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Army Thread Monday 17th September

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    Army Thread Monday 17th September

    mollyka;1379235 wrote: Yep!! Could do that too - but would cost MONEY.

    Speaking of................ bit of a puzzle here. As most of you know here, a few years ago I did have a few bob - business was booming and we had money from selling land - lost the whole feckin lot on bank shares --- but........... Laura wanted to see some photo's yesterday of Simon when he was the same age as Jamie --- I went rooting in the photo drawer and in one of the packs of photo's --- what did I behold........... a big wodge of money with a rubber band round it
    Now - my conundrum -- it's prolly mine - back in the black days I often harboured thoughts of just running away - and I did have 'running away' money - but --- it could be Joe's - highly unlikely cos he doesn't have any money for starters - and his modus operandi if he had a stash would NOT be to put it in the photo drawer - he would know that I would often venture there. Now, in my new found honesty --- do I mention it and risk spending it on new tarmacadam or painting the house, or do I just go 'yipee' and spoil us all quietly in a mysterious sort of way????
    Answers on a postcard please
    I think you know my answer to this - OPTION 2 - without a doubt.
    UNLESS you are the one wanting the tarmac ?


      Army Thread Monday 17th September

      Morning Army...
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Army Thread Monday 17th September

        I'll defo be over for my early year visit 2013. That is if Molls can stand me snoring again

        Bugger the MOT.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Monday 17th September

          Crikey we aren't half suffering from Xpost syndrome this morning. Morning MB.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Monday 17th September

            mollyka;1379241 wrote: REALLY must go get dressed ---- I've had the funnest morning ---- thanks lads!! Will check in afore I go xx
            You lot kept me amused for hours!:goodjob:
            We went to Ireland maybe a long while ago before the Euro It was as cheap as chips.
            I found it quite expensive last time I was there. We were in West Cork though!
            I would live in Ireland given half a chance.

            My GP was not on duty today so I have left it until tomorrow when she is there.
            Blood pressure now down but only with the medication.
            Sciatica still painful but improving.
            I have shoe expanders for your Uggs Molly


              Army Thread Monday 17th September

              xpost JC and Mama Hiya


                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                Hi Mama Mia :h


                  Army Thread Monday 17th September

                  AND Ms A :h


                    Army Thread Monday 17th September

                    And Satz


                      Army Thread Monday 17th September

                      mollyka;1379265 wrote: Mornin Mama!! How's things??

                      That's an ABSOLUTE date - anytime 'cept 10-19 Jan! Beds made up already!!!

                      West Cork is a bit of a rip-off alright --- I've the Lakelands pinpointed for Reccie -- Leitrim sort of area - gorgeous - undiscovered and feckin cheap!!
                      For nothing : Ballinamore, Leitrim Property for sale, houses for sale, apartments for sale -


                        Army Thread Monday 17th September

                        For Mr Bear : Tell me to feck off )

                        Retire in Ireland: Everything you need to know


                          Army Thread Monday 17th September

                          mamma Mia...cute!!
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            Army Thread Monday 17th September

                            Back inside again. Had a productive little spell in the garden.

                            Hi Mrs A. and mrs bear.

                            Thanks for the sites satz. I'll bookmark them.

                            Molly, your bundle of cash problem, I don't know what to advise. Personally I would have a heck of a job wrestling with my conscience if I tried to keep something like that secret, but that's just me. Hope you don't talk about it in your sleep! Of course it would be nice to be able to spoil the family a bit, so I can understand the appeal of that. Anyway, it's great news that you found the money. Wasn't aware that you lost a lot of money on bank shares in the crash. That happened to a lot of people. A real shame.


                              Army Thread Monday 17th September

                              Molls -
                              I would probably tell hubs....I have a big mouth....I would feel quilty...and I would want us to decide together what we would do with the money. BUT...that being said....we have been struggling financially for a few years now, and the economy in America is tough right now....AND YEAH for finding it!!!!
                              Good Morning/Afternoon Mr Bear, my love....
                    's Monday morning and I am the boss (unbelievable) but I better go act like one
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                                x post what you think is best babe!!! Have Fun!!!
                                and poor Mama has an upset tummy from all the friggin antibiotics they put me on yesterday

                                oh...just one more all here mean alot to me too....getting all mushy like Zennifer.....
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

