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Army Thread Monday 17th September

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    Army Thread Monday 17th September

    Mr Bear ........ I have decided you must sell up & come over here to live :goodjob:
    As Mollers said - GREAT bargains in the country over here.
    Social security / access to health services much better too !


      Army Thread Monday 17th September

      Hey Mollers
      Having trouble with the 'ol waterworks I see :H


        Army Thread Monday 17th September

        Thanks Jackie
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Army Thread Monday 17th September

          :welcome: MICHAEL !!!


            Army Thread Monday 17th September

            mollyka;1379201 wrote: OK - since I have the rapt attention of you two wimmin (why do men never buy shoes that don't fit??? Venus and Mars again????) The lads gave me a pair of Uggs last christmas and one of them is just shagging tight on my toes, I'm wearing them for little short stints but they don't seem to be stretching - online they're telling me to put sandwich bags of water in them and freeze them in the freezer Can't imagine 'twould be too good for suedey sort of things ---- any ideas?
            From Mollyelephantfeet
            YUP - used newspaper soaked in water before - and sure it's inside so no damage to suede.
            LOVE :h Uggs !


              Army Thread Monday 17th September

              I am not ackshully here I am ackshully in the kitchen.

              My hairdresser once told me to stick a large potato in the toe of a shoe that was too tight. I'd like to say it worked like a dream but it didn't.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                REALLY stuff the paper in to every crevice


                  Army Thread Monday 17th September

                  mollyka;1379216 wrote: Hobbles back ---- you lot are shag all use --- any chance you know bout stretchin ugg boots Mick?:H
                  May have to emigrate to the Undies -- they seem a lot more helpful
                  Jazus - I told yer - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  I am size 5.
                  Once bought a size 3.5 'cos they were the colour I wanted & it worked a dream !


                    Army Thread Monday 17th September

                    mollyka;1379217 wrote: Oops - xposted all them hints! D'ya freeze them with the newspaper in?
                    NO - no freezer - the paper dries out - get it REALLY wet and pack tighty into toe area !


                      Army Thread Monday 17th September

                      mollyka;1379189 wrote: There are some amazing houses for sale for half nothing in rural Ireland at the mo. Reccie - in some of the most beautiful counties we have - if we could cut our links from Dublin we could prolly buy somewhere unbelieveable for about 150 grand.... just saying
                      Ach - the filters alone would cost about 130 euros and they reckon that may not even be the problem - so long fingering it for the mo.
                      With you on the weight - it can creep on. But I had been verging on underweight - so I'm happy enough.
                      Yep, I'm working out the country today - used to HATE that branch --- but then - I used to hate lots of the branches -- just don't seem to hate anywhere all that much anymore ---- now, I wonder why
                      You sound a good bit brighter today - good luck with the strimmer - being an oul lady I remember when everything was sort of 'fixable' - these days stuff just seems to have to go to the manufacturer and just cost. Feckin car is still flashing up stupid messages about things that we know are fixed but the messages apparently can only be reset by the car dealer --- feckin racket
                      I know Ireland is a beautiful country molly and, as you say, there are some great houses over there and also a lot of very cheap dilapidated farmhousesi that would be perfect for refurbishment or restoration. I looked into the possibility of moving to Ireland a couple of years back and couldn't get clear answers about things like healthcare entitlements for foreigners. Also, you are only completely free to go and live in another country in the EU if you are working. Otherwise there are financial conditions that have to be met. I e-mailed what I thought was the appropriate organisation in Dublin twice to try to find out about the conditions and didn't get an answer. Maybe I'll investigate further next year. I think the cost of living may be higher over there, which would obviously be a disadvantage.

                      Hope you have a good day at work.

                      Made a bit of progress with the strimmer. Gonna order a part for it in a minute.

                      Had that problem with messages in the car myself a few times. I always ignored them, but they weren't flashing, so they would have been easier to ignore than the ones you're getting. Yep, it is a racket, isn't it? You have my sympathy.

                      JackieClaire;1379197 wrote:
                      Ahh that's a shame. Although I have been known to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

                      Hi satz.


                        Army Thread Monday 17th September

                        mollyka;1379223 wrote: FFS - xposting all over the gaff - ok - and if I stuffed it into the whole foot it'd be better yeah?
                        Yup - or bring them to an old fashioned bootmaker to stretch on a machine yokey they have ?


                          Army Thread Monday 17th September

                          Recie - who told yer the cost of living was high in Ireland eh ?
                          I've paid the downpayment on that loaf of bread will be paid by December 21st - just in time for Christmas !:H

                          Sorry - :l
                          no Mr Bear - it really is not as bad as some make out. Some folks got VERY used to the good times a few years back and now everything is a hardship.
                          I lived thru the 80s and as my DD says I am 'recession proof '.
                          People in Ireland were spoiled IMO over last few years !


                            Army Thread Monday 17th September

                            mollyka;1379231 wrote: Now Reccie - bear (bear!! - get i) in mind I could be talkin bollix - but my understanding is that there is complete freedom of movement between Ireland and the UK. I do know that regardless of our circumstances we can just mosey over to the UK anytime - mebbe it doesn't work the other way round
                            I would deffo. investigate the health service and your entitlements tho - cos I know my Unc. was thinking of coming home but that put him off - that was a long time ago tho. I'm sure your own pension/unemployment benefits would just move with you since you're in the EU? Feck I really am prolly talkin shite - but don't let the cost of living put you off. I find Ireland is getting much more manageable in the last few years. Still a few pockets of things much more expensive than the UK - mainly luxury items tho like high end electricals and cars tho ---- oh and booze - mind you - it's well feckin cheaper than it was when I was drinking - I'da been a well cheap date these days on the prices now
                            Well done you with the strimmer --- I'm just hangin on to me kettle!
                            Must away to get dressed and out of these shaggin uggs - if Joey gets up and sees me in me jammies and big hairy boots - I'm guessin he'll be thinkin 'oh shit - here we go again':H
                            LOL as I said before Mollerooney - you are a tonic :H:H:H


                              Army Thread Monday 17th September

                              Ok, thanks for the info, both of you. I clearly need to make further enquiries in due course. For now, I'm just concentrating on getting the house and garden into a sellable condition.


                                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                                AND when Mr Bear comes over - we can have a huge MWO PARTY !!! :yay:
                                All of us that seems to be the life & soul will have to come out of hiding behind the boards & show our faces :H:H
                                Peel back the layers and you would see we are all still shy and al gave us a bit of courage I suppose !

