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Army Thread Sunday 16th September

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    Army Thread Sunday 16th September

    'Ello 'ello!


    Orf for a read back...


      Army Thread Sunday 16th September

      Greetings, crazy cat lady
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread Sunday 16th September

        Aargh!!! Just spent 10 mins locating the shagginmobile only to find it in an area of the house I can't even remember being in this morning???

        Hiya Tipperooney!!!

        Tabbers... Sorry you're not in a good place right now... I hope you can come up with a plan that will work for you so you can have a happier existence... xxx I know how miserable you feel when you're only half participating in life. Like me, it's the clarity and feeling alive that motivates you I reckon...

        Mrs A... Your medical issues continue, huh? Is there any possibility of going to a different GP and getting a second opinion? I don't know what your insurance is like but, if its possible, that's the first thing I would do (if it were me). It doesn't seem to me as if your medication is being managed correctly. But you're the midwife, and I'm sure you know what is best... xxx

        Bollixed in Balbriggan... Put yer feet up and let it "get away from you" a bit. There's always tomorrow to catch up on the shite around the house so don't feel guilty about it FFS...

        Zuma... I have had SEVERAL days with aches and pains recently. I am sad to have to say... we're getting older... waaaa! :upset: Look at Tipp's aches and pains for example... hee hee hee...


          Army Thread Sunday 16th September

          Two further things...

          1. Some weird adverts came up on Page 2 of the thread and Mrs A's post developed links to "accountant" and "sciatica"... WTH is that about? Maybe Tabbers will know...

          2. The crazy breeding lady has accepted my offer and I'm getting a Hamish!!! )


            Army Thread Sunday 16th September

            Zenstyle;1378930 wrote: Two further things...

            1. Some weird adverts came up on Page 2 of the thread and Mrs A's post developed links to "accountant" and "sciatica"... WTH is that about? Maybe Tabbers will know...

            2. The crazy breeding lady has accepted my offer and I'm getting a Hamish!!! )
            Not happy about links to adverts!:upset: Can MWO be hacked?

            Hello Zen BTW I am having a second opinion. My Gp was worried about my symptoms hence the referral to to the rapid access who will also look at heart/brain etc.

            Glad to hear about Hamish:goodjob:


              Army Thread Sunday 16th September

              That's good to hear Whizzy. Sorry... I've been a bit behind with keeping up with the thread so didn't realize that's where you were at with it. I saved myself from having the wrong op once by getting a second opinion... so I am a staunch believer!!!

              Have they got you on beta blockers for the BP? My mother is being managed with fluid pills (wracking wet brain for correct word...) for her high BP by the way... and that seems to work well. Feck what are they called... fluid retention pills... argh!


                Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                Diuretics. Good grief. How sad am I... not even 50 yet...

                OK, another link has come up on this page on Moller's quote from Pinky... the "computer games" comment has turned into a link...


                  Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                  And the computer games link takes you here...

                  computer games - - Local info, reviews, maps & more

                  I guess I should PM the forum mods.


                    Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                    Are you browsing on your phone or the lappie, Zennie?
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                      Afternoon all,

                      littlepinkcat;1378750 wrote: morning tipps, yes exercise can do that tipps, lol, it sounds like ur ready to try my 24 minute towel torture afterburn cardio workout? who thought working out with an exercise towel could be so difficult? well it knacks, lol.
                      Have a great day tipps.

                      Its my Birthday today, and the sky outside looks cack, never mind I will find someting fun inside instead
                      Happy birthday pinky. Hope you have/are having a wonderful day.

                      KTAB;1378774 wrote: Good morning Mrs A, how's the back? Books sorted and with accountant. Hope to get into the garden later but right now I feel like death warmed up. Back at a place I never wanted to visit again, yet still I keep picking up that first drink.
                      Sorry you're feeling shit, tabbers. Does it make you feel any better to know that you have company? I've just woken up from yesterday and have a cracking hangover, which is unusual for me. No need for anyone to comment on my current state, we've talked about it many times before.

                      anon;1378783 wrote: So sorry you are back at that place. It sounds like groundhog day. What support do you have at home?
                      My sciatica is excruciating, my blood pressure is sky high therefore I am feeling fed up and scared.
                      Sorry you're having such a bad time Mrs A. I hope they can sort it out for you soon.

                      satz123;1378822 wrote: Ah I am a bit Molls. Nothing was cheering me up yesterday for some reason.
                      But had aches in all my limbs and in fact all over me and no energy. :upset:
                      Spoiled cow I am. Some have real probs on here.

                      Hope your aches disappear soon satz. And yours, zenny. I still have a few aches from Thursday night in the gym. Not too bad, fortunately.

                      JackieClaire;1378830 wrote:
                      It's the Great North Run today so I'm running backwards and forwards from the back door to the front winder so I can at least get a glimpse of the Red Arrows this year.
                      I've been thinking about having a bash at TGNR next year. Reckon I should be fit enough by then. Not too keen on all the crowds though. It looked like half the country was there.

                      mollyka;1378848 wrote:
                      MUCH better idea
                      Shit, we didn't have a table for about 2 yrs when we bought our first house - far from tables we was reared:H Have a luverly dinner - hope she can cook!
                      No table here either mollers. It's only been 21 years. Actually, I lied a little bit, there's a disassembled farmhouse table in the garage. I decided it was taking up too much space when it was in the house.

                      Zenstyle;1378930 wrote:
                      Two further things...

                      1. Some weird adverts came up on Page 2 of the thread and Mrs A's post developed links to "accountant" and "sciatica"... WTH is that about? Maybe Tabbers will know...

                      2. The crazy breeding lady has accepted my offer and I'm getting a Hamish!!! )
                      Fantastic news, zenny! We shall expect pics asap.

                      anon;1378934 wrote:
                      Not happy about links to adverts!:upset: Can MWO be hacked?
                      Yep, it can, whizzy. It would probably be a good idea to change your password and make the new password a strong one with numbers and upper and lower case letters.


                        Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                        Thanks Recluse. Changed my password. How are you?


                          Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                          anon;1378949 wrote: Thanks Recluse. Changed my password. How are you?
                          Not in great shape, unfortunately, but I'm sure my problems pale into insignificance compared to yours. I'll be fine in a few hours once I've had several mugs of coffee.


                            Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                            tiptronic_ct;1378944 wrote: Are you browsing on your phone or the lappie, Zennie?
                            I'm on the desktop Tipps...

                            Yooo Hooooo Reccy!


                              Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                              I PM'd the moderators. Definitely something going on here... Should I change my password also Reccy?

                              I'm going to upload pictures of the litter... at 3 days old. I hope it doesn't gross youz all out!


                                Army Thread Sunday 16th September

                                LOL... The ugly one all the way to the right... That's Hamish...

                                LMFAO.... :H

