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EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

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    EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

    Has anyone got experience with taking the above anti-depressant and still drinking copious amounts of alcohol? I have been on them for 8 weeks and cannot drink 3 glasses of wine without being smashed. The internet showsme these tablets are 90% processed thru liver so guess its busy enough without dealing with the 1.5 bottles of wine a night

    EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

    I was taking Effexor XR for about 6 months and it did affect me too, but not as much as 3 glasses = being smashed. I guess it's just our different chemistry.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

      I have had terrible experiences with several anti-depressants and alcohol. They really enhance the effects of alcohol and some increase the cravings....dangerous territory based on my personal experience.


        EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

        I was on Effexor about 4 years ago. I was drinking like a fish.... I blacked out everytime I drank. My doctor also told me Effexor or any antidepressant won't work properly if you are regularly drinking. I went to Emergency during this time and the doctor there asked me "what is your favourite colour?" I said "yellow". He went on to say, "If you keep drinking the way you are while on this drug that is the colour you will turn." It scared me so I went off of Effexor - which was nasty - you are suppose to wean... so I could drink. What is the logic in that eh? My trip to emergency was for an unrelated issue. I had been drinking hence why the doctor asked what he did. Scary stuff mixing prescriptions and alcohol.


          EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

          I am on Lexapro...3-4 glasses and I am smashed too. I didn't realize that was why until I read this. I get REALLY mean when I drink too. I am verbally abusive, I hate that about myself.


            EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

            I am also on Lexapro as my doctor told me recently it is every bit as effective as Effexor-XR, but does not have near the negative side effects (which is why I quit Effexor about nine months ago). So far, Lexapro has seriously diminished my desire for alcohol, which has been a nice side effect. I am still drinking moderately, but I am satisfied with one to two glasses of wine. However, due to a lot of stuff going on in my life the past few days, I have not taken it because I just forgot. Last night I drank a whole bottle of red wine, and then opened a second and drank some of that too. It dawned on me today that I did not take the Lexapro that last few days. Others have told me they do not get that benefit of reduced cravings, but Im glad it effects me that way. It also pretty much kills my appetite for anything... food, water, lovey dovey stuff.. lol. This is just my experience.

            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

              I am on both effexor and lexapro and have found myself blacked out within practically one drink. I am a binge drinker and have been for years so I'm not sure if this is due to the anti-depressants or (especially as I change the type every few years) if this is the way I am. I have just started on the program with the book and hypnotic cds (for which I have questions and will be posting a new thread momentarily) but am waiting on the supps and Rx drugs until I see my doctor. I've tried many times to get off anti-depressants and found that it just isn't possible. My hope is that there is a drug that will achieve both the ability to moderate and the anti-depressant factor.
              If you want me to let you know what my doctor says, send me a private email.


                EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

                bad, bad experience mixing effexor and alcohol. Blacked out, crazy behavior.. not good. I talked to my doctor and also the pharmacist, both said there is no published data saying there are bad reactions.. i beg to differ!!
                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

                  I've been on effexor for about 4 years now and drinking whilst taking it didn't bother me, but I wasn't so much of a binge drinker, but a steady drunk. So who knows, I guess it's an individual reaction.

                  I haven't had a drink for three months (90 days today as a matter of fact!) and feel like I could probably go off them now as I think the drinking was the major trigger of my depression. Although I can't stop taking it without feeling really really sick so still taking it!
                  It always seems impossible until it's done....


                    EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

                    HI Flip,

                    The wiothdrawal effects, or "discontinuation effects" as the P-Docs like to say, are absolutely horrible. I came of it after 3 months - the doc put the dose up and I went completely manic - didn't know at the time - now I do of course - my whole life seems to be magically explained by BP!

                    Anyway - make sure you taper vv slowly off effexor.


                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

                      Flip, I agree with Allie.

                      I was on Effexor for 6 months, took a 2 dya break and went onto Lexapro... much nicer!

                      I'm not on Lexapro anymore and am feeling good, but in the future if I feel the anxiety coming back, I won't hesitate to go back on it. the Effexor made mmy hair fall out, and actually going on/off the drug was the absolute pitts! Maybe the Lexapro will help you readjust before going off all anti anxiety meds.

                      I'm 99% sure that my anxiety came about as a result of the damn booze.

                      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                        EFFEXOR (venlafaxine) Tablet Alcohol

                        Ok, get a load of this....I felt I could drink MORE while I was takin antidepressants. In fact that is about when I noticed my alcohol intake increase dramatically.

                        humm.... I was thinkin alcohol = depressant and antidepressant counteracted each other which made me tolerate alcohol better.
                        Gabby :flower:

