Hello Troopers!!
Mrs. A - sorry to hear of your diagnosis but at least you know what you're dealing with. I hope you can keep that BP down so as not to do any more damage to your heart. And that you can get some relief from the sciatica. Maybe acupuncture would help. Did the doctor say anything about you continuing to run seeing as the one ventricle is damaged. Sure hope not. I know how much you love to run. :l
Molly, I would go bonkers in a situation like that. I love children but not keen on when they get rambunctious. I know kids are kids but when the noise level gets too high, I lose patience with them.

Jackie - how did work go?
KTAB, anyone would be tired after moving 4 wheelbarrows of gravel. Just the shoveling is tiring enough.
Foxy, sorry to hear you've caught a cold. Hope it doesn't hit you too hard and you're feeling better soon.
Mama, good to see that you have become a regular poster here.
Hiya Mick. Don't know if we've met yet. :hallo:
Satz, how is the new lappie working? Are you pleased with it so far? I :h mine. Mind you it's a boring silver colour. I would have much preferred some shade of pink or mauve or blue....
Tipster - are you still around? How are things going with your Ma? When do you expect her back?
:wavin: to anyone I might have missed.
We had a short power black out about half an hour ago so if I suddenly disappear, you'll know that it happened again. Damn government cutbacks and unions striking... :stomper: