                Thanks Patrick and Scottish lass for your encouragement. I have to beat this. There is no other way. Moderating doesn't seem to work for many! Thanks again. Will check in later today. I have hit MY rock bottom and am desperate for change!

