I would add that whilst many men and women are 'functioning' alcoholics/problem drinkers (read NOT functioning anywhere near full potential), blokes seem to be able to get away with it for longer, as where i'm from, it is socially far more acceptable for working/career males to drink daily, and heavily on weekends than it is for our female working/career counterparts, though (as with blokes) the girls pissing it up at special events like a racing carnival, or Christmas party, seems to be socially acceptable. Pretty common attitude in western society, and has been for generations.
To address your question Dix, i think many blokes know the booze is a vicious cycle, but see it as too big a job to stop, and the big one.....just aren't used to asking for help. This isn't helped when they don't have sober, ex-drinker role models around to show them the path to the joy and freedom of sobriety, and that this is very possible.
Hope you're well buddy. G-bloke.