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Army Thread Monday 17th September

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    Army Thread Monday 17th September

    tiptronic_ct;1379367 wrote: I think it'll be fantastic if it did work out, Reccie.

    What kind of sleeping pills did she prescribe?
    Nitrazepam, tips. It was what I asked for. None of them work terribly well for me, but Nitrazepam has been the most effective in the past. Although it doesn't seem to hellp me to fall asleep, it does appear to help me to stay asleep once I drop off.


      Army Thread Monday 17th September

      Zenstyle;1379368 wrote: Hee hee!!!

      Mamma mia, here I go again
      My my, how can I resist you?
      Mamma mia, does it show again?
      My my, just how much I've missed you
      Yes, I've been brokenhearted
      Blue since the day we parted
      Why, why did I ever let you go?
      Ooh, that's turning back the clock:[/video]]Cher - If I Could Turn Back Time [Official Music Video] [HQ] - YouTube


        Army Thread Monday 17th September

        Recluse;1379369 wrote: Nitrazepam, tips. It was what I asked for. None of them work terribly well for me, but Nitrazepam has been the most effective in the past. Although it doesn't seem to hellp me to fall asleep, it does appear to help me to stay asleep once I drop off.
        That's a benzo, right? Just be careful with it...
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Monday 17th September

          tiptronic_ct;1379372 wrote: That's a benzo, right? Just be careful with it...
          Yes, it is Mr T. One of the other drugs I've been prescribed has sleepiness as a major side effect too, so I realise care is required.


            Army Thread Monday 17th September

            Hello Troopers!!

            Thought it about time I got my arse back into the barracks. Had a busy weekend started off on Friday evening by a call from my Brother-in-Law, whom I adore, telling me that he was sending a special parcel over for older son's wedding but I would have to go pick it up rather than it being delivered to our place. It turns out he's "sending" my sister who also happens to be my bestest friend over for the wedding. :yay: I damn near fell off my chair when I heard the good news. I didn't think it was possible considering their finances are not fantastic but he's just started a new part-time teaching job and figured they could manage okay. :yay: Older son will be blown away when he finds out. We haven't decided yet whether we should tell him in advance or not so he can schedule a few things differently the week before the wedding in order to have time for a couple of visits with his Aunt. They'll be away for a week on their honeymoon and then my sis will be here for another week after that - three weeks total. :yay: Anyway, that's our latest news.

            Haven't read back on the thread so I have no idea what's going on. I just dropped straight into the barracks to say Hi! So if anyone wants to fill me in on what's up with the troops, feel free to write a short synopsis. If not, I'll wait for Jackie to tell me..:H

            Hope yer all well and enjoying yourselves whatever you may be up to.......inkele:
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread Monday 17th September

              Recluse;1379364 wrote: Evening

              Hope your stomach is better soon mrs bear.

              Back from the doc's. On the positive side she gave me a prescription for all the medications I asked for...ADs, sleeping tablets and more. On the negative side, she's leaving at the end of the month. Absolute bloody buggery bollocks! :upset: She's the only GP I've ever had that I've been able to talk to properly. A really lovely woman. She doesn't like the government's proposed changes to the NHS, so she's moving out of general practice after 26 years and going to work in the local hospital instead. Fuck!

              Oh and she said there's a job going at the practice and would I be interested? She's going to speak to her boss and ask her to e-mail me when she comes back from holiday next week. Don't quite know what it involves (scanning was mentioned) or what the hours are or what the pay is. Prolly nothing will come of it....we'll see.
              Jingos Reccy! That's a lot of new info. Would the job be something you're interested in???! It sounds very promising...

              Sorry she's leaving. You mentioned her a few times and I know she suited you. Maybe the next one will be OK too though...


                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                I'll see you and up you one...

                Ya can't beat THIS one!

      [/video]]Worst Music Video EVER - YouTube


                  Army Thread Monday 17th September

                  Recluse;1379373 wrote: Yes, it is Mr T. One of the other drugs I've been prescribed has sleepiness as a major side effect too, so I realise care is required.
                  They are all CNS depressants... as is alcohol... and if you mix all the CNS depressants together you can end up in a right pickle. Been there... ugh.

                  Tipp's mam got hooked on the benzos (usually something ending in "pam" is one) and I recently came off them myself. My mother was also hooked... and still takes a bit of one to sleep at night...


                    Army Thread Monday 17th September

                    Hiya Stirly! That's great news on having your sister flown in!


                      Army Thread Monday 17th September

                      Recluse;1379364 wrote: Evening

                      Hope your stomach is better soon mrs bear.

                      Back from the doc's. On the positive side she gave me a prescription for all the medications I asked for...ADs, sleeping tablets and more. On the negative side, she's leaving at the end of the month. Absolute bloody buggery bollocks! :upset: She's the only GP I've ever had that I've been able to talk to properly. A really lovely woman. She doesn't like the government's proposed changes to the NHS, so she's moving out of general practice after 26 years and going to work in the local hospital instead. Fuck!

                      Oh and she said there's a job going at the practice and would I be interested? She's going to speak to her boss and ask her to e-mail me when she comes back from holiday next week. Don't quite know what it involves (scanning was mentioned) or what the hours are or what the pay is. Prolly nothing will come of it....we'll see.
                      Aw, Reccie. Just now saw this myself. It really sucks when you have a doctor you feel you can trust and open up to and then to lose them. What Zennie said tho' - the new one could be good as well. Don't give up hope til you meet the new doc tho'. Things could turn out better than you expected.

                      Best of luck with the job. I doubt she would have mentioned it to you if there wasn't a good chance of it working out for you. So try to think positive, you never know how things might go.
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Army Thread Monday 17th September

                        Eveninks my dahlinks.

                        Fabtastik news Stirls, when did you see her last?

                        Zens, MB have gone mushy
                        Molls has found a stash of money
                        Reccy's defo coming to live next door as he can share my fab doctor.
                        Mr T's not going to Scotland
                        Our Whizzy's feeling better
                        Oh and I applied for a job.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Monday 17th September

                          Zenstyle;1379383 wrote: Hiya Stirly! That's great news on having your sister flown in!
                          Ya coulda knocked me over with a feather. None of us has seen her for 10 years. Her and her hubby came over in 2002 for the month of September. So this is a really big thing, her visit. Gawd, we will drive Mr. Stirly nuts cause we talk so much when we're together. And laugh and giggle a lot too. Like having a couple of teenagers around....:H
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread Monday 17th September

                            stirly-girly;1379375 wrote: Hello Troopers!!

                            Thought it about time I got my arse back into the barracks. Had a busy weekend started off on Friday evening by a call from my Brother-in-Law, whom I adore, telling me that he was sending a special parcel over for older son's wedding but I would have to go pick it up rather than it being delivered to our place. It turns out he's "sending" my sister who also happens to be my bestest friend over for the wedding. :yay: I damn near fell off my chair when I heard the good news. I didn't think it was possible considering their finances are not fantastic but he's just started a new part-time teaching job and figured they could manage okay. :yay: Older son will be blown away when he finds out. We haven't decided yet whether we should tell him in advance or not so he can schedule a few things differently the week before the wedding in order to have time for a couple of visits with his Aunt. They'll be away for a week on their honeymoon and then my sis will be here for another week after that - three weeks total. :yay: Anyway, that's our latest news.

                            Haven't read back on the thread so I have no idea what's going on. I just dropped straight into the barracks to say Hi! So if anyone wants to fill me in on what's up with the troops, feel free to write a short synopsis. If not, I'll wait for Jackie to tell me..

                            Hope yer all well and enjoying yourselves whatever you may be up to.......
                            Hiya stirly!

                            I was about to ask if anyone had seen you lately! Last time I saw you you were replacing the written word with pics!

                            That's brilliant news about your must be really pleased.

                            It's been a relatively quiet and uneventful day in the barracks. Nothing too dramatic to report. Although mollers did mention that she found a shed load of cash in a drawer.

                            And shit, just remembered I put a pan of homemade leek and potato soup on the hob to warm up half an hour ago. Off to inspect the damage! :upset:


                              Army Thread Monday 17th September

                              JackieClaire;1379385 wrote: Eveninks my dahlinks.

                              Fabtastik news Stirls, when did you see her last?

                              Zens, MB have gone mushy
                              Molls has found a stash of money
                              Reccy's defo coming to live next door as he can share my fab doctor.
                              Mr T's not going to Scotland
                              Our Whizzy's feeling better
                              Oh and I applied for a job.
                              Hiya Jackie - you snuck in there and I didn't even see you. Thanks for the synopsis.

                              Glad to hear that Mrs. A is feeling better. It's about time.:l

                              Molly found money.??:goodjob: Now I'll have to read back and see what happened.

                              I already knew that Mr. T wasn't going for the trip. Looks like he and my BIL will be the "stay-at-home" lads.

                              Wot's the job about?

                              And why have Zennie and Mama gone mushy?

                              Defo gotta take a quick peek back over the posts....
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                                Aww Zennifer was ever so nice about us. Think I might just give her a hug.:l cos I luvs her too.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

