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Tapering Symptoms (when are you in the clear?)

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    Tapering Symptoms (when are you in the clear?)

    I've tapered twice successfully in the past, over the course of 10 day period. Virtually no symptoms and felt great. Sorry to say im on hopefully my last iteration #3. I did a much faster taper than i have before (over 4 days). I'm on the last day and am over the 24 hour mark with no symptoms.

    My question is, if im feeling OK at the 24 hour mark, is there still a risk of developing symptoms? I dont want to goto bed tonight and wake up in danger tomorrow? I would have just quit cold turkey this time because i was so disgusted with myself that i did this again but im deathly scared of withdrawl. I'm a large/tall fellow and was at 12 shots a day and my taper was 12, 8, 4, 2.

    Any first hand experiences? Are withdrawl symptoms progressive? Can you be fine for a couple days then all the sudden get withdrawl?

    Tapering Symptoms (when are you in the clear?)

    Hi Zax, when I quit 18 months ago I also did a taper. I was drinking anywhere from 375ml to on the weekends 750ml of 100 proof alcohol (got drunk everynight til I passed out). When I decided it was enough, I tapered for 7 days down to one shot on the last night. I did not have any withdrawls at all during or after the tapering.

    You probably should be fine but also take lots of vitamins and drinks lots of water. I am no doctor tho so just beware of how you are feeling.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

