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Army Thread Monday 17th September

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    Army Thread Monday 17th September

    Good morning, folksies

    I hope Tabbers & Reccie are both feeling more chipper today.

    Our lovely warm sunshine has disapperead behind a grey clouds again. Looks like it'll be that way for the rest of the week. Och well... it was nice while it lasted and it'll come round again.

    Have a marvellous Monday, folksies - whatever it is you'll be doing.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Monday 17th September



      Army Thread Monday 17th September

      Orf to sleep.... having ate way too much today. I will be howwified when I step on the scales in the a.m. (if they don't run away while I'm asleep.)

      Did I tell youz I started playing cribbage a couple of months back? Getting pretty good at it now. Pissing people off... how good is THAT?! :H

      OK... fat... arse... bed... etc...

      On the morrowz... xxx


        Army Thread Monday 17th September

        Morning/evening Tips & Zenny.
        Feeling a bit more human this morning, the only way is up now.
        Still dark when taking the dogs out this morning and I was treated to a bat fluttering around very close to my head which was a treat.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread Monday 17th September

          Tabbers... xxx That is all. Well... that and you'll be grand. Stick close. You know the drill so hang in and hang out and keep your eye on the goal... clarity and meaning and not numbing...

          I don't think it is purely an AL issue... I think with some of us it may involve depression and/or other compounding factors. Me... depression for sure. When I am on my game the AL is not a problem... but it is awful at other times. I guess the rule of thumb is "don't feckin drink no matter what" and it will make everything else easier to deal with... right?

          I've just had a read of the boards. It's been a while since I wandered around. I don't like the Modding-Abbers debates one bit. Stupid and pointless. We're all humans trying to get by as best as possible and whatever way we can do that is ultimately the right way. No reason to say one way is right or wrong. The only right way is the one that works for the individual in question.


            Army Thread Monday 17th September

            Evening Zennie and morning Tabbers.

            Once can never be sure that Zennie has actually gone to bed, or will pounce with another post

            I'm very grateful that Jasmine has NO interest in going for a walk early in the morning. She'll pop out for a quick wee and then heads straight for one of the bedrooms to continue her slumber.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Monday 17th September

              Ah... it was just as I expected :H:H:H
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                Morning tips and night zenners and morning tabbers.

                Yes, definitely feeling better this morning, tips, thank you. Was feeling well enough for a 4.5 mile run overnight with my torch and then had a rare couple of hours of sober sleep.

                Finally got my GP appointment today after a month of waiting.

                Hope everyone has a good day.


                  Army Thread Monday 17th September

                  tiptronic_ct;1379143 wrote: Once can never be sure that Zennie has actually gone to bed, or will pounce with another post
                  Typical female...can't stop talking.

                  tiptronic_ct;1379143 wrote:
                  I'm very grateful that Jasmine has NO interest in going for a walk early in the morning. She'll pop out for a quick wee and then heads straight for one of the bedrooms to continue her slumber.
                  Who walks Jasmine?


                    Army Thread Monday 17th September

                    Looking forward to my release from this self imposed prison Zen, for that is how I now see it. Plans are a foot, including not getting involved in debates such as the one mentioned, it is a waste of energy. I need to be selfish in my recovery, for a while at least. I best away now, I will check in later today my friends.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Army Thread Monday 17th September

                      tiptronic_ct;1379143 wrote:

                      Once can never be sure that Zennie has actually gone to bed, or will pounce with another post
                      tiptronic_ct;1379144 wrote: Ah... it was just as I expected
                      Recluse;1379147 wrote:
                      Typical female...can't stop talking.
                      Yer a pair of feckers!!!!! :H Frikken know me too well...


                        Army Thread Monday 17th September

                        Recluse;1379147 wrote: Typical female...can't stop talking.


                        Who walks Jasmine?
                        The eldest cub, mostly. My one neighbour also "borrows" her about three times a week - she doesn't want to go walking alone.

                        KTAB;1379148 wrote:
                        Looking forward to my release from this self imposed prison Zen, for that is how I now see it. Plans are a foot, including not getting involved in debates such as the one mentioned, it is a waste of energy. I need to be selfish in my recovery, for a while at least. I best away now, I will check in later today my friends.
                        Whatever it takes, Tabbers.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Monday 17th September

                          KTAB;1379148 wrote: Looking forward to my release from this self imposed prison Zen, for that is how I now see it. Plans are a foot, including not getting involved in debates such as the one mentioned, it is a waste of energy. I need to be selfish in my recovery, for a while at least. I best away now, I will check in later today my friends.
                          Tabbers... there is nothing to be gained from that debate. All that matters is YOU and how YOU deal with your situation. Fuck what everyone else thinks... End of!

                          Yes... you need to change things... you are desperately unhappy with things as they stand and you have to do something about it. We all know how you feel. Been there, done it, have several bloomin t-shirts... more's the pity...

                          You and all Reccy... same goes for you hon... Everything I said to Tabbers applies for all three of us methinks... :l


                            Army Thread Monday 17th September

                            tiptronic_ct;1379150 wrote: My one neighbour also "borrows" her about three times a week - she doesn't want to go walking alone.
                            That's handy.


                              Army Thread Monday 17th September

                              Recluse;1379152 wrote: That's handy.

