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Army Thread Monday 17th September

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    Army Thread Monday 17th September

    Ok, disaster averted in the kitchen. The soup is very very hot, mind you!

    Zenstyle;1379378 wrote: Jingos Reccy! That's a lot of new info. Would the job be something you're interested in???! It sounds very promising...

    Sorry she's leaving. You mentioned her a few times and I know she suited you. Maybe the next one will be OK too though...
    She was fantastic, zenny. She did say that the new one is very nice too. Much younger and with a sense of humour, apparently. I'll be seeing the new one in 3 weeks.

    Don't know about the job TBH, I don't really have enough information. Not too bothered about the pay, it's the hours and what it involves that matter. And what the people there are like.

    Zenstyle;1379379 wrote:
    I'll see you and up you one...

    Ya can't beat THIS one![/video]]Worst Music Video EVER - YouTube
    No....I can't beat that one!


      Army Thread Monday 17th September

      Fantastic news abouit your sister, Stirls :l. Very happy for you!

      Off to have dinner - honey & mustard chook.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread Monday 17th September

        Recluse;1379389 wrote: Hiya stirly!

        I was about to ask if anyone had seen you lately! Last time I saw you you were replacing the written word with pics!

        That's brilliant news about your must be really pleased.

        It's been a relatively quiet and uneventful day in the barracks. Nothing too dramatic to report. Although mollers did mention that she found a shed load of cash in a drawer.

        And shit, just remembered I put a pan of homemade leek and potato soup on the hob to warm up half an hour ago. Off to inspect the damage! :upset:Geez, Reccie - hope it didn't burn. You've just given me an idea for dinner later this week. Will make my zucchini and feta pie to go with it.
        Zenstyle;1379158 wrote: Yep Reccy... it's been good. I'm "managing my situation" in my own way. I don't want to go into details as it might not be appropriate but it's good.

        I've really found that its not One Size Fits All. My life is different to everyone else's on this thread. Mama's is probably the closest to mine... and even then we are probably miles apart as she is married and I am single. So... we do what we need to do to handle our individual situations. And we ARE all individual. We are all good people... doing what we can to be the best we can... and there is no specific blueprint... we are all different.
        I'm really glad to hear that Zennie-butt. :goodjob: You sound a lot more positive.
        Zenstyle;1379158 wrote:
        And I wuvs yas!
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Army Thread Monday 17th September

          Here, what have I missed? Mollers found some cash???


            Army Thread Monday 17th September

            stirly-girly;1379388 wrote: Ya coulda knocked me over with a feather. None of us has seen her for 10 years. Her and her hubby came over in 2002 for the month of September. So this is a really big thing, her visit. Gawd, we will drive Mr. Stirly nuts cause we talk so much when we're together. And laugh and giggle a lot too. Like having a couple of teenagers around....:H
            It will be lovely for both of you. My last family visit, we terrorized the Keys with ourselves and all the kids. They thought me and my cousin's husband were married as I was the rule maker for the children... lol. Those kids TOWER over me now... gulp!


              Army Thread Monday 17th September

              Recluse;1379389 wrote:
              And shit, just remembered I put a pan of homemade leek and potato soup on the hob to warm up half an hour ago. Off to inspect the damage! :upset:
              Jaysus.... LMAO! Feckin old age doesn't come alone!!!


                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                stirly-girly;1379391 wrote:

                And why have Zennie and Mama gone mushy?
                In all honesty... Zenny and Mama are ALWAYS mushy. But we "came out" in public earlier today... lol! We just said we wuvs the threaders. British people don't say "I love you" enough... and I am learning to be more open with that. Mama is a feckin natural!!! :H


                  Army Thread Monday 17th September

                  JackieClaire;1379397 wrote: Aww Zennifer was ever so nice about us. Think I might just give her a hug.:l cos I luvs her too.
                  YAY!!!! Jackie's streets ahead of moi!!! :l:l:l


                    Army Thread Monday 17th September

                    silly Zenners...I say it WAY too much...but I love you!!:h:h
                    My eye is better Zenny...just itchy now
                    dang it all Tips...I thought we were having lamb for dinner???????
                    Mr Bear...sorry about your doctor, love
                    And Stirly....WOW! What happy news!
                    I am quite tickled you loons are singing songs about me!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Army Thread Monday 17th September

                      Recluse;1379399 wrote: Ok, disaster averted in the kitchen. The soup is very very hot, mind you!

                      She was fantastic, zenny. She did say that the new one is very nice too. Much younger and with a sense of humour, apparently. I'll be seeing the new one in 3 weeks.

                      Don't know about the job TBH, I don't really have enough information. Not too bothered about the pay, it's the hours and what it involves that matter. And what the people there are like.

                      No....I can't beat that one!
                      Leek & potato is a fave here. Right next after Scotch Broth.

                      I reckon the new one may be fine... young and keen and sounds like a nice person... fingers crossed...

                      And... no... there is NO beating that video. As far as retro and bad goes... it has cornered the market! :H


                        Army Thread Monday 17th September

                        Zennifer is trying to "love" more and F**K less...:H:H:H
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Army Thread Monday 17th September

                          tiptronic_ct;1379403 wrote: Fantastic news abouit your sister, Stirls :l. Very happy for you!

                          Off to have dinner - honey & mustard chook.
                          Another chook bites the dust... Freddy Mercury... Queen!


                            Army Thread Monday 17th September

                            mollyka;1379411 wrote: EvEning just saying hello really :-)


                              Army Thread Monday 17th September

                              mama bear;1379414 wrote: silly Zenners...I say it WAY too much...but I love you!!:h:h
                              My eye is better Zenny...just itchy now
                              dang it all Tips...I thought we were having lamb for dinner???????
                              Mr Bear...sorry about your doctor, love
                              And Stirly....WOW! What happy news!
                              I am quite tickled you loons are singing songs about me!!
                              I'll give ya feckin "loons" ya loon!!! :H :l

                              Glad the ointment is working.

                              Mama has a sinus infection and pink eye and what was the other thing? She doesn't take care of herself. Naughty Mama Mia. She should have been at the Doc weeks ago and if it was one of her kids she'd have dragged them in there. I'm not much better myself but it sounds like she really was quite sick for a couple of weeks... and undiagnosed...


                                Army Thread Monday 17th September

                                mama bear;1379416 wrote: Zennifer is trying to "love" more and F**K less...:H:H:H
                                The second part is a given. It appears to have just.... *happened* No feckin effort required.... :upset:

