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Why majority of females here ?

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    Why majority of females here ?

    DfromCT;1381156 wrote: I think it's because a lot of men are not apt to want to participate in a site like this, admit they have a problem, or share their difficulties dealing with it. That's my male point of view, for what it's worth.
    I agree with this D.

    I would add that whilst many men and women are 'functioning' alcoholics/problem drinkers (read NOT functioning anywhere near full potential), blokes seem to be able to get away with it for longer, as where i'm from, it is socially far more acceptable for working/career males to drink daily, and heavily on weekends than it is for our female working/career counterparts, though (as with blokes) the girls pissing it up at special events like a racing carnival, or Christmas party, seems to be socially acceptable. Pretty common attitude in western society, and has been for generations.

    To address your question Dix, i think many blokes know the booze is a vicious cycle, but see it as too big a job to stop, and the big one.....just aren't used to asking for help. This isn't helped when they don't have sober, ex-drinker role models around to show them the path to the joy and freedom of sobriety, and that this is very possible.

    Hope you're well buddy. G-bloke.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Why majority of females here ?

      more women?

      Because a woman formed this program. Because AA was started by a man and in my opinion is more suited to a man's personality. Women prefer more flexibility. This program has a lot of things that would appeal to women: privacy, combination of methods, no stress on analyzing defects of character and learning humility, less labeling and nutrition/medication. Women are more clued up on health issues.


        Why majority of females here ?

        well, we guys aint complaining LOL, just kidding ladies, damn, my flirting skills suck when sober, i used to be the life and soul, now i'm like a clown running through a minefield


          Why majority of females here ?

          Dear Scottishman, I know how you feel. However, I don’t believe that a person is much more interesting when he is drinking. He just thinks he is. Alcohol is not some magic potion that improves your personality, makes you more attractive, social, much as marketing companies want you to believe. I always thought that I am more fun tipsy, until people show me pictures or videos from the night before, boy oh boy how my perceptions changed fast.

          AF since 1st Sep 2012
          NF since 1st Sep 2012

          If you want to feel better visit


            Why majority of females here ?

            scottishman;1381337 wrote: well, we guys aint complaining LOL, just kidding ladies, damn, my flirting skills suck when sober, i used to be the life and soul, now i'm like a clown running through a minefield
            You made me laugh, but maybe my standards have dropped now I'm sober


              Why majority of females here ?

              DriftyAlison0;1381277 wrote: From what I understand, females are more likely to become alcoholics then males.
              This is something I've wondered about, because it's more acceptable for men to express things like anger and frustration, whereas if a woman does that she's viewed as an out of control b*tch, and I think that gives women more reason to drink sometimes to stifle those type of emotions because we're often not allowed to express them. I have trouble believing the 30:70 ratio too, because I do think women are more secretive about it and are less likely to get medical treatment and they go uncounted.

              I agree with other posters that anonymous forums like this are really suited to women so we don't get outed, and maybe women are more likely to be repeat posters just because they are used to being carers for others, and may just post a lot more, not just for themselves but to support others. I'm not saying there aren't men here who do that too, but in general women are more experienced in that helping/caring type of role where even if they are under pressure, they will still reach out to comfort or support someone else, we're just used to putting others needs ahead of our own so in a support forum we're just going to be more prolific IMO.


                Why majority of females here ?

                kuya;1381262 wrote:
                I believe also the fact that women are more verbal and have 32000 - 37000 words per day to use up whilst, men, apparently, only have 9000 plays a big part as well.
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Why majority of females here ?

                  DfromCT;1381156 wrote: I think it's because a lot of men are not apt to want to participate in a site like this, admit they have a problem, or share their difficulties dealing with it. That's my male point of view, for what it's worth.
                  I agree and I also think that men are less apt to be participating in a bulletin board to begin with unless it's arguing politics or the like. This is not the only bulletin board website that I belong to, and every one that I've ever been on has been comprised of about 90% women.


                    Why majority of females here ?

                    Hi all ,

                    Very nice information here , so what I have learnt is that we should understand and be supportive to women s emotional needs.It seems they are bounded by so many social stigmas and family responsibility.
                    Lets see further more !!:thanks:
                    A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                    2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                    Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                    2013 : So many ups and down !!

                    2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                      Why majority of females here ?

                      Dix, no need to dramatise the situation. Men need emotional support as much as women. There are plenty of social stigmas surrounding men and they have huge amount of responsibility in a family life. So please do not exaggerate.

                      AF since 1st Sep 2012
                      NF since 1st Sep 2012

                      If you want to feel better visit


                        Why majority of females here ?

                        allankay;1381629 wrote: Dix, no need to dramatise the situation. Men need emotional support as much as women. There are plenty of social stigmas surrounding men and they have huge amount of responsibility in a family life. So please do not exaggerate.

                        With you on that, Allan. In fact I would say men require more emotional support because they are not wired naturally to be emotional in a positive way and culturally what little they are born with is often 'beaten' out of them by society.

                        All these factors add together and account for the lower life expectancy for men.


                        Don't know where your post went Allan, but my opinion stands as is


                          Why majority of females here ?

                          Hi Kuya, I just took that post down, in case women rebel against me, so it’s nice to hear words of support from a woman. Neither party should be given preferential treatment in any part of life. Men and women contribute equal amount to the society and should be given the same respect and the same amount of support, responsibility and accountability.

                          I hope we don’t start a whole men vs. women debate here. Let’s unite and fight our common enemy and that is Alcohol.

                          AF since 1st Sep 2012
                          NF since 1st Sep 2012

                          If you want to feel better visit


                            Why majority of females here ?

                            funny, first thought that came into my head when I ready Allan's post was "I'll drink to that!" Hahahahahahhahahahahha NOT
                            heading out to my self required daily AA meeting shortly....Saturday night and I am looking forward to doing that!! Funny, I NEVER would have put myself in this place in my life even 2 months ago.

                            I am enjoying being sober so much that I find it fascinating that I still crave and want alcohol at a certain level. But, all i have to do is think it through and voila! no drinking for me but I admit the craving is still whimpering in the corner.

                            I am a woman but I am so glad to hear from men too. As a matter of fact, a lot of the time it takes me a bit to figure out what sex you guys are because everyone has funny MWO names. It is good to hear from every perspective. It is good to have a tough talking to as much as it is to have a nice warm embrace....(and those two things come from BOTH sexes, don't get me wrong) As a whole, men and women make everything so well i babble....
                            Have a great saturday night ladies and gentlemen
                            I just won't anymore


                              Why majority of females here ?


                              I know it's not fair to generalize but some generalizations are real. I think that men tend to be more solutions-oriented and I don't necessarily see the value in the circling and emotional support women give each other -- listening for the sake of listening -- if it doesn't have a positive outcome.


                                Why majority of females here ?

                                All this talk has me feeling more like a woman at this point..................LOL

                                I really hadnt even noticed male/female ratio around here until now
                                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                                DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER

