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Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

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    Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

    Orf now so ye'll have some peace.
    Later gaters!


      Army Thread Saturday 22nd September


      tired here. this Saturday morning working sucks

      pics of cute rascals on piss book. asleep. in a bed Tigger made for them out of cushions...
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

        yeah i work Fri and Mon too so by Tuesday (MY WEEKEND)Im pretty done in

        my kids aren't as cute as the kittens...
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

          Ping I know what u mean, u must be shattered. We work xmas and new year and all bank holidays at my work, its a bummer but part of the job, im working boxing day and new years eve - new years eve is a 15 hour shift.
          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
          Audrey Hepburn


            Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

            Shaking like mad here. I made a mug of coffee and spilt it all over the carpet. Cleaned up, then made another mug and spilt half of it down the wall. Think I'll give up.


              Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

              don't feel too sorry for me. i have a good balance. its Def part time. but then i do have my own kids to look after. i do get tired tho by sat afternoon.
              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                Recluse;1381480 wrote: Shaking like mad here. I made a mug of coffee and spilt it all over the carpet. Cleaned up, then made another mug and spilt half of it down the wall. Think I'll give up.
                have u got a flask u could fill half up? may help
                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                Audrey Hepburn


                  Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                  littlepinkcat;1381484 wrote: have u got a flask u could fill half up? may help
                  I don't, unfortunately. Not a bad idea though pinky...I might buy one.


                    Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                    mollyka;1381510 wrote: Well that might shame some of youse to come talk to me
                    I'm here molly! Back from the shop.

                    mollyka;1381491 wrote: Oh you poor love!! I remember my first day at work - I'd gone on a mad one the night before I was so nervous - and someone made me a bowl of soup to make me feel welcome. I couldn't get the spoon to my mouth --- horrendous
                    And then you realise people are staring cos you're shaking and then you become anxious and shake some more!

                    mollyka;1381491 wrote:
                    - ffs - the less I've to do, the less I do - lazy mare
                    That happens to me too. Why does it happen?


                      Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                      I just fell asleep.. Again
                      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                        Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                        mollyka;1381520 wrote: I've no idea - and I'm so tired now from doing nothing....
                        No chance you're tapering a bit too fast if the shaking is bad?
                        Wouldn't have thought so. I've only cut down by about 10% so far. Trying to do it gradually.


                          Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                          Hiya Troopers!!

                          Reccie - :goodjob: on the tapering down. Sorry you're going through a rough time tho'. Have you any natural remedies you could take to help the sleep bit? Like valerian tabs or something similar? You can get them OTC here and they are very reasonably priced. You can also take them during the day to help you relax a bit. I hope the shaking stops soon. It can't be easy to put up with something like that.

                          Molly - I hope you're feeling better soon. I hate it when Mr. Stirly and I have a row but I don't let it affect me so much. There's nothing I can do about his moods except ignore his petty comments or answer him back in like fashion which I prefer not to do. Just ignoring him is the best thing, I've found. Otherwise it feeds his bad mood and we end up having a row. But then everyone reacts differently to their partners moods. Did you get any time with Jamie today?

                          Pinky - hope you get rid of that cold soon.:l I don't think I would much like that work schedule. Especially the New Year's eve stint. :no:

                          Pingu - cute pictures.!! I have to disagree about how cute your kids are tho' cause I think they're adorable.

                          Satz is coming to Greece again. :yay:

                          Mrs. A is in Oslo inkele:

                          And Ms JC is MIA tonight.
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                            mollyka;1381534 wrote: Hi Stirls! Well travelled lot our Army - speakin of which, I wonder when Mario's due back?
                            No, no Jamie today --- Si and Laura have gone to a wedding so may not even surface by tomorrow methinks - it's alright - I'll see him during the week.
                            For once Joe's mood isn't really a mood - I spoke out of turn - and it developed a bit - so did the apology bit but..... ah - he'll get over it.
                            O FFS, I speak out of turn all the time. Like men never do. He'll get over it. Is he sulking or just plain pissed off? Mr. Stirly does both of them together when he gets a knot on.:H And plays the victim when he knows he's in the wrong. Geesh.

                            Good you get to see the wee laddie during the week. I know they don't live very far from you and that is great. I have a feeling when one of our guys finally has a baby that we'll be selling our house and moving back to where we used to live before we bought this place. A 45-minute drive each way is much too far IMO. Especially with gas the price it is over here.:upset:

                            I have no idea when Mario is due back but I bet it won't be long before he'll be off again.
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                              stirly-girly;1381533 wrote: Hiya Troopers!!

                              Reccie - :goodjob: on the tapering down. Sorry you're going through a rough time tho'. Have you any natural remedies you could take to help the sleep bit? Like valerian tabs or something similar? You can get them OTC here and they are very reasonably priced. You can also take them during the day to help you relax a bit. I hope the shaking stops soon. It can't be easy to put up with something like that.
                              Hiya stirly!

                              I've just started on some medication today that has drowsiness as a side effect, so I'll see how that goes.

                              How's your weekend been so far?


                                Army Thread Saturday 22nd September

                                mollyka;1381538 wrote: Ah he's all wounded - and righteous - all this being feckin perfect is exhausting
                                Yep it's great they only live down the road, well as long as we all keep getting along!
                                How much is petrol over there -- it's almost 1.70 yoyo's a litre here at the mo. MAD!!
                                It was up to 1.82 at the cheaper gas station - that's for the regular unleaded, not the super unleaded. Just this past week it went down to 1.77. The problem is that "my little car" as I like to call it, because it's a two-seater, is really a big car - almost as long as Mr. Stirly's Freelander and it has a 2000cc engine and it's a heavy car so driving around town as I do, it really sucks up the gas. It's not too bad on the highway if you stick to around 100 km an hour but in town and in traffic it's a real gas guzzler. I just found a picture of "Beba", who loves her petrol cocktails so much she just sucks them right up.:H

                                I've thought of selling it but there are two things stopping me. One is that both Mr. Stirly and I really enjoy driving the car. It is simply a pleasure to drive. And because car prices have dropped so much, I wouldn't get enough money out of it to make it worth selling it, so for now, we're keeping it.
                                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

